
listen to the pronunciation of parent
Englisch - Türkisch
(isim) ebeveyn
{i} çoğ. ana baba, ebeveyn: My parents and your parents are old friends. Bizim ana babalarımız eski dost. the

Aymara kültüründe birinin ebeveynlerine saygı göstermek esastır. - In the Aymara culture, respecting one's parents is fundamental.


Komite öğretmenlerden ve velilerden oluşur. - The committee is composed of teachers and parents.

Tom veli görüşmesine gitti. - Tom went to the parent-teacher meeting.

(Ticaret) ana ortaklık
(Ticaret) ana şirket

Ailen anlarsa başın belaya girer. - You'll get into trouble if your parents find out.

Ebeveynlerinden başka hiç kimse onu çok iyi tanımıyor. - Apart from his parents, no one knows him very well.

ana ya da baba
ana baba

Ana babasından miras kalan bir apartmana henüz taşındı. - He just moved into an apartment he inherited from his parents.

Tom hastalıklı bir çocuktu ve ana babası tarafından şımartılmıştı. - Tom was a sickly child and was mollycoddled by his parents.

(Tıp) paran

Bu ifadeyi parantezler içine koymalısın. - You should put this phrase in parentheses.

Parantez içindeki kelimeleri kısaltılmış şekle koyun. - Put the words in parentheses into abbreviated form.


Ebeveynler çocuklarına yalan söylemenin yanlış bir şey olduğunu öğretirler. - Parents teach their children that it's wrong to lie.

Yurtdışında okuma kararım ebeveynlerimi şaşırttı. - My decision to study abroad surprised my parents.

ç.ana baba

Ana babasından miras kalan bir apartmana henüz taşındı. - He just moved into an apartment he inherited from his parents.

Bazı ana babalar çocukları hakkında gereksiz yere endişelenirler. - Some parents worry unnecessarily about their children.

(Tıp) Anne veya baba
{i} anne/baba
{i} ata, cet
(Ticaret) vade
(Bilgisayar) üst öğe
(Tıp) parent

Leyla ailesi tarafından, özellikle de annesi tarafından sosyal olarak soyutlanmıştı. - Layla was socially isolated by her parents, especially her mother.

O, Amerikan soyundandır. - She is of American parentage.

(Tıp) akraba

Bu grupta anne babam ve akrabalarım var. - In this group, there are my parents and my relatives.

(Tıp) hısım

Onun ebeveyninin sağlığı hakkında endişelidir. - He is concerned about his parent's health.

Hala ebeveyninle mi yaşıyorsun? - Are you still living with your parents?

parent class
(Bilgisayar) üst sınıf
parent class
(Bilgisayar) ana sınıf
parent company
(Ticaret) ana kuruluş
parent directory
(Bilgisayar) üst rehber
parent domain
(Bilgisayar) ana etki alanı
parent drug
(Tıp) ana ilaç
parent frame
(Bilgisayar) ana pencere
parent is
(Bilgisayar) ana
parent material
(Tarım) ana materyal
parent node
ata düğüm
parent path
(Bilgisayar) ana yol
parent population
(Denizbilim) ana-baba populasyonu
parent rock
(Jeoloji) ana kayaç
parent station
(Askeri) ana ikmal istasyonu
parent undertaking
parent cell
ana hücre
parent company
ana şirket
parent element
ana öge
parent rock
ana kaya
parent-teacher association
okul-kodak birliği
parent-teacher meeting
veli toplantısı
parent/child relationship
ana/çocuk ilişkisi
parent authority
ana baba otoritesi
parent bug
ana hata
parent initial
Aile imzası, anne-baba imzası
parent material
ana madde, hammadde
parent metal
ana metal
parent of origin effect
(Tıp, İlaç) Kaynak ebeveyn etkisi
parent participation
(Eğitim) Ebeveyn iştiraki/katılımı
parent patent
asil patent
parent and teenager
ebeveyn ve ergenler
parent and teenager
ebeveyn ve ergen
parent ca
(Bilgisayar) ana sertifika yetkilisi
parent ca
(Bilgisayar) üst ca
parent ca
(Bilgisayar) ana ca
parent cell
(Biyokimya) ana göze
parent colony
(Arılık) oğulu veren koloni
parent colony
(Arılık) ebeveyn koloni
parent company
(Avrupa Birliği) ana firma
parent component asset
(Ticaret) parent component asset
parent component asset id
(Ticaret) parent component asset ıd
parent device
(Bilgisayar) ana aygıt
parent device
(Bilgisayar) üst aygıt
parent directory
Ana Dizin
parent dna
(Biyokimya) ana dna
parent domain
Üst Etki Alanı
parent element
Üst Öge
parent entryid
(Bilgisayar) ana entryıd
parent guid
(Bilgisayar) üst guid
parent has custody of child
(Kanun) çocuğun velayeti ebeveyninde
parent image
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) ebeveyn imajı
parent indicator code; payment in cash; person identification code; pilot in com
(Askeri) ana gösterge kodu; nakit ödeme; kişi tanımlama kodu; uçağı idare eden pilot
parent node
ust dugum, ata dugum
parent nuclide
(Nükleer Bilimler) ana ürün
parent object
(Bilgisayar) üst nesne
parent participation
ebeveyn katılımı
parent permission form
veli izin formu
parent relay; physician assistant; probability of arrival; public affairs
(Askeri) ana röle; fizik asistanı; varış ihtimali; halkla ilişkiler
parent station
(Askeri) ANA İKMAL İSTASYONU: Bir başka tesis veya müstakil teşkile ait müşterek destek ihtiyaçlarının tamamını veya bir kısmını temin ile görevlendirilmiş bir teşkil, tesis
parent style
Ana biçem
parent unit
(Askeri) ANA BİRLİK: Daha küçük bir birliğin veya tek erin bağlı olduğu teşkil. Daha küçük bir birlik, başka bir şekilde özel görev veya müfreze hizmet yapabilmekle beraber, yine de ana birliğe bağlı olabilir
parent unit level
(Askeri) ana birlik seviyesi
parent window
Ana pencere
anne ve baba

