Çinliler cana yakın bir millettir.
- The Chinese are a friendly people.
Tokyo'da her çeşit millet yaşar.
- All sorts of people live in Tokyo.
Alma-Ata halkı, haydi çocuk dostu bir şehir yaratalım!
- People of Almaty, let us create a child-friendly city!
Bazı genç Japon halkı, bekar olmayı evli olmaya tercih ederler.
- Some young Japanese people prefer being single to being married.
Yahudiler Tanrı tarafından seçilmiş bir ulustur.
- Jews are a people chosen by God.
Bir ankete göre, insanların beşte üçü uluslararası konulara ilgisiz.
- According to a survey, three in five people today are indifferent to foreign affairs.
ÇHS'ye göre, 18 yaşından küçük tüm insanlar çocuk olarak kabul edilir.
- According to the CRC, all people under 18 are considered to be children.
Sosyal ağ siteleri, 13 yaşından küçük insanlar için tehlikelidir.
- Social networking sites are dangerous for people under 13.
Yüz elli kişi maraton yarışına girdi.
- One hundred and fifty people entered the marathon race.
Ailemde dört kişi var.
- There are four people in my family.
Dünyada bazı insanlar, açlıktan çeker.
- Some people in the world suffer from hunger.
Dünyada üç tip insan vardır: sayı sayabilenler, ve sayamayanlar.
- There are three different types of people in the world: those who can count, and those who can't.
İnsanları işaret etmek kalabalıktır.
- It is rude to point at people.
Yarış, bir milyona yakın bir kalabalık tarafından izlendi.
- The race was watched by a crowd of nearly a quarter of a million people.
Tom ünlü kişilerin taklitlerini yapar.
- Tom does impersonations of famous people.
Cömertlik bazı kişilerde doğuştandır.
- Generosity is innate in some people.
Bir grup insanın bizimle birlikte su kayağına gideceğini düşünmüştüm. Fakat kesinlikle başka hiç kimse gelmedi.
- I thought a bunch of people would go water skiing with us, but absolutely no one else showed up.
Hiç kimse kaç kişi öldüğünden emin değildi.
- No one is sure how many people died.
Herkesin hukuku bilmesi gerekiyor ama birkaç kişi gerçekten biliyor.
- Everybody is supposed to know the law, but few people really do.
Eğer doğum sancıları insanların dediği kadar acı verseydi, herkesin sadece bir çocuğu olurdu.
- If labor pains would hurt so much as people say, everyone would only have one child!
Bazı insanlar suşiyi elleriyle yerler.
- Some people eat sushi with their hands.
Tanıştığınız insanların ellerine dikkat edin ve onların ne kadar farklı ve ilginç olduklarını gördüğünüze şaşıracaksınız.
- Notice the hands of the people you meet and you will be surprised to see how different and how interesting they are.
We should look for the good in people.
She was elevated to the rank of People's Artist in 1940.
The officers were seemingly not experienced in working with any of the royals, especially Diana, who was after all the people's princess.
He would not be alone, who all things can; / But peopled Heav'n with Angels, Earth with Man.
The ox knows its owner, and the ass its master's crib; but Israel does not know, my people does not understand.
Can I have one of my people get back to your people, Mr. President? She tried to slam the phone back into the base and failed.
My people lived through the Black Plague and the Thirty Years War.
/ As thick and numberless / As the gay motes that people the Sun Beams, /.
people first language, which refers to the person first and the disability second: Americans with disabilities, for example, rather than disabled Americans, letter to the editor of BusinessWeek, published in Issue 3059 (1988).
Colored People's Time,” King said with a grin. “It always takes us longer to get where we're going.”.
What have you, of all people in the world, got to do with it?.
Person B: Oh, some people! They just need to be shot.
That is the type of thing you people would say.
I thought that you, of all people, would believe me!.
... improve, if they’re educated or could get worse if they are warehoused in old people’s ...
... and rebuilding the trust the people's ...