
listen to the pronunciation of pardon
Englisch - Türkisch
{i} bağışlama
(Politika, Siyaset) özel af
{f} bağışla

Geç kaldığım için bağışlayın. - Pardon me for coming late.

Kesintiyi bağışlayın. - Pardon the interruption.

{f} hayatını bağışlamak

Afedersiniz ,Downing sokağına burdan nasıl ulaşırım? - Pardon me, how do I get to Downing Street from here?

suçunu bağışlamak
Katolik kilisesinde günahların affını satmaya yetkili ol
af suçunu bağışlama
Pardon me Pardon
{i} özür

Sözünü kestiğim için özür dilerim. - Pardon me for interrupting you.

Ben sizden özür dilemeliyim. - I must beg your pardon.

pardoner i
I beg your pardon Affedersiniz
mazur görmek

Tom onun doğum gününü unuttuğu için onu affetmesini rica etti. - Tom asked his girlfriend to pardon him for forgetting her birthday.

ne dedin?
pardon an impoliteness
kusura bakmamak
pardon me

Affedersiniz, Bu yerin isme ne? - Pardon me, what's the name of this place?

Affedersiniz, ama o benim raketim. - Pardon me, but that is my racket.

Pardon me
Pardon me
özür dilerim

Sorduğum için özür dilerim. - Pardon me for asking.

Sözünü kestiğim için özür dilerim. - Pardon me for interrupting you.

pardon me
Söylenen bir şey anlaşılmadığında tekrar edilmesini isterken kullanılan özür cümlesi
pardon my french
(deyim) Küfür ya da kötü söz kullanılacağı zaman kullanılan ifade
pardon our dust
(deyim) Verdiğimiz rahatsızlıktan ötürü özür dileriz
Pardon me

Pardon, buralarda bir yerde bir ATM var mı? - Pardon me, is there an ATM somewhere around here?

Söze karıştığım için pardon. - Pardon me for interrupting.

pardon law
(Kanun) hususi af kanunu
pardon me

Geç kaldığım için bağışlayın. - Pardon me for coming late.

pardon me

Afedersiniz, tuvaletiniz nerede? - Pardon me, where is your restroom?

Afedersiniz, bu alanda bir ATM var mı? - Pardon me, is there an ATM in this area?

pardon? what did you say
pardon? ne dediniz
beg pardon
af dilemek
pardon me
özür dilerim!
I beg your pardon
I beg your pardon
Pardon me

Affedersiniz, burası hangi yerdir. - Pardon me, what place is this?

Affedersiniz, Bu yerin isme ne? - Pardon me, what's the name of this place?

beg pardon
beg pardon
Ne dedin
beg your pardon
özür dile
general pardon
genel af
if you'll pardon my french
(deyim) Küfür ya da kötü söz kullanılacağı zaman kullanılan ifade
I beg your pardon
ask pardon
özür dilemek
beg pardon of
af dilemek
{s} affedilebilir
{s} mazur görülebilir
affedilir şekilde
Türkisch - Türkisch
Özür dilerim", "affedersiniz" anlamında kullanılan bir söz: "Miras işini babama, pardon ... annemin Türk kocasına bırakıyorum."- Ö. Seyfettin
"Özür dilerim", "affedersiniz" anlamında kullanılan bir söz
Englisch - Englisch
To grant an official pardon for a crime
Often used when someone does not understand what another person says

Pardon?, What did you say?, Can you say that again?.

Forgiveness for an offence

a step, that could not be taken with the least hope of ever obtaining pardon from or reconciliation with any of my friends;.

An order that releases a convicted criminal without further punishment, prevents future punishment, or (in some jurisdictions) removes an offence from a person's criminal record, as if it had never been committed

I... have granted and by these presents do grant a full, free, and absolute pardon unto Richard Nixon for all offenses against the United States .

To forgive

I hope you will not find he has outstepped the truth more than may be pardoned, in consideration of the motive.

