
listen to the pronunciation of photography
Englisch - Türkisch
{i} fotoğrafçılık

Fotoğrafçılık pahalı bir hobidir. - Photography is an expensive hobby.

Fotoğrafçılık ışık ile yazı yazmaktır. - Photography is writing with light.

(Tıp) Resim çekme, bir objeden gelen ışınların hassas filme yansıtılması ile filminin alınması
(Askeri) ASKERİ FOTOĞRAFÇILIK; ASKERİ HAVA FOTOĞRAFÇILIĞI: Orduda; fotoğraf çekme ve çekilen fotoğrafları, askeri önemdeki bilgilerin elde edilmesi maksadıyla tahlil ve tefsir etme işi. Buna (aerial photography) veya (military aerial photography) de denir. Askeri hava fotoğrafçılığının şu nevileri vardır; Bombardıman fotoğrafçılığı (bombardment photography), istihbarat fotoğrafçılığı (intelligence photography) ve harita fotoğrafçılığı (mapping photography)
(isim) fotoğrafçılık

Fotoğrafçılık ışık ile yazı yazmaktır. - Photography is writing with light.

Fotoğrafçı olmak için fotoğrafçılık dersleri alman gerekir. - You should take photography lessons in order to be a photographer.

aerial photography
hava fotoğrafı
aerial photography
hava fotoğrafcılığı
outdoor photography
doğada fotoğrafçılık
aerial photography
hava fotoğrafçılığı
colour photography
renkli fotoğrafçılık
colour photography
renkli fotoğrafcılık
news photography
haber fotoğrafı
digital photography
dijital fotoğrafçılık
director of photography
(Film) Görüntü Yönetmeni
satellite photography
uydu fotoğrafçılığı
still photography
hala fotoğraf
air cartographic photography
(Askeri) HAVA KARTOGRAFİK FOTOĞRAFÇILIĞI: Haritacılık ve şema çıkarma amaçlarıyla hava fotoğraflarının çekilmesi ve banyo edilmesi
air survey photography
(Askeri) HAVA ARAŞTIRMA FOTOĞRAFÇILIĞI: bkz: "air cartography photography"
air survey/cartographic photography
(Askeri) HAVA ÖLÇME VE KARTOĞRAFİ FOTOĞRAFÇILIĞI: Kara, deniz ve hava haritaları yapmak için hava fotoğrafları çekilmesi ve işlenmesi
artistic photography
sanatsal fotoğrafçılık
back-reflection photography
geri-yansıma fotografisi
beach photography
(Askeri) KIYI FOTOĞRAFÇILIĞI: Deniz, kara ve sahil bölgeleri hakkında bilgi sağlamak amacıyla çeşitli ölçeklerde dikey, kara, periskop ve eğik fotoğraf örtüsü. Kıyıların gözlenmesini sağlayan bölgeyi kapsar ve başlıca kıyının jeolojik ve taktik yönleri ile ilgilidir
beach photography
(Askeri) kıyı fotoğrafçılığı
bombardment photography
(Askeri) BOMBARDIMAN FOTOĞRAFÇILIĞI: Bir bomba salındığı zaman veya bomba paralanmalarının hedefe nazaran mevkiini tayin maksadıyla uçaktan resimlerinin alınması. Ayrıca bakınız: "photography"
camouflage detection photography
(Askeri) KAMUFLAJI TESPİT FOTOĞRAFI: Kamuflajın tespiti amacıyla özel tip bir filmden (genellikle enfraruj) faydalanan fotoğraf. Ayrıca bakınız: "false color film"
color photography
renkli fotoğraf çekme
composite air photography
(Askeri) BİLEŞİK HAVA FOTOĞRAFI: Bir esas mercek ile iki veya daha çok çevre ve eğik merceği bulunan bir makina tarafından çekilmiş hava fotoğrafı. Bu suretle çekilmiş bir çok fotoğraf, baskı sırasında, aynı ölçekteki düşey fotoğraflarla birleştirilecek şekilde düzeltilmekte ve tahvil edilmektedir
composite air photography
(Askeri) bileşik hava fotoğrafı
continuous strip photography
(Askeri) KESİKSİZ RESİM ÇEKME: Bir arazı şeridinin uçuş yolu boyunca kesiksiz fotoğrafının çekilmesi
dicing photography
(Askeri) öne eğimli fotoğraf
dicing photography
(Askeri) yalama fotoğrafı alma
dicing photography
(Askeri) YALAMA FOTOĞRAFI ALMA: Çok alçak irtifadan fotoğraf çekme görevi
documentary photography
(Askeri) DÖKÜMAN FOTOĞRAFÇILIĞI: Belirli bir şeyi veya arazi tafsilatını göstermek için lüzumlu fotoğrafçılık
fan camera photography
(Askeri) YELPAZE KAMERA FOTOĞRAFI: Üç tane kameradan oluşan bu sistem tarafından sabit açılara ayrılarak, görüntüleri detaylı bir şekilde tespit edilerek aynı anda çekilen fotoğraflar
fan photography
(Askeri) YELPAZE FOTOĞRAFI: Yelpaze şeklinde monte edilmiş fotoğraf makinası ile çekilmiş resim
ground photography
(Askeri) KARA FOTOĞRAFÇILIĞI: Yerden fotoğraf alma işi
infrared photography
(Askeri) ENFRARUJ FOTOĞRAFÇILIK: Enfraruja yakın dalga boyuna duyarlı film (enfraruj film) üstüne direkt görüntü kaydını ve optik sistemi kullanan fotoğrafçılık. Not: Enfraruj görüntü ile karıştırılmamalıdır
instrument recording photography
(Askeri) ALET KAYIT FOTOĞRAFI: Alet verilerinin fotoğrafı