O, anne ve babasının bilgisi olmadan evlendi. - She married without her parents' knowledge.

O, anne ve babasının bilgisi olmadan evlendi. - She got married without her parents knowing it.

ana baba

Tom hastalıklı bir çocuktu ve ana babası tarafından şımartılmıştı. - Tom was a sickly child and was mollycoddled by his parents.

Bazı ana babalar çocukları hakkında gereksiz yere endişelenirler. - Some parents worry unnecessarily about their children.

anne baba
anne, baba
collapse parent
(Bilgisayar) üst öğeyi daralt
foster parent
üvey anne baba
(Tıp) parental
ana baba olarak
ana babaya ait

Onlar her zaman ebeveynlerine itaat etmiyorlar. - They don't always obey their parents.

Yurtdışında okuma kararım ebeveynlerimi şaşırttı. - My decision to study abroad surprised my parents.

step parent
üvey ana baba
grand parent
büyük ebeveyn
lone parent
yalnız ebeveyn
mother, female parent
anne, kadın ebeveyn
one-parent family
tek ebeveynli aile
Anne ve baba tarafından çocuğun yetiştirilmesi

Onlar her zaman ebeveynlerine itaat etmiyorlar. - They don't always obey their parents.

Ebeveynler çocuklarına yalan söylemenin yanlış bir şey olduğunu öğretirler. - Parents teach their children that it's wrong to lie.

