
listen to the pronunciation of platform
Englisch - Türkisch
{i} platform
yüksekçe yer
yer platform
(Askeri) set

Tom treni tam perondan ayrılıyorken istasyona geldi. - Tom arrived at the train station just as his train was pulling away from the platform.

Az sonra Boston trenine binmek zorunda olacağının farkında olan Tom, peronda Meryem'e tutkuyla sarıldı. - Tom, aware that he would soon have to board the train to Boston, had passionately clung to Mary on the station platform.

(saylavdan önce) parti bağdarlaması
{i} plato
{i} sahanlık

Sahanlıkta sadece bir kişi daha vardı. - There was only one other person on the platform.

{i} peron. 4
{i} tartışma ortamı
{i} kürsü: The speaker used a crate as his platform. Konuşmacı kürsü olarak bir sandık kullandı
{i} düzlük
platform car açık yük vagonu
tramvay sahanlığı
{i} taraça
bir siyasi partinin resmen kabul ettiği prensipler
{i} parti programı
{i} apartman topuk
{i} yayla
{i} podyum
(Askeri) PLATFORM; DÖŞEME: Silaha ait işleri görürken mürettebatın üzerinde durduğu madeni döşeme
{i} rampa
(Askeri) seki
(Arkeoloji) düz set
platform scales
platform bed
yüksek yatak
Platform Container
Palet Konteyner.Sadece tavanı olan konteyner
Platform as a Service
(Bilgisayar) Bir Cloud Computing hizmetidir. Eğer bir yazılım geliştirmek istiyorsanız bunun için bir takım gereksinimlere ihtiyacınız var demektir. Bu ihtiyaçlar temel olarak bu uygulamalar için bir veri alanının temin edilmesi, bu alanın sürekli erişilebilir olmasınının sağlanması, olası performans sorunlarınının çözülmesi, bu ortamın lisanslanmsı vb dir. Bu tür işletme ihtiyaçları ile uğraşmak istemiyorsanız bu durumda size sunulan hazır platformaları kullanabilirsiniz. Windows Azure veya Google Apps bu konudaki örnek servislerdir
platform balance
platform container
Üstü açık tıp konteyner
platform dive
platform dalış
platform game
platform oyunu
platform independence
platform lorry
platform kamyon
platform shoes
Apartman topuk ayakkabı, yüksek topuklu ayakkabı
platform assistant
(Ticaret) platform asistanı
platform balance
platform baskül
platform body
(Otomotiv,Teknik) platform gövdesi
platform car
açık vagon
platform car
açık yük vagonu
platform catch
platform mandalı
platform crane
platform vinci
platform drop
(Askeri) PLATFORM İNDİRME: Taşıyıcı kuşaklar ile uçağa geriden yüklenen, yüklü platformların havadan indirilmesi. Bak. "airdrop", "airdrop platform"
platform drop
(Askeri) platform indirme
platform floor
platform tabanı
platform hoist
tablalı yükseltici
platform lift
platform kaldırıcısı
platform preview
Ortam Ön izlemesi
platform quay
platform rıhtım
platform scale
platform scale
(Askeri) PLATFORM KANTAR: Üstüne konulan madde veya bindirilen araçları tartan döşeme şeklinde kantar
platform shoes
apartman topuklu ayakkabılar
platform sole
apartman topuk
platform ticket
peron bileti
platform truck
(Askeri) PLATFORM KAMYON: İkmal maddeleri taşımak üzere yapılmış, dolma veya hava lastikli, kendi takati ile hareket eden araç. Vinçli platform kamyon (lift platform truck), aynı zamanda, ikmal maddelerini istif de edebilir
aerial platform
(Askeri) hava platformu
drilling platform
sondaj kulesi
lifting platform
(İnşaat) kaldırma platformu
trading platform
(Politika, Siyaset) işlem platformu
charging platform
doldurma platformu
drilling platform
petrol sondaj kulesi
drilling platform
petrol sondaj platformu
low platform trailer
alçak platformlu römork
political platform
siyasi platform
space platform
uzay platformu
tipping platform
devirme platformu
tipping platform
basküllü platform
weapons platform
silah platformu
concrete platform structure
beton platform yapısı
cross platform
(Bilgisayar) Birden fazla işletim sisteminde çalışabilen
diving platform
dalış platformu
gun platform
(Askeri) Karada veya gemide topların yerleştirildiği platform
java 2 platform, enterprise edition
java 2 platform, kurumsal baskı
mount the platform
platform monte
take off platform
platform kalkış
weighing platform
where is platform number 2
numaralı platform nerede 2
abrasion platform
(Askeri) dalga aşındırma düzlüğü
aerial ladder platform
hava merdiveni platformu
aerial platform
(Askeri) HAVA PLATFORMU: Arz sathı yukarısında, havada, kendi gücüyle seyrüsefere muktedir olan ve ağırlık taşıyabilen herhangi bir araç
air delivery platform
(Askeri) HAVADAN ATMA PLATFORMU: Havadan bırakılacak döküm ikmal maddelerini ve ağır teçhizatı koymak için hazırlanmış madeni veya ağaç kızak
amphibious assault ship; landing platform helicopter
(Askeri) amfibi taarruz gemisi; helikopter iniş platformu
amplifier; analysis of mobility platform
(Askeri) yükselteç; hareket yeteneği platform analizi
boarding platform
biniş platformu
carry onto international platform
uluslararası platforma taşımak
chimney platform
(İnşaat) baca kürsüsü
dutch platform
(İnşaat) hollanda platformu
elevator car platform
asansör holü
erection platform
montaj platformu
forklift with working platform
makaslı kaldırma platformu
gun pointer's platform
(Askeri) YAN NİŞANCI BASAMAĞI: Büyük toplarda, yan nişancının duracağı platform
handling platform
yükleme-boşaltma platformu