intelligence photography
(Askeri) İSTİHBARAT FOTOĞRAFÇILIĞI: Yerdeki faaliyetler ve tesisler hakkında bilgi elde etmek için, hava araçlarından fotoğraf alınması ve bunların tahlil ve tefsiri. Bak. "photography" ve "reconnaissance photography"
long range oblique photography
(Askeri) uzun mesafeli mail fotoğraf
mapping photography
harita fotoğrafçılığı
mapping photography
(Askeri) HARİTA FOTOĞRAFÇILIĞI: Harita yapımı ile görevli hava fotoğrafçılığı. Ayrıca bakınız: "photography"
military aerial photography
(Askeri) ASKERİ HAVA FOTOĞRAFÇILIĞI: Bak. "photography"
no flash photography
flaş kullanmayın
no photography allowed
fotoğraf çekmek yasak
radar scope photography
(Askeri) RADAR SKOP FOTOĞRAFI: Bir radar ekranında çıkan ekoların filme kaydı
reconnaissance photography
(Askeri) keşif fotoğrafçılığı
reconnaissance photography
(Askeri) KEŞİF FOTOĞRAFÇILIĞI: Başlıca; harita, deniz haritası ve mozaik hazırlama amacı hariç diğer nedenlerle çekilen fotoğraf. Bombardıman sonuçları veya düşman hareketleri toplanmaları., faaliyetleri ve kuvvetleri hakkında bilgi toplamak için icra edilir. Ayrıca bak. "intelligence photography" ve "photography"
sonne photography
(Askeri) ŞERİT FOTOĞRAF ALIMI: Devamlı şerit halinde fotoğraf alma. Son derece dar bir diyaframdan geçen ve uçağın süratiyle ayarlanan hareket halindeki bir film üzerine alındığı için, resmi bütün uzunluğu boyunca, kesintisiz olarak gösteren bir arazi şeridinin fotoğrafı. Aralıklı objektif ve diyaframla çift çekildiği takdirde, ortaya çıkan fotoğraf şeridi, stereoskopik şekilde incelenebilir
sonne photography
(Askeri) şerit fotoğraf alımı
spectrozonal photography
(Askeri) SPEKTROZONAL FOTOĞRAFÇILIK: İstenmeyen geri görüntüleri elimine etmek ve cisimleri belli bir spektral band veya bölgede görüntülemek için cisimlerin tabii spektral emisyonlarının görüldüğü bir fotoğraf tekniği
split vertical photography
(Askeri) AYRILMIŞ DİKEY FOTOĞRAF: Küçük kenarlı bir görüntü elde etmek için bir sağa birde sola dikey açıda yerleştirilmiş iki kameradan aynı anda alınan fotoğraflar
strike photography
(Askeri) AKIN FOTOĞRAFLARI: Bir hava akını sırasında çekilen fotoğraflar
survey photography
(Askeri) Bak. "air cartographic photography"
travel photography
seyahat fotoğrafçılığı
trimetrogon photography
(Askeri) TRİMETROGON İLE FOTOĞRAF ÇEKİMİ: Bak. "fan camera photography". TRIM FOR TAKE-OFF FEATURE: KALKIŞ AYARI: Bir uçağın kontrol yüzeyinin, önceden belirlenmiş bir kalkış durumuna göre otomatik olarak ayarlandığı bir uçuş kontrol sistemi özelliği
vertical aerial photography
(Askeri) DÜŞEY HAVA FOTOĞRAFÇILIĞI: Bak "photography"
Englisch - Englisch
The art and technology of producing images on photosensitive surfaces, and its digital counterpart
The occupation of taking (and often printing) photographs
A process by which chemically sensitized surfaces are exposed to light (photo) and retain an image (graph) of what is exposed Methods may be very simple to highly complex Camera are usually used with adjustable lenses (apertures) and controlled light levels on light sensitive film The film is then processed (developed) and the image is "fixed" (made permanent) The image (a negative) is transferred onto treated papers, enlarged and processed with chemicals in a "dark room" to make the photographs (also called prints)
the act of taking and printing photographs
TOP From the Greek the means "painting or writing with light "
Technique of producing permanent images on sensitized surfaces by means of the photochemical action of light or other forms of radiant energy
the process of producing images of objects on photosensitive surfaces
The art or process of producing images by the action of light on surfaces sensitized by chemical processes
Each article must be accompanied by an appropriate photograph and caption Photographs should be colorful, interesting, clear and well composed Click to do activity: Pictures Worth 1,000 Words
