persuasion brought to bear by appeals to one's moral sense or ethics

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Englisch - Türkisch

Definition von persuasion brought to bear by appeals to one's moral sense or ethics im Englisch Türkisch wörterbuch

moral suasion
ahlaki razı etme
moral suasion
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Englisch - Englisch
moral suasion

The temperance movement also exacerbated ethnic tensions. Before 1850 this movement had been primarily one of self-denial and moral suasion aimed at persuading the Protestant middle and working classes to cast out demon rum and become sober, hard-working, upward-striving citizens.

persuasion brought to bear by appeals to one's moral sense or ethics


    per·sua·sion brought to Bear by appeals to one's mor·al sense or eth·ics

    Türkische aussprache

    pırsweyjın brôt tı ber bay ıpilz tı wʌnz môrıl sens ır ethîks


    /pərˈswāᴢʜən ˈbrôt tə ˈber ˈbī əˈpēlz tə ˈwənz ˈmôrəl ˈsens ər ˈeᴛʜəks/ /pɜrˈsweɪʒən ˈbrɔːt tə ˈbɛr ˈbaɪ əˈpiːlz tə ˈwʌnz ˈmɔːrəl ˈsɛns ɜr ˈɛθɪks/