hover platform
(Havacılık) hava yastıklığı platform
launching platform
launching platform
fırlatma rampası
lift platform truck
(Askeri) VİNÇLİ PLATFORM KAMYON: Bak. "platform truck". LIGHT AMPLIFICATION BY STIMULATED EMISSION OF RADIATION (LASER): UYARILMIŞ IŞIMA YAYIMIYLA IŞIK YÜKSELTMESİ (HV.): Mütecanis ışıklı bir pals meydana getirmek için kullanılan cihaz. Adi ışık mütecanis (uygun) değildir; yani, hiçbir anlamı olmayan gelişigüzel hüzmeler yayar. Lazer cihazı, mütecanis bir ışık kaynağı vazifesi görür, çünkü enerjisini ışıktan alır, sonra bu ışığı başka bir frekans üzerinden yayar. Sentetik bir yakıt kırmızısının etrafına spiral bir gaz boşaltma tüpü geçirilmiştir; bu yakut kırmızısı ışıktan enerji aldığı zaman ayarlı bir kavite rezonatörü gibi çalışır. Yayınlanan ışık son derece dar (1 angstromdan az) bir band şeklindedir ve bir fotoelektrik flaşı gibi palslar verir
loading platform
(Askeri) YÜKLEME RAMPASI: Ambar vesair binaların ön tarafında bulunan, eşyanın vagon ve kamyonlara yükletilmesinde faydalanılan platform
(Bilgisayar) yerel ayarlar/platform
marine platform
deniz düzlüğü
marine platform
deniz platformu
military platform
(Askeri) ASKERİ PLATFORM: Askeri trenler için, genel olarak en az 300 metre (1000 fit) uzunluğunda, yandan yükleme yapan bir platform
military platform
(Askeri) askeri platform
moving platform
hareket eden platform
moving platform
hareketli platform
perforated steel planking; power support platform
(Askeri) güçlendirilmiş çelik kaplama; güç destek platformu
power projection platform; primary patch panel; priority placement program
(Askeri) güç koruma platformu; esas bağlantı panosu; öncelik belirleme programı
routing switch platform
(Bilgisayar) yönlendirme anahtar platformu
shared platform
ortak platform
shore platform
(Askeri) kıyı platformu
space platform
(Askeri) UZAY PLATFORMU: Uzayda üzerinde yaşanabilir bir üs olarak imali düşünülen, hem bilimsel hem askeri maksatlara elverişli büyük bir uydu. Halen teklif edilen uzay platformlarında barınma tesisleri, personel ve eşyayı diğer uzay araçlarına veya bu araçlardan platforma aktarma vasıtaları, bilimsel aletler, silah sistemleri, kontrollü atmosfer ve muhabere tesisleri bulunacaktır
stabilized platform
(Askeri) DENGELİ PLATFORM: Tam atalet güdüm sisteminin, üç ivme ölçme aletini, tesirsiz sahaya (inertial space) nazaran, sabit vaziyette tutan komple yalpa çerçevelerinden (gimbal frames) ibaret ana parçası. İvme ölçme aletleri, üç referans ekseni üzerindeki ivmeleri ölçmek üzere birbirine dikey vaziyette monte edilmişlerdir. Bu ivmeler, uzayda ani hız ve mevki tayin edecek bir kompütere de verilebilir
strategic distribution platform
(Askeri) stratejik dağıtım platformu
submersible platform
(Askeri) yarı batık platform
subway platform
metro peronu
swimming platform
(Askeri) yüzme platformu
trusted platform module
(Bilgisayar) güvenli platform modülü
weapon platform
(Askeri) silah sehpaları
weapon platform
(Askeri) kundak ve kundak kolları
where is platform number 1
1 numaralı platform nerede
Türkisch - Türkisch
Yüksekçe yer
Bir siyaset programında, dayanılan düşünce veya düşüncelerin tümü
Büyük çaplı tabakaların çarpılması ve bunun sonucunda oluşan hafif eğimlerle nitelenen jeolojik yapı tipi
Englisch - Englisch
A raised stage from which speeches are made and on which musical and other performances are made
A political stance on a broad set of issues, which are called planks
To furnish with or shape into a platform
A raised structure from which passengers can enter or leave a train, metro etc
A high shoe type with an extra layer between the inner- and outer soles
To include in a political platform
A set of components shared by several vehicle models
A particular type of operating system or environment such as a database or other specific software, and/or a particular type of computer or microprocessor, used to describe a particular environment for running other software, or for defining a specific software or hardware environment for discussion purposes

That program runs on an X-Window-System platform.

{n} an horizontal plain, level, flat roof, a system of church disciplin
If someone has a platform, they have an opportunity to tell people what they think or want. The demonstration provided a platform for a broad cross section of speakers. Columbus Platform Pittsburgh Platform platform tennis wave cut platform abrasion platform
The type of computer operating system being used The word "platform" is also used to describe a collection of disparate programs, programs and operating systems, or hardware and software configurations
A platform is a flat, raised structure, usually made of wood, which people stand on when they make speeches or give a performance. Nick finished what he was saying and jumped down from the platform
A combination of hardware and system software Some OLAP vendors also refer to their products as ‘application platforms’, meaning that they can be used to build custom or standard applications
a raised horizontal surface; "the speaker mounted the platform"
