A portion of land nearly surrounded by water and connected with a larger body by an isthmus also : a piece of land jutting out into the water whether with or without a well-defined isthmus
piece of land almost surrounded by water, or extending far out into the water PLAIN a flat stretch of land PLANET a "wanderer" one in nine bodies of orbit around the sun
A peninsula is a long narrow piece of land which sticks out from a larger piece of land and is almost completely surrounded by water. I had walked around the entire peninsula. a piece of land almost completely surrounded by water but joined to a large area of land (paeninsula, from paene + insula ). Indochinese Peninsula Alaska Peninsula Arabian Peninsula Balkan Peninsula Banks Peninsula Bicol Peninsula Boothia Peninsula Delmarva Peninsula Door Peninsula Eyre Peninsula Gaspé Peninsula Gazelle Peninsula Iberian Peninsula Izu Peninsula Kalaupapa Peninsula Kamchatka Peninsula Kathiawar Peninsula Kola Peninsula La Guajira Peninsula Leizhou Peninsula Luichow Peninsula Lei chou Peninsula Liaodong Peninsula Liao tung Peninsula Malay Peninsula Musandam Peninsula Nicoya Peninsula Noto Peninsula Paraguaná Peninsula Scandinavian Peninsula Seward Peninsula Shandong Peninsula Shantung Peninsula Shan tung Peninsula Sharik Peninsula Cape Bon Peninsula Sinai Peninsula Tasman Peninsula Taymyr Peninsula Ungava Peninsula Yamal Peninsula Yorke Peninsula Yucatán Peninsula