Photography is the skill, job, or process of producing photographs. Photography is one of her hobbies. some of the top names in fashion photography. the art, profession, or method of producing photographs or the scenes in films. Method of recording permanent images by the action of light projected by a lens in a camera onto a film or other light-sensitive material. It was developed in the 19th century through the artistic aspirations of two Frenchmen, Nicéphore Niepce and Louis-Jacques-Mandé Daguerre, whose combined discoveries led to the invention of the first commercially successful process, the daguerreotype (1837). In addition, two Englishmen, Thomas Wedgwood and William Henry Fox Talbot, patented the negative-positive calotype process (1839) that became the forerunner of modern photographic technique. Photography was initially used for portraiture and landscapes. In the 1850s and '60s, Mathew B. Brady and Roger Fenton pioneered war photography and photojournalism. From its inception, two views of photography predominated: one approach held that the camera and its resulting images truthfully document the real world, while the other considered the camera simply to be a tool, much like a paintbrush, with which to create artistic statements. The latter notion, known as Pictorialism, held sway from the late 1860s through the first decade of the 20th century, as photographers manipulated their negatives and prints to create hazy, elaborately staged images that resembled paintings. By the 1920s and '30s, a new, more realistic style of photography gained prominence, as photographers such as Paul Strand, Edward Weston, and Ansel Adams began to pursue sharply focused, detailed images. The Great Depression and two world wars inspired many photographers, including Walker Evans and Dorothea Lange, to pursue documentary, often socially conscious photography. Inspired by such work, many photojournalists, including Alfred Eisenstaedt and Margaret Bourke-White, also emerged during this period. In the second half of the 20th century, the urban social scene became a subject of much interest to photographers, as did celebrity portraiture and fashion photography. At the turn of the 21st century, photographers took advantage of digital capabilities by experimenting with enormous formats and new manipulative techniques. As technological advances improve photographic equipment, materials, and techniques, the scope of photography continues to expand enormously. See also digital camera
a term which comes from the Greek words photos (light) and graphos (drawing) A photograph is made with a camera by exposing film to light in order to create a negative The negative is then used in the darkroom to print a photograph (positive) onto light-sensitive paper
The art and technology of producing images on photosensitive surfaces
The process or art of producing images of objects on sensitized surfaces by the chemical action of light or of other forms of radiant energy
Writing with light
{i} art of producing images on film that is sensitive to light or radiation, art of taking pictures
the occupation of taking and printing photographs or making movies the act of taking and printing photographs the process of producing images of objects on photosensitive surfaces
the occupation of taking and printing photographs or making movies
artwork created using a film or digital camera to capture the image
Hisao Shirai
Developed in the second half of the 19th century, this development was very important in astronomy The first pictures of space were taken around 1840, but the methods of photography weren't important in astronomy until about twenty years later But when they were used, they told us things we couldn't see before Photographs of the Moon were used to draw atlases, sunspots were more easily recorded, details of nebulae and stars were found In 1882, Sir David Gill photographed a comet and discovered that the picture showed tons of stars a great way to map the sky
The art or process of producing pictures by this action of light
The science which relates to the action of light on sensitive bodies in the production of pictures, the fixation of images, and the like
aerial photography
The activity or technique of photographing the earth's surface from an aircraft, rocket, etc; such photographs collectively
fan camera photography
Photography taken simultaneously by an assembly of three or more cameras systematically installed at fixed angles relative to each other so as to provide wide lateral coverage with overlapping images. (JP 1-02)
flash photography
Taking photographs using a camera with a flash