may refer to the generic computer hardware type - often by the name of the microprocessor chip maker e g Intel Can also be used to refer to the operating system software e g Windows, Unix, VMS
An operating system, sometimes on a specific computer The most common platforms are DOS, Windows, both of which run on IBM computers, Mac, and Unix The last is the least common of the four Software generally runs on only a limited set of platforms
any military structure or vehicle bearing weapons the combination of a particular computer and a particular operating system a document stating the aims and principles of a political party; "their candidate simply ignored the party platform"; "they won the election even though they offered no positive program
To place on a platform
To form a plan of; to model; to lay out
any military structure or vehicle bearing weapons
Shorthand for the combination of hardware and operating system you use eg the "NT platform" is a PC running the Microsoft Windows NT operating system, the "PPC platform" is a Macintosh computer with a PowerPC processor running the Mac OS operating system
Refers to the hardware and software that makes a computer function The most common platform for desktop computers on Capitol Hill, for example, is PC computers running Windows 95, 98, 2000, or NT This term is also often used to refer only to the operating system of a computer -- the software that "drives" it -- which is usually Windows, Macintosh, or Unix Back to top
A platform is a flat raised structure or area, usually one which something can stand on or land on. They found a spot on a rocky platform where they could pitch their tents
The operating system used to access the internet Windows 98 and 95 are the most popular, but when you're designing your website, that doesn't mean you can ignore Macintosh, Sun, or Linux computers, which are used by significant portions of the internet community (unless your site's content is just for users of one particular platform, like "Windows 98 Annoyances")
Roughly speaking, a platform represents a computer's family It is defined by both the processor type on the hardware side and the OS type on the software side Computers belonging to different platforms cannot typically run each other's programs (unless the programs are written in a language like Java)
The type of computer or operating system on which a software application runs For example, some common platforms are PC, Macintosh, Unix, and NeXT
A set of technology, which acts as a foundation for real-world applications, or higher-level platforms Symbian OS includes C++ APIs, a leading Java implementation, an application suite and integration with wireless and other communications protocols API, C++, Symbian OS, Java
a raised horizontal surface; "the speaker mounted the platform" any military structure or vehicle bearing weapons the combination of a particular computer and a particular operating system a document stating the aims and principles of a political party; "their candidate simply ignored the party platform"; "they won the election even though they offered no positive program
A combination of hardware and system software forming the basis for a computer system Examples include Macintosh, PC, NT, and UNIX The term "cross-platform" refers to programs and formats that can be used on more than one platform
The type of computer or operating system on which a software application runs For example, some common platforms are PC, Macintosh, and UNIX
(n ) The basic hardware or software for a system A hardware platform might be a PC, Macintosh, or SPARCTM system Software platforms include Windows, JavaTM, and UNIX® Because of the variations on UNIX, always refer to the SolarisTM UNIX platform
Generic term for type of computer environment, computer system, or operating system Macintosh, IBM-compatible PCs, and UNIX machines are examples of hardware platforms Operating system software such as DOS and Windows are also referred to as platforms
A light deck, usually placed in a section of the hold or over the floor of the magazine
A plat; a plan; a sketch; a model; a pattern
the combination of a particular computer and a particular operating system
A raised structure from which passengers can enter or leave a train
A computer operating system such as Sun, Unix, Windows, or Macintosh
Generally used to describe a computer's architecture and/or operating system HTML is said to be a "cross-platform" language because it is the same for DOS/Windows, Apple and UNIX
Any flat or horizontal surface; especially, one that is raised above some particular level, as a framework of timber or boards horizontally joined so as to form a roof, or a raised floor, or portion of a floor; a landing; a dais; a stage, for speakers, performers, or workmen; a standing place
{i} raised area in a train station from which passengers board the train; basic principles of a political party; podium, pulpit; flat surface that is raised above the surrounding area
