particle board

listen to the pronunciation of particle board
Englisch - Türkisch
yonga levha
(İnşaat) lif levha
(Matbaacılık, Basımcılık) mika
(Matbaacılık, Basımcılık,Teknik) sunta
Yonga levha, sunta levha
Englisch - Englisch
a structural material manufactured from wood particles (such as chips and shavings) by pressing, and binding through resin
Material made in rigid sheets from compressed wood chips and resin and used for furniture and in buildings
Plywood substitute made of course sawdust that is mixed with resin and pressed into sheets Used for closet shelving, floor underlayment, stair treads, etc
Sawdust and resin compressed into sheets that can substitute for plywood in many situations
A scientifically engineered wood that is extremely sound in structural integrity and consistent surface smoothness to allow the application of laminated materials The Alectra cabinetry line from Dura Supreme uses the furniture grade level of this engineered wood material for the cabinetry end panels, tops, bottoms and backs of every cabinet High-Pressure laminate and wood veneer materials are frequently applied to this material back to list
5/8" Particle Board is standard decking material for rivet shelving Shelving can be ordered with or without Particle Board
Def - sheet stock that is composed of wood particles
board made from compressed wood chips and shavings
Sheets of building material made from wood particles bonded together with synthetic resin under heat and pressure
wallboard composed of wood chips or shavings bonded together with resin and compressed into rigid sheets
A wood product made from wood chips bonded with glue under heat and pressure Smooth surface particle board is dense, useful for both furniture and laminate jobs
particle boards
plural form of particle board
Board made by gluing together and compressing thin wood chippings; used for making furniture, shelves, doors, flooring and partition walls
A panel or core material manufactured from pressed sawmill shavings, resin and wax (See image at right )
A term used to describe panel products made from particles of wood larger than fiber
A formed panel consisting of particles of wood flakes, shavings, slivers, etc , bonded together with a synthetic resin or other added binder
A board of bonded wood chips
A composite board or panel made of wood chips bonded with adhesive
A type of manufactured plywood that is made from ground up and glued scrap wood Particle board is very dense, heavy, and flat
{i} board made from compressed wood chips and shavings
A building panel composed of small particles of wood bonded together under pressure
A generic term for a material manufactured from wood particles or other ligno-cellulosic material and a synthetic resin or other suitable binder
particle board


    par·ti·cle board

    Türkische aussprache

    pärtıkıl bôrd




    /ˈpärtəkəl ˈbôrd/ /ˈpɑːrtəkəl ˈbɔːrd/