The toastmaster assigned this role can be called upon by the President during the business session to give a clarification on a matter of parliamentary question The toastmaster performing this role usually gives a tip at near the end of the educational session
The officer who is responsible for advising presiding officers and Members on parliamentary procedures; for preparing and maintaining compilations of the precedents of the House; and for referral of bills, resolutions, and other communications to the appropriate committees at the direction of the Speaker
A parliamentarian is a Member of Parliament who is an expert on the rules and procedures of Parliament and takes an active part in debates. He is a veteran parliamentarian whose views enjoy widespread respect. a member of a parliament, especially one who is very experienced MP
Parliamentarians are Members of a Parliament; used especially to refer to a group of Members of Parliament who are dealing with a particular task. He's been meeting with British parliamentarians and government officials
An officer in most legislative bodies charged with being well-versed in the parliamentary rules of that legislative house, and whose rulings are taken as authoritative, to be appealed only to the whole of the house itself under special rules