The underlying technological environment or "architecture" of different media systems on top of which suppliers and customers develop services and applications In a simple hardware-based usage of the term, the personal computer, television, and telephone are all examples of platforms The term is also used to refer to underlying software or network configurations In this sense, for example, Microsoft's Windows 95 and other personal computer operating systems are platforms, as is the Netscape Web browser software
A platform is a structure built for people to work and live on when drilling for oil or gas at sea, or when extracting it
The operating system (i e Windows 95 Windows NT etc ) used by a visitor to the site
A raised stage from which speeches are made and songs are sung
noun The specific brand of computer and/or operating system, i e Amiga, Apple IIe, IBM PC, Macintosh, UNIX
A place laid out after a model
Usually refers to an operating system, such as Windows and the Mac OS, that other software programs can be run on top of by providing a support (or platform) for it Computer programs built to run on one platform will not run on another unless it is rewritten for that other platform
The platform of a political party is what they say they will do if they are elected. a platform of political and economic reforms = programme
Refers to the underlying combination of hardware and software for a system; usually used as a shorthand to refer to a computer's operating system (Examples would be Macintosh OS9, Windows 98, Windows ME, etc For more about Macintosh and PC's and operating systems as they relate to your online learning, read Module 3, Navigating the Technology )
A declaration of the principles upon which a person, a sect, or a party proposes to stand; a declared policy or system; as, the Saybrook platform; a political platform
A platform in a railway station is the area beside the rails where you wait for or get off a train. The train was about to leave and I was not even on the platform
The name of the operating system and/or hardware used to make the request This is derived from the agent string and suffers some of the same "lying" issues that it does (see agent, above) Summary decodes the most common platforms based on internal rules which work with the vast majority of requests
A platform is particular computer configuration It includes the operating system and other specific components(CPU, etc) Example platforms include Irix, Linux, Windows, etc
Used also figuratively
a woman's shoe with a very high thick sole
The sum of a computer's operating system, hardware architecture and software It defines the applications that can be run on the computer
Platforms are an important component of the gun emplacement In addition to providing a level surface to fire a gun, a platform prevents the gun from sinking or recoiling into the ground Platforms are constructed of wood, joists are set into the ground and then wooden planking put down to create a floor In order to reduce the recoil force exerted on the gun carriage, the platforms are usually raised in the back This slowed the recoil and aided in returning the gun to firing position Mortar platforms were constructed in the same fashion but they were level, not raised in the rear The platform for 32-pound gun on a marine carriage was 15 to 18 ft long (Pousson: 1996)
a document stating the aims and principles of a political party; "their candidate simply ignored the party platform"; "they won the election even though they offered no positive program"
platform game
A video game of the genre characterized by jumping to and from suspended platforms or over obstacles
platform games
plural form of platform game
platform shoe
A type of footwear with very thick soles and heels to make the wearer appear much taller than they actually are
platform shoes
plural form of platform shoe
Platform as a Service
Platform as a service (PaaS) is a category of cloud computing services that provide a computing platform and a solution stack as a service
platform bed
A bed consisting of a mattress on a solid platform raised off the floor by legs or framing, with the floor space beneath the platform used for living space or storage
platform bed
a bed without springs
platform burial
practice of placing a person's corps on an above-ground structure
platform game
a computer game in which the action happens against a background that does not move
platform implementation
putting a political platform into practice
platform independence
ability to work with all hardware
platform rocker
rocking chair on a stationary base
platform scale
An industrial weighing instrument consisting of a platform coupled to an automatic system of levers and adjustable weights, used to weigh large or heavy objects
platform shoes
shoes with very thick soles
platform tennis
A variation of tennis played with paddles and a rubber ball on a raised wooden floor that is fenced with a wire screen, in which balls that have landed once inbounds and then struck and rebounded off the screen remain in play. Variation of paddle tennis, played on a platform enclosed by a wire fence. It was devised in 1928 in Scarsdale, N.Y., U.S. The short-handled oval paddles are made of perforated plywood; the balls are made of sponge rubber. The rules are the same as for tennis, except that balls may be played off back or side walls after first striking inside the court