Flash photography is forbidden in the main gallery because it may damage the paintings.

glamour photography
Photography intended to glamorise the subject
glamour photography
A form of photography involving the taking of pictures of models which are intended to be erotic without being pornographic
principal photography
The phase of film production during which the film is actually shot, as distinct from pre-production and post-production
schlieren photography
Any of several techniques used to record regions of different refractive index in a fluid; especially used to visualize the flow of air around objects
tri-camera photography
Photography obtained by simultaneous exposure of three cameras systematically disposed in the air vehicle at fixed overlapping angles relative to each other in order to cover a wide field. (JP 1-02)
aerial photography
Photos taken from the air at regular, spatial intervals, and used in photo interpretation to provide much information about forests and landforms
aerial photography
Photos taken from the air at regular, spatial intervals and used in photo interpretation to provide information about forests and landforms
aerial photography
Analog imagery taken from an airplane In this program the optical axis is oriented perpendicular to the earth's surface so that the film is parallel to the surface being photographed (also Vertical Aerial Photography) A sequence of aerial photographs will overlap so the photos can be used in stereoscopic analysis (stereo pairs) The overlap is referred to as 'endlap' (top-to-bottom area in common, same flightline) and 'sidelap' (side-to-side area in common, different flightlines) (Portions from ASP, 1984) Aerial photography used in the program is 9 inch by 9 inch vertical, stereoscopic, color or color infrared photography
aerial photography
The method of taking photographs from an aerial platform (aircraft) 1 Vertical photography, some times called orthophotography, is used for photogrammetric mapping and requires a high degree of accuracy 2 Oblique photography is used for general information, sometimes to verify certain attributes, but does not provide accurate measurements for photogrammetric mapping
aerial photography
The process of taking photographs from a camera mounted in an airplane or balloon The resulting photographs may be classified as vertical or oblique depending on the angle of the camera with respect to the Earth's surface at the time of exposure Aerial photographs are used extensively in cartography to provide detailed geographical information in the production of base maps
aerial photography
The use of high resolution imagery to capture information regarding visible facilities and their locations
aerial photography
Photography from airborne platforms
aerial photography
photos taken from the air at regular, spatial intervals and used in photo interpretation to provide much information about forests and landforms
aerial photography
photographs taken from an aircraft or satellite utilized to interpret environmental conditions and geographic features
aerial photography
aerial photographs utilized to interpret environmental conditions and geographic features
aerial photography
The method of taking photographs from an aerial platform (aircraft) (1 ) Vertical photography, some times called orthophotography, is used for photogrammetric mapping and requires a high degree of accuracy (2 ) Oblique photography is used for general information, sometimes to verify certain attributes, but does not provide accurate measurements for photogrammetric mapping
aerial photography
taking of photographs from the air (from inside a helicopter, airplane, etc.)
aerial photography
Photos taken from the air at regular intervals and used in photo interpretation to provide much information about forests and landforms
aerial photography
The practice of taking photographs from an airplane, helicopter, or other aviation device while it is airborne
aerial photography
The collection of remotely sensed data from a platform flying above the earth's surface, but not in orbit, such as an airplane (both manned and unmanned) or a kite Aerial photography is often used for mapping
aerial photography