single parent
tek ebeveyn
single parent family
Tek ebeveynli aile
single parent family
Anne veya babadan sadece birinin bulunduğu aile
tek ebeveynli
Allied administrative publication; assign alternate parent
(Askeri) Müttefik idari yayınlar; yedek ana birlik tahsisi
authoritative parent
otoriter ebeveyn
authoritative parent
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) otoritatif ebeveyn
capture parent
(Nükleer Bilimler) yakalanan ön çekirdek
colony parent
(Arılık) oğul veren koloni
colony parent
(Arılık) oğulun ebeveyn kolonisi
colony parent of swarm
(Hayvan Bilim, Zooloji) oğul veren koloni
colony parent of swarm
(Hayvan Bilim, Zooloji) oğulun ebeveyn kolonisi
decay parent
(Nükleer Bilimler) bozunan ön çekirdek
no such parent
(Bilgisayar) böyle üst yok
nuclear parent
(Nükleer Bilimler) ana (bozunan radyoizotop)
{s} ana ve babaya ait
(Tıp) Anne ve babadan gelen, anne ve babadan alınan
{s} ebeveyne ait
(Tıp) Anne ve baba ile ilgili
ana babaya ait olarak
{s} öksüz
{s} anne babasız
anne babasızlık
permissive parent
serbest aile
permissive parent
müsamahakar aile
physical parent
fiziksel üstöğe
predeceased parent
ilk ölen ebeveyn
ultimate parent company
nihai ana şirket
young parent
genç ebeveyn
Englisch - Englisch
A group from which another group is formed, or which completely controls a subordinate group. (parent company)
A person who acts as a parent in rearing a child. (adoptive parent, foster parent)
The object from which a child or derived object is descended
One of the two persons from whom one is immediately biologically descended; a mother or father
An organism from which a plant or animal is immediately biologically descended
The source or origin of something
To act as parent, to raise or rear
{n} a father or mother, source, head, cause
The Parent is a windowed control that contains the component Its Parent determines how the component is displayed The Left, Top, etc properties are all relative to its Parent The Parent property can, at anytime, be assigned and changed during run-time Not all components have a Parent (Submitted by: James) See "Owner Parent 101" in the Tips&Tricks Section for more information
A parent, guardian, person acting as a parent of a child, or a surrogate parent who has been appointed in accordance with the law, but not the state if the child is a ward of the state
One who begets, or brings forth, offspring; a father or a mother
a legal guardian or other person standing in loco parentis (USC, Title 20, section 2891)
{s} being the original source; (Biology) of or pertaining to a cell or organism that produces another
That which produces; cause; source; author; begetter; as, idleness is the parent of vice
For the purposes of PLUS loan eligibility, a student's natural or adoptive mother, father, or the spouse of a parent who remarried if the spouse's income and assets would have been taken into account when calculating a dependent student's expected family contribution
a father or mother; one who begets or one who gives birth to or nurtures and raises a child; a relative who plays the role of guardian
Chain letter L is a parent of letter C if C is a copy of L
bring up; "raise a family"; "bring up children"
{f} act as a parent; raise children, bring up kids; originate
The segment located above another segment in a hierarchical tree; each segment is a parent of the segments below it See also child
A parent is an immediate ancestor node of a node
A student's natural or adoptive mother or father
The father or mother of the householder, including a stepparent or adoptive parent Fathers-in-law and mothers-in-law are included in the "In- law" category on the questionnaire
The parent of an object is the object that contains it The mailClient suite contains a script, mailClient internal parentObjOf, which does for objects what the Frontier builtin function parentOf does for table For example, parentObjOf (folder[3] message[2] subject) is folder[3] message[2]
Any koutline cell which has children
A radionuclide that decays to another nuclide
means parent, guardian or person in parental relation to a student
A natural parent, guardian, a person acting as a parent of a child, or a surrogate parent
(Ticaret) An upper level item that uses a component or material (child)
A parent is something that has one or more children Since a parent can also have a parent, its children will have indirect parents These are parents(grandparent, great-grandparents, etc) about their direct parents
is a term that refers to the traditional definition and also includes a legal guardian or other person standing in loco parentis (such as a grandparent or stepparent with whom the child lives, or a person who is legally responsible for the child's welfare)
A Message Server entry that owns another entry: for example, a folder is the parent of a message within it
{i} father or mother; progenitor; forefather; animal or plant that produces or generates another; cause, origin, source; guardian; protector
In object oriented computer programming, the object from which a child or derived object is descended The child object inherits methods and data fields from the parent
natural parent, legal guardian, or person serving in loco parentis
a biological parent or an individual who has legal responsibility for the staff member as a guardian or substitute parent in a foster care arrangement
person who has had children after weighing their abilities, resources and talents and decided that having children is something they can responsibly carry out Person who is careful to be aware of the impact of their children on their own lives, on bystanders, and the world
Any person who has more or less long-term, primary caregiving responsibility for a child This person may be a mother, father, grandparent, other relative, or even a non-kinsperson such as a foster parent or parent surrogate in an institutional setting Parents are generally attachment figures
A relationship that exists between objects If A and B are objects, then A is a parent of B if and only if B is a child of A See child for more information
The compound element that contains a given element
Parent or legal guardian who is a child's best advocate, and by living with them 24 hours a day for the greatest part of their life, the most experienced member of the IEP team for that child
Parent, guardian, or surrogate parent; may include grandparent or stepparent with whom a child lives, and foster parent
Your parents are your mother and father. Children need their parents When you become a parent the things you once cared about seem to have less value. see also foster parent, one-parent family, single parent
An organization's parent organization is the organization that created it and usually still controls it. Each unit including the parent company has its own, local management
de facto
parent companies
plural form of parent company
parent company
A company that owns or controls another company
parent compound
The simplest member of a class of compounds, from which the others are formally obtained by substituting radicals for hydrogen atoms
parent compounds
plural form of parent compound
parent nuclide
The isotope whose radioactive decay product is a specific daughter nuclide
A mother-in-law or father-in-law
parent company
(Ekonomi) A wholly-owned subsidiary is a company whose stock is entirely owned by another company. The owner of a wholly-owned subsidiary is known as the parent company or holding company
parent company
(Ekonomi) A company that controls or owns another company or companies
Parent Brand
(Reklam) A brand that acts as an endorsement to one or more sub-brands within a range
parent body
committee of parents, parents' association
parent cell
{i} (Biology) cell which causes two or more daughter cells by division
parent class
original class (homeroom-class from which the students split into separate study groups)
parent company
company which controls one or more secondary companies (secondary companies are called daughter companies)
parent company
one that owns at least 50% of the ordinary shares of a subsidiary company
parent company
a company that exercises control over one or more subsidiary enterprises
parent company
The senior company in a group or fleet of insurers See also Fleet of Companies
parent company
The company quoted on the Stock Exchange [EIRIS]
parent company
Company that holds a controlling interest (more than 50 percent ownership) in another company (See p 385)
parent company
The senior company in a group or fleet of insurers See also Fleet of Companies (G)
parent company
A holding company; a firm which controls another firm by owning a large block of its stock
parent company
A company that acquires control (usually can elect a majority of the board of directors) of another company The acquired company is referred to as a subsidiary
parent company
= The senior company in a group or fleet of insurers See also Fleet of Companies
parent company
A corporation which owns the controlling voting stock (over 50%) in another corporation
parent company
A company that controls or owns another company or companies. a company that controls a smaller company or organization
parent company
A company that owns a controlling interest in another company
parent company
A company that controls subsidiaries through its ownership of voting stock, as well as running its own business
parent company
Company which controls one or more subsidiaries in a group
parent company
In insurance, the senior company in an insurance group or a fleet of insurance companies
parent company
A company that owns or maintains control over other companies, known as subsidiaries, which are themselves separate legal entities; control generally refers to more than 50 percent ownership of the stock of another company
parent company
A company that owns another company
parent corporation
corporation which controls one or more secondary corporations (secondary corporations are called daughter corporations)
parent directory
In a database, the main file containing basic information about an item One or more child files can be created with more detailed information
parent directory
A relative term that refers to a directory that contains another directory If directory A contains directory B, then A is the parent directory of B
parent directory
the directory that is one level above the current directory
parent directory
A directory that contains other directories
parent directory
(n ) A directory containing the working directory or the directory of interest
parent directory
A directory or folder that is one level above the current (child) directory Any parent directory can be accessed using the short cut ( ) two periods For example: dir would produce a list of the files held in the parent directory
parent directory
Any directory that has one or more levels of directories beneath it in a cell namespace A directory is the parent of any directory immediately beneath it in the hierarchy
parent directory
The parent directory is the directory immediately "above" the current directory tree (the tree is an upside-down tree for historical reasons)
parent directory
A directory that contains subdirectories and files In graphical user interface applications, this may be called the parent folder
parent directory
The directory that contains the current working directory That is the current working directory is a subdirectory of the parent directory
parent directory
directory above the current directory on the directory tree, directory to which the current directory belongs
parent directory
the directory immediate above the current directory within which the current directory resides It is denoted by a " " symbol For example, if the current directory were /www/mhome/jdoe/www, typing "cd " would make the current directory /www/mhome/jdoe
parent directory
The directory in which another directory resides The directory that is contained in the parent is called a subdirectory
parent language
A language from which a later language is derived: Latin is the parent language of Italian and French
parent metal
metal which is a pure chemical substance and not an alloy
parent organization
{i} umbrella organization, organization which oversees a number of other organizations, , general organization which centralizes various groups
parent rock
(Mineralogy) rock that forms the parent materials of soils
parent-teacher association
A parent-teacher association is the same as a PTA. a PTA
biological parent
One of a child's natural parents, either the male who supplied the sperm or the female who supplied the egg which interacted for the child's conception

