(Askeri) mevki tanımı; Başkanın direktifi; hasar ihtimali (nükleer); algılama ihtimali; usül tanımı; program tanımı; program direktifi; program yöneticisi (position description; Presidential directive; probability of damage; probability of detection; procedures description; program definition; program directive; program director)
(Askeri) sürüklenme telafili paralelogram şekli (drift compensated parallelogram pattern)
pd is a written abbreviation for paid. It is written on a bill to indicate that it has been paid. The symbol for the element palladium. paid
Powered Device - A Terminal Device, which has been designed to receive power on the same cable as the data Only one input connector is required PD is the term defined by the IEEE 802 3af committee (See PDTE)
passive defense; Applies to measures initiated to reduce vulnerability and to minimize damage caused by theater missiles TM attacks Passive defense includes TM counter proliferation and deterrence; TM early warning and nuclear, biological, and chemical protection; counter surveillance; deception; camouflage and concealment; hardening; electronic warfare; mobility; dispersal; redundancy; recovery, and reconstitution (FM 6-99 1)
a silver-white metallic element of the platinum group that resembles platinum; occurs in some copper and nickel ores; does not tarnish at ordinary temperatures and is used (alloyed with gold) in jewelry
Project Director; usually refers to the head of a training or service project (as opposed to a research project); has the same responsibilities as a PI
Wave period, the time (in seconds) that it takes for two wave crests to pass a stationary point