
listen to the pronunciation of pir
Türkisch - Englisch
master, spiritual guide; leader of a group of dervishes; founder of a dervish order
thoroughly, completely: Dövdü ama pir dövdü. He gave him one heck of a beating!
master; someone who has great knowledge and experience (in a certain field)
patron saint, founder of an order
founder of an order

Taoism was founded on the teachings of Laozi, a sage born in 604 B.C. in present-day Henan Province. - Taoizm bugünkü Henan ilinde M.Ö. 604'te doğmuş bir pir olan Laozi'nin öğretileri üzerine kurulmuştur.

pir aşkına/yoluna just
for love, without asking or expecting anything in return
pir ol! May you live long!
(said jocularly)
pir yoluna gitmek
to perish in vain; to be destroyed for nothing, be wasted completely
Englisch - Englisch
A range of frequencies lower than visible red light used for covert surveillance or as low cost wireless video link
Successor to the founder of a Sufi (q v ) order or of a local subdivision of an order; in the Sufi tradition, a religious man considered to have mystic powers
precision instrument runway
PIR (Protein Information Resource) is a protein database whose entries for yeast proteins are incorporated into SGD On a Locus page, the PIR link can be found under the "External Links category" and it connects directly to the PIR entry for the gene The entry includes the amino acid sequence for the protein encoded by the gene The PIR database has three sites, PIR-DE based in Germany, PIR-JP based in Japan, and PIR-US in the United States
Stands for Passive Infrared This technology is used in motion sensors to detect movement The devices are passive because, unlike a TV remote, they do not generate any infrared light - they only detect it Infrared light can be generated by heat, so motion sensors with PIR can detect the heat produced by people and warm-blooded animals
The Protein Information Resource (PIR), in collaboration with MIPS and JIPID, produces the PIR-International Protein Sequence Database (PIR-PSD), a comprehensive, non-redundant, expertly annotated, fully classified and extensively cross-referenced protein sequence database
priority intelligence requirements
The peak level in bits per second allowed for a frame relay connection
Politics & International Relations
Routing approach developed by CrossComm Corp that brings Layer 3 routing functionality to Layer 2 protocols by leveraging tables of MAC addresses
Performance Information Report
Passive Infra Red movment detector
priority intelligence report
Priority Information Requirement
A database of translated GenBank nucleotide sequences PIR is a redundant (see Redundancy) protein sequence database The database is divided into four categories: PIR1 - Classified and annotated PIR2 - Annotated PIR3 - Unverified PIR4 - Unencoded or untranslated
PIR is a protein database whose entries for yeast proteins are incorporated into SGD On a Locus page, the PIR link is provided at the "PIR" tag, and it connects directly to the PIR entry for the gene The entry includes the amino acid sequence for the protein encoded by the gene The PIR database has three sites, PIR-DE based in Germany, PIR-JP based in Japan, and PIR-US in the United States
Protein Identification Resource International, a protein database vendor
Türkisch - Türkisch
Bir sanatın ilk kurucusu
Yaşlı, koca, ihtiyar
Yaşlı, koca, ihtiyar kimse: "Ak sakallı pir, bunları söyleyerek sırra kadem basmış."- Y. K. Karaosmanoğlu
Söğüt, kavak, meşe, ardıç vb. ağaçların yeşil yaprakları, sürgünleri
Cevizin yeşil kabuğu veya yaprağı
Herhangi bir konuda, bir meslekte tecrübe kazanmış, eskimiş kimse
Odun dalı
Bir tarikat veya sanatın kurucusu: "Büyük Itri'ye eskiler derler / Bizim öz musikimizin piri."- Y. K. Beyatlı
Herhangi bir konuda, bir meslekte deneyim kazanmış, eskimiş kimse
Adamakıllı, iyice
(Osmanlı Dönemi) yaşlı ihtiyar; reis herhangi bir meslek ve san'atın başlatıcısı
Bir tarikat veya sanatın kurucusu
(Osmanlı Dönemi) Bir tarikatın kurucusu
(Osmanlı Dönemi) Reis
(Osmanlı Dönemi) Herhangi bir meslek ve san'atın başlatıcısı, te'sis edicisi.Kur'an-ı Hakim; enbiyaları, insanın cemaatlerine terakkiyat-ı mâneviye cihetinde birer pişdar ve imam gönderdiği gibi; yine insanların terakkiyat-ı maddiye suretinde dahi o enbiyanın herbirisinin eline bâzı hârikalar verip yine o insanlara birer ustabaşı ve üstad etmiştir. Onlara mutlak olarak ittibaa emrediyor. İşte enbiyaların mânevi kemâlatını bahsetmekle insanları onlardan istifadeye teşv
(Osmanlı Dönemi) İhtiyar ve genç