{v} to forgive, excuse, pass by, remit
{n} forgiveness, a remission of penalty
the formal act of liberating someone
v To remit a penalty and restore to the life of crime To add to the lure of crime the temptation of ingratitude
formulae Some people say `Pardon me' instead of `Excuse me' when they want to politely get someone's attention or interrupt them. Pardon me, are you finished, madam?
formulae You say `Pardon?' or `I beg your pardon?' or, in American English, `Pardon me?' when you want someone to repeat what they have just said because you have not heard or understood it. `Will you let me open it?' --- `Pardon?' --- `Can I open it?'
politeness You can say things like `Pardon me for asking' or `Pardon my frankness' as a way of showing you understand that what you are going to say may sound rude. That, if you'll pardon my saying so, is neither here nor there
To remit the penalty of; to suffer to pass without punishment; to forgive; applied to offenses
a warrant granting release from punishment for an offense grant a pardon to; "Ford pardoned Nixon"; "The Thanksgiving turkey was pardoned by the President
feelings People say `I beg your pardon?' when they are surprised or offended by something that someone has just said. `Would you get undressed, please?' --- `I beg your pardon?' --- `Will you get undressed?'
An act of grace from governing power which mitigates punishment and restores rights and privileges forfeited on account of the offense
formulae You say `I beg your pardon' or `I do beg your pardon' as a way of apologizing for accidentally doing something wrong, such as disturbing someone or making a mistake. I was impolite and I do beg your pardon
To refrain from exacting as a penalty
An official warrant of remission of penalty
the act of excusing a mistake or offense
To give leave (of departure) to
{i} forgiveness; absolution; clemency
1 An exercise of the sovereign prerogative to receive a person from further punishment and from legal disabilities resulting from a crime of which he or she has been convicted Its effect is that of relaxing the punishment and blotting out guilt, so that in the eyes of the law the offender is as innocent as if the offense had never been committed
A form of executive clemency preventing criminal prosecution or removing or extinguishing a criminal conviction
A form of clemency, granted by the executive branch
accept an excuse for; "Please excuse my dirty hands"
{f} forgive; absolve; grant clemency
an act proceeding from the executive branch of government which exempts an individual from the Punishment imposed for a crime of which (s)he has' been convicted
grant a pardon to; "Ford pardoned Nixon"; "The Thanksgiving turkey was pardoned by the President"
An order that releases a convicted criminal without further punishment, prevents future punishment, or (in some jurisdictions) removes an offence from a persons criminal record, as if it had never been committed
A release, by a sovereign, or officer having jurisdiction, from the penalties of an offense, being distinguished from amenesty, which is a general obliteration and canceling of a particular line of past offenses
A person may apply for a pardon from a summary offence conviction after three years while the waiting period to apply to apply for a pardon from an indictable offence is five years Applications are made to the National Parole Board
If someone who has been found guilty of a crime is pardoned, they are officially allowed to go free and are not punished. Hundreds of political prisoners were pardoned and released. Pardon is also a noun. He was granted a presidential pardon. In law, release from guilt or remission of punishment. The power to pardon is generally exercised by the state's chief executive officer. A pardon may be full or conditional. A conditional pardon imposes a lesser punishment or some other obligation. Some states still bar pardoned offenders from holding public office or obtaining professional licenses
formulae Some people say things like `If you'll pardon the expression' or `Pardon my French' just before or after saying something which they think might offend people. It's enough to make you wet yourself, if you'll pardon the expression
Action by an official of an executive branch of government relieving a criminal from a conviction
An act of grace by the chief executive of a state or county that releases a convicted person from punishment imposed by a previous court sentence
To release (a person) from punishment; exempt from penalty
A remission of punishment or penalty without indicating exoneration from guilt
The act of pardoning; forgiveness, as of an offender, or of an offense; release from penalty; remission of punishment; absolution
The state of being forgiven
To absolve from the consequences of a fault or the punishment of crime; to free from penalty; applied to the offender
a warrant granting release from punishment for an offense
pardon me
Polite expression to get someone to repeat

Pardon me, I didn't hear you.

pardon me
Sorry; said as an apology

Pardon me for stepping on your foot.

pardon my French
Please excuse my swearing or bad language

That computer is a worthless piece of shit, if you'll pardon my French.

pardon my French
Excuse my crude language, pardon my swear words (Informal)
pardon my french
(deyim) Uiised to apologize for swearing
pardon our dust
(deyim) Sorry for the mess
Pardon Me For Jumping In
excuse me for interrupting, PMFJI (Internet chat slang)
pardon me
forgive me
pardon sins
forgive sins
I beg your pardon
A phrase used to express an apology for an action

Well, perhaps not,” said Alice in a soothing tone: “don’t be angry about it. And yet I wish I could show you our cat Dinah. I think you’d take a fancy to cats, if you could only see her. She is such a dear quiet thing,” Alice went on, half to herself, as she swam lazily about in the pool, “and she sits purring so nicely by the fire, licking her paws and washing her face—and she is such a nice soft thing to nurse—and she’s such a capital one for catching mice——oh, I beg your pardon!” cried Alice again, for this time the Mouse was bristling all over, and she felt certain it must be really offