(Askeri) PITOT BORUSU: Açık ucu hava akımı istikametine yöneltilmiş, silindir şeklinde, içi boş boru. Bu boru, özellikle hava hızı göstergelerinde uçuş (çarpma) basıncını ölçmeye yarar
Englisch - Englisch
Definition von pitot im Englisch Englisch wörterbuch
(Havacılık) (also pitot tube) A device for measuring the speed of flow of a fluid, consisting of or containing an open-ended right-angled tube pointing in opposition to the flow
An L-shaped, open tube, one end connected to a pressure measuring device, the other end placed in a flow with the opening facing the wind Can be used to measure the total pressure of a flow (stagnation pressure) In conjunction with a static pressure measurement the flow velocity can be calculated, if the density of the fluid is known A device, which combines both pressure measurements is a pitot-static tube (at least in Germany also called a Prandtl-tube)
(Pronounced pee-toe After Henri Pitot, 1695-1771, French scientist ) An open-ended tube or tube arrangement which, when immersed in a moving fluid with its mouth pointed upstream, may be used to measure the stagnation pressure of the fluid for subsonic flow; or the stagnation pressure behind the tube's normal shock wave for supersonic flow
A device consisting of two small, concentric tubes, one inside the other, that can be inserted into a pipe carrying fluids to measure the flow of liquid or gas in the pipe The tubes are so arranged that one is affected by the total pressure (velocity head + static pressure head) of the fluid and the other by the static pressure existing in the pipe The outlet ends of the tubes are connected to either side of a manometer tube and the difference in pressure so measured is a function of the velocity of the fluid flowing in the pipe ahead of the tube
Instrument for measuring the velocity (speed) of a flowing fluid. Invented by Henri Pitot (1695-1771), it consists of a tube with a short, right-angled bend, which is placed vertically in a moving fluid with the mouth of the bent part directed upstream; the pressure, measured with an attached device, depends on the fluid flow and can be used to calculate the velocity. Pitot tubes are used to measure airspeed in wind tunnels and aboard aircraft in flight; they are also used to measure the flow of liquids (see flow meter)
An instrument for measuring the relative speed of a fluid It consists of a concentric pipe arrangement in which the inner pipe is open at one end and the outer pipe is perforated and closed at both ends Each pipe is connected to a manometer The unit is operated with the open end pointing upstream, so that the inner pipe measures the total pressure and the outer pipe measures the static pressure The difference between these pressures, the dynamic pressure, is proportional to the square of the fluid speed