abrasion platform
A sloping or nearly flat bedrock surface extending out from the foot of a marine cliff under shallow water of a breaker (wave) zone
bay platform
A platform that can be accessed from only one end; a dead-end platform
Of software, etc., designed to work on various operating systems
cross-platform application development
Development of applications that work on various operating systems
cross-platform application management
Management of applications across various operating systems
oil platform
A large structure used to house workers and machinery needed to drill and then produce oil and natural gas in the ocean
The video game activity of jumping from one platform to another

This game has a lot of platforming.

Present participle of platform
plural form of platform
platform shoes
(Bilgisayar) Able to be used on different types of computers or with different software packages
Brand Platform
(Reklam) The Brand Platform consists of the following elements: Brand Vision The brand's guiding insight into its world. Brand Mission How the brand will act on its insight. Brand Values The code by which the brand lives. The brand values act as a benchmark to measure behaviors and performance. Brand Personality The brand's personality traits (See also definition for Brand Personality). Brand Tone of Voice How the brand speaks to its audiences
Columbus Platform
In Reform Judaism, a declaration issued by a conference of U.S. Reform rabbis meeting in Columbus, Ohio, in 1937. It supported the use of traditional ceremonies and Hebrew in the liturgy and reemphasized the idea of the Jewish people, a dramatic revision of the Reform principles stated in the Pittsburgh Platform (1885)
Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition
{i} J2EE, Java platform designed for the mainframe-scale computing of large enterprises
Pittsburgh Platform
Manifesto of Reform Judaism, drawn up in 1885 by a conference of rabbis chaired by Isaac Mayer Wise in Pittsburgh, Pa. It declared that Judaism taught the highest conception of God, but it recognized the efforts of other religions to grasp the truth. The Bible was understood as the primary instrument of moral and religious instruction even though it reflected the primitive ideas of the time of its composition. It rejected the Mosaic and rabbinic laws regulating diet and dress, accepting only those laws that elevate the spirit. The Pittsburgh Platform looked forward to the messianic kingdom and accepted the immortality of the soul but not resurrection of the body. It advocated social justice and universal moral reform and maintained that Judaism was an evolving religion. It remained the official philosophy of the U.S. Reform movement until 1937, when the Columbus Platform moved Reform Judaism back to a more traditional position
cross platform
This is best described as a standard that a computer system can be developed Operating systems such as Windows and DOS are examples of platforms that work on the PC platform only Likewise, MacOS can only be run on an apple Mac computer When you have a "Cross Platform" you are referring to hardware or software that can be used on BOTH PC's and Macintosh computers
cross platform
A software application that can run under more than one operating system
cross platform
Different computing systems being able to share data
cross platform
If an application is cross platform it means it will run on computers irrespective of the operating system Usually cross platform usually refers to the two main operating systems for PCs: Windows and Apple Mac
cross platform computing
use of a variety of computer architectures in one work environment
Refers to software (or anything else) that will work on more than one platfor (type of computer)
A computer program with versions for more that one operating system, such as UNIX, Macintosh, and Windows Can also refer to applications, such as those created in Java, that run across multiple, incompatible computer systems with little or no modification
– Works on any platform (MAC or PC) The Internet is cross-platform
The capability of software or hardware to run identically on different platforms Many applications for Windows and Macintosh, for example, now produce binary-compatible files, which means that users can switch from one platform to another without converting the data to a new format
Refers to software (or anything else) that will work on more that one platform (type of computer)
programs that work on all major computer platforms (such as Macintosh and IBM-compatible); the Internet is cross-platform
software enables you to share information between computers running different operating systems, such as a Macintosh and Windows workstations
usable or able to communicate between multiple operating systems The term "cross-platform" generally refers to network communications, such as between a Mac and a PC
