parlak mücevher

listen to the pronunciation of parlak mücevher
Türkisch - Englisch
A sparkling wine
{n} one who sparkles, one who shines
One who, or that which, sparkles
A sparkler is a small firework that you can hold as it burns. It looks like a piece of thick wire and burns with a lot of small bright sparks. a type of firework that you can hold in your hand, consisting of a thin stick that gives off sparks of fire
one who scatters money; an improvident person
A hand-held firework that emits sparks
One who scatters; esp
a firework that burns slowly and throws out a shower of sparks
A gem or ornament that sparkles
{i} person or thing that sparkles; firework that throws off bright sparks; glittering diamond; bubbly wine; accomplished or beautiful person (especially a woman)
A tiger beetle
diamonds; "look at the ice on that dame!"
parlak mücevher