persons related neither by blood nor marriage

listen to the pronunciation of persons related neither by blood nor marriage
Englisch - Deutsch
Personen, die miteinander weder verwandt noch verschwägert sind
persons related neither by blood nor marriage


    persons re·la·ted nei·ther by blood nor mar·riage

    Türkische aussprache

    pırsınz rileytıd naydhır bay blʌd nôr merîc


    /ˈpərsənz rēˈlātəd ˈnīᴛʜər ˈbī ˈbləd ˈnôr ˈmerəʤ/ /ˈpɜrsənz riːˈleɪtəd ˈnaɪðɜr ˈbaɪ ˈblʌd ˈnɔːr ˈmɛrɪʤ/