I love my 'mom' and 'dad' who adopted me, but some day I would like to meet my biological parents.

to act as a co-parent, to share custody of a child or children, to share in the responsibility of parenting a child or children
someone who shares in the parenting of a child or children, such as:

c. a parent in a same-sex couple.

foster parent
An adult who cares for a child who has been placed in foster care
helicopter parent
A parent who pays an inordinate amount of attention to their children and often makes decisions, particularly educational ones, normally the province of the student
noncustodial parent
The parent (either of a separated pair) with whom a child or children do not live the majority of the time
one could be someone's parent
Said to emphasize age disparity of a couple, usually to express disapproval and imply the possibility of choosing a partner with closer age
of the generation of organisms that produce a hybrid
In a parental manner, like a parent
Process of raising and educating a child from birth until adulthood
Present participle of parent
one's mother and father
plural form of parent
Third-person singular simple present indicative form of parent
pollen parent
The plant that contributes male reproductive material, the pollen
single parent
A parent who is the only guardian of an offspring
single-parent families
plural form of single-parent family
single-parent family
A nuclear family with only one parent
sugar parent
A gender-neutral variant of sugar daddy

If you want a sugar parent of your own, don't go past first base until you've received a present of some kind.

surrogate parent
a person who takes care of a child when the normal parents are unavailable see also foster parent
Having three genetic parents; that is, having been produced by a process in which the nucleus of one egg is inserted into the cytoplasm of another egg, which contains mitochondrial DNA, and then the hybrid egg is fertilized by a sperm

As transformative as are the medical benefits of three-parent children, the social rewards should not be overlooked.