The survey and recording method used to locate, detect, survey, and record sites and features by taking a series of photographs from a balloon, aircraft or satellite See LANDSAT Developed by O G S Crawford in the 1920s Valuable for photographing several types of site: standing monuments, earthworks, shadow-marks, crop-marks, and soil-marks Photographs which are taken vertically are more suitable for recording and for drawing maps and plans, whilst those taken obliquely show perspective and give a better visual effect Photographs taken from 2 adjacent points may be viewed stereoscopically for greater effect See Photogrammetry
aerial photography
Photographs of a part of the earth's surface taken by a camera mounted in an aircraft for mapping purposes This usually consists of a series of overlapping vertical photos taken in strips that can form the basis for mapping
aerial photography
Photos taken from the air at regular intervals that are used in photo interpretation to provide much information about forests and landforms
aerial photography
Photography conducted above ground, commonly understood to be picture-taking from an aircraft (Not all AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY is conducted from an aircraft )
air photography
photographing places and things while up in the air (in an aircraft)
amateur photography
photographs taken by non-professionals
art of photography
art of taking photographs, ability to create beautiful photographs with a camera
color photography
taking pictures with color film (as opposed to black and white)
digital photography
a photographic method that stores the image digitally for later reproduction
digital photography
A method of photography in which an image is digitally encoded and stored for later reproduction
director of photography
Also known as the "DP", the "Cameraman" and the "Cinematographer", is the head of the production unit (and second units) and is directly responsible to the Director The DP helps the Director translate the written word to the screen, supervising the operation of the lighting equipment and the camera crews During pre-production, goes over the script with the director and producer and decides which scenes will be dark, light, high angle, low angle, etc and what equipment will be necessary to get the shot
director of photography
A Director of Photography (also known as a DP) is like a Lighting Director and a Camera Operator in one
director of photography
The movie photographer responsible for camera technique and lighting during production Also called cinematographer
director of photography
Supervises all decisions regarding lighting, camera lenses, color and filters, camera angle set-ups, camera crew and film processing
ground photography
photographs taken of land from the ground
high-resolution photography
production of sharp clear images
industrial photography
photographing of industrial products
infrared photography
{i} photography in which infrared sensitive film is used; infrared imaging technology that enables to take images in darkness
medical photography
photography of a patient's body using special methods in order to enable diagnosis of a disease which cannot be detected otherwise
news photography
photography of newsworthy events
pictorial photography
photograph which is a unique work and has artistic value
powder photography
a process for identifying minerals or crystals; a small rod is coated with a powdered form of the substance and subjected to suitably modified X-rays; the pattern of diffracted rings is used for identification
press photography
professional photographer of news events whose work is published in newspapers
scientific photography
taking photographs for scientific purposes
thermal photography
photography that presents a picture that was created the different emission of heat from various parts of an object



    Türkische aussprache



    /fəˈtägrəfē/ /fəˈtɑːɡrəfiː/


    [ f&-'tä-gr&-fE ] (noun.) 1839. From photo- + -graphy , together meaning "drawing with light" or "representation by means of lines", "drawing". From φωτός (photos, “(genitive) of light”), and γράφω (graphō, “I write”).


    ... photography is very labor intensive. ...
    ... photography. ...