Read the passage on page 22, please.
- Sayfa 22 deki pasajı okuyun.
I copied a passage from the book into my notebook.
- Kitaptan bir pasajı defterime kopyaladım.
After 24 hours, the culture was passaged to an agar plate.
At the same moment, Aidan plunged two fingers deep into her passage and broke through her fragile barrier.
Read the passage on page 22, please.
- Sayfa 22 deki pasajı okuyun.
I copied a passage from the book into my notebook.
- Kitaptan bir pasajı defterime kopyaladım.
He read a passage from Shakespeare.
- Shakespeare'den bir pasaj okudu.
I copied a passage from the book into my notebook.
- Kitaptan bir pasajı defterime kopyaladım.