{a} becoming parents, affectionate, fond
The raising of children and all the responsibilities and activities that are involved in it
adoptive parent
a man or woman who has adopted a child
adoptive parent
- An individual or couple who have chosen to adopt and have received court approval
adoptive parent
the mother and /or father of an adopted person
adoptive parent
person(s) who legally assume parental rights/responsibilities for adopted child
adoptive parent
A person or persons who become the permanent parents with all the social, legal rights and responsibilities incumbent upon any parent
adoptive parent
a person who is legally given parental rights for a child
adoptive parent
A person with the legal relation of parent to a child not related by birth, with the same mutual rights and obligations that exist between children and their birth parents
adoptive parent
a person who adopts a child of other parents as his or her own child
askable parent
parent who provides answers to questions asked by his kid and who pushes his kid to ask questions about sex
birth parent
a child's natural mother or father, rather than someone who has become the child's legal mother or father through adoption
{i} divorced or separated parent who shares legal and physical custody of the child/children with the other parent in an equal manner
foster parent
woman or man who takes the place of a biological parent in raising a child, foster mother or father
a person who acts as parent and guardian for a child in place of the child's natural parents but without legally adopting the child
helicopter parent
{i} (Informal) parent who watches or protects his child excessively
one-parent family
A one-parent family is a family that consists of one parent and his or her children living together. Many children are now born into or raised in one-parent families. a family in which there is only one parent who lives with the children = single parent family
Becoming to, or characteristic of, parents; tender; affectionate; devoted; as, parental care
Of or pertaining to a parent or to parents; as, parental authority; parental obligations
relating to or characteristic of or befitting a parent; "parental guidance"
of, or related to a parent
{s} of or pertaining to a parent or parenting; characteristic of a parent
relating to or characteristic of or befitting a parent; "parental guidance" designating the generation of organisms from which hybrid offspring are produced
Parental is used to describe something that relates to parents in general, or to one or both of the parents of a particular child. Medical treatment was sometimes given to children without parental consent. relating to being a parent and especially to being responsible for a child's safety and development
designating the generation of organisms from which hybrid offspring are produced
in a parental manner
past of parent
having a parent or parents or cared for by parent surrogates
The concept of managing the growth and delegation of a parent domain into further child domains, which are derived and delegated from the parent name See also child domain; parent domain
{i} act of being a father or mother to a child, raising children
The special relationships and strategies pursued at the headquarters of a diversified group of companies
Parenting is the activity of bringing up and looking after your child. Parenting is not fully valued by society. parenting classes. the skill or activity of looking after your own children
The process of creating a hierarchical organization of objects in a scene In parenting, an object (called the parent object) is "parented" to another object (called the child object) Parenting relationships can be nested to any degree, so that one or more objects are the children of another object, which is in turn the child of another See also Hierarchy
{s} having no parents; fatherless or motherless; not cared for by parent substitutes
Deprived of parents
First level of classes above a class in the inheritance hierarchy Those from which a class directly inherits
means people with children, guardians, or others with parental responsibility
Parents are your natural-born parents, adopted parents or stepparents Foster parents--that is, those receiving compensation for accepting children in their homes on a temporary basis--would not be considered parents nor would a guardian or other person standing in loco parentis who would not otherwise be considered a parent or stepparent
People who bear infants, bore teenagers, and board newlyweds
Plural of parent; ones father and mother
Those not seen often (like home)
third-person singular of parent
The next level of classes above a specific class in the inheritance hierarchy Those from which a class directly inherits
single parent
A single parent is someone who is bringing up a child on their own, because the other parent is not living with them. I was bringing up my three children as a single parent. a single-parent household. a mother or father who looks after their children on their own, without a partner = lone parent
single parent family
family which has only one parent
single parent mother
mother who raises her children alone without the help of the father
having only one parent
single-parent father
father who raises children without the mother
Türkisch - Englisch
(Tıp) parent
parent component asset
(Ticaret) parent component asset
parent component asset ıd
(Ticaret) parent component asset id
(Tıp) parental