Definition von pixels im Englisch Englisch wörterbuch
Pixels are a method of measurement used in the computer world Your computer screen's resolution is measured in pixels, 832*624, 640*480, etc They are the number of "dots, or pixels, that computer displays horizontally and vertically This allows for a standard to be set, so that a 100*50 picture always comes up as the same relative size, but could vary in absolute size depending on the resolution of your monitor
Acronym for PICture ELements Pixels are the smallest 'un-break-down-able' units of a picture on a monitor's screen When the image is poor you will be conscious of looking at a collection of square dots On the Internet, the standard picture resolution is 72 pixels per inch (imperial measures are used because of the United States' strong influence over the Internet, - the US uses imperial measures) The metric equivalent is 28 8 pixels per centimetre
A unit of picture measurement One pixel is about the size of a period ( ) in 12 point font Web banners and other graphics are measured in pixels A standard banner size would be 468 pixels long and 60 pixels high (468 X 60) Monitor resolution is also measured in pixels Right now, the most popular monitors display 800 pixels wide and 600 pixels high (800 X 600)
are picture elements the tiny squares that make up everything you see on a computer screen
are dots or squares on a computer or television screen that combine to form an image Computer images are created as an array of pixels, each having a specific color
(Basic image elements) The individual dots that are used to display an image on a computer monitor
The small units that sub-divide space to make up a raster surface They are usually small grid squares
Picture elements that are the building blocks for raster images (Images consisting of dots)
Pixels are generated by video monitors or some specialized recorders They are spots with varying levels of energy They can be 1% dark or at some percentage of gray Therefore Red Green and Blue Pixels can be combined at varying levels to display pictures to top
The smallest picture element in a two-dimensional detector Modern astronomical detectors often contain several million pixels, each of which can individually record incoming light
These are "picture elements," or little squares of color that come together to form shapes and images on a liquid crystal display (LCD) The more pixels per square inch, the sharper and more detailed picture you see
Short for 'picture elements', the minute, coloured dots used to store images The greater the number of pixels, the better the resolution (see below)
an abbreviated form of picture element; represents the smallest display unit on a computer screen Each pixel is defined by its screen coordinates and specific color or intensity level The monitor setting of 640x480 contains 307200 unique pixels or the equivalent of 640 multiplied by 480
A pixel is the smallest area on a computer screen which can be given a separate colour by the computer. the smallest unit of an image on a computer screen (pix + element). in full picture element Smallest resolved unit of a video image that has specific luminescence and colour. Its proportions are determined by the number of lines making up the scanning raster (the pattern of dots that form the image) and the resolution along each line. In the most common form of computer graphics, the thousands of tiny pixels that make up an individual image are projected onto a display screen as illuminated dots that from a distance appear as a continuous image. An electron beam creates the grid of pixels by tracing each horizontal line from left to right, one pixel at a time, from the top line to the bottom line. A pixel may also be the smallest element of a light-sensitive device, such as cameras that use charge-coupled devices (see CCD)
The basic logical unit of programmable color on a computer display or in a computer image The physical size of a pixel depends on the resolution of the display screen
Short for picture element; the smallest unit that makes up an image Each pixel can represent a number of different shades or colours, depending on how much storage space is allocated for it Also used in measuring image size and resolution
An abbreviation of the term 'picture element ' A pixel is the smallest picture element of a digital image Like the fibers of a fabric, individual pixels are too small to notice, but together they make up the whole
The picture elements that make up an image, similar to grains in a photograph or dots in a halftone Each pixel can represent a number of different shades or colors, depending upon how much storage space is allocated for it Raster the grid pattern applied when an image is scanned
Also called pel or picture element The smallest graphic unit that can be displayed on the screen, usually a single-colored dot Pel is abbreviated from picture element
Often referred to as dot, as in "dots per inch" "Pixel" is short for picture elements, which make up an image, similar to grains in a photograph or dots in a half-tone Each pixel can represent a number of different shades or colors, depending on how much storage space is allocated for it Pixels per inch (ppi) is sometimes the preferred term, as it more accurately describes the digital image
Contraction of picture element The smallest element that display software can use to create text or graphics A display resolution described as being 640x480 has 640 pixels across the screen and 480 down the screen, for a total of 307,200 pixels The higher the number or pixels, the higher the screen resolution A monochrome pixel can ahve two values, black or white, and this can be represented by one bit as either zero or one At the other end of the scale, true color capable fo displaying approximately 16 7 million colors, requires 24 bits of information for each pixel
Contraction for Picture Element The smallest unit that can be displayed on a monitor The smaller the pixels, the higher the resolution All images are composed of pixels See resolution
(computer science) the smallest discrete component of an image or picture on a CRT screen (usually a colored dot); "the greater the number of pixels per inch the greater the resolution