Able to run on more than one platform without having to be rewritten for each platform
The ability of a document, file or program to be executed or observed from more than one operating system Typically platforms include "Mac" (Apple Macintosh), PC (IBM compatible), and UNIX (a common system used by many Internet service providers) Virtually all Internet web pages and documents and all e-mail is cross-platform, meaning you don't need a particular machine to view it But web page creation is almost always done using platform specific software even though the output is cross platform capable
A software product that works on more than one operating system, such as a product that works on both Microsoft Windows and Apple Macintosh computers Nearly all Macromedia software products work on both Windows and Macintosh computers
Allow you to access web information equally well from any computer hardware running any Operating System
Pertaining to heterogeneous computing environments For example, a cross-platform application is one that has a single code base for multiple operating systems
Platform is a general term for operating systems If a computer running on a UNIX platform is in communication with a computer running on a DOS platform, this is called a cross-platform environment
Software or hardware which functions identically with different computer operating systems e g A Microsoft Word file can be used on both Macintosh and Windows systems See also: cross-platform (Webopedia)
Technically, a software application that can run under more more than one operating system In practice, companies often write slightly different versions of a program for different operating systems (e g , Excel for Windows and Excel for Macintosh) so that the files created by the application can be opened in the other environment
The ability for software or hardware to perform the same on different machines Cross-platform may include applications, formats, or devices that operate the same when used in different environments (for example, Unix, DOS, Windows or Macintosh)
usable on different types of computers; for multimedia, this usually means Macintosh and PCs running Microsoft Windows
means that you can access Web information equally well from any computer hardware running any operating system using and display
Software (or hardware) that will work on more then one type of computer
If software or hardware is cross-platform, it means the same software works on all "platforms," or types of computers The Internet and Netscape are cross-platform, which is one of the things that made the World Wide Web so accessible and powerful-a developer does not have to make one version of ech web site for Mac, Windows, dos, Unix, etc One version for all!
draw up a party platform
write out a formal plan of action for a political party
drilling platform
drilling rig consisting of an offshore platform (floating or fixed to the sea bed) from which many oil wells can be bored radially
drilling platform
a large structure in the sea used for drilling for oil, gas etc
implement the platform
put principles into practice
inertial platform
The sensing devices used in inertial guidance and the platform on which they are mounted
magazine platform
base that holds bullets in place inside the magazine
oil platform
An oil platform is a structure that is used when getting oil from the ground under the sea
party platform
policies of a political party, program of a political party
{s} having a raised flat surface, having an elevated floor
A combination hardware and software architecture, such as Unix, Macintosh, or Windows NT
A satellite that can carry instruments See bus The same term is applied to automatic weather data transmitters installed on buoys, balloons, ships, and planes, and mounted in remote areas
Windows 2000 with IIS 5 0 installed, Windows XP with IIS 5 1 installed, Windows Server 2003 family with IIS 6 0 installed
a woman's shoe with a very high thick sole
plural of platform
{i} platform shoes, shoes with a thick heavy sole and high heel
Computer hardware Some MIDI software will run on one platform (e g , IBM PC's) but not on another (e g , Macintosh)
The areas adjacent to the tracks where passengers wait for their trains
A platform is a hardware and software combination that represents a specific user experience and method of accessing the Internet Common platforms include "Windows NT" (Microsoft Windows NT on a standard Intel-type PC), "Mac PPC" (Macintosh with Power PC processor), Red Hat Linux 6 1 (Linux is a UNIX-like operating system), etc
wave-cut platform
or abrasion platform Gently sloping rock ledge that extends from the high-tide level at a steep cliff base to below the low-tide level. It develops as a result of wave abrasion; beaches protect the shore from abrasion and therefore prevent the formation of platforms. A platform is broadened as waves erode a notch at the base of the sea cliff, causing overhanging rock to fall. As the sea cliffs are attacked, weak rocks are quickly eroded, leaving the more resistant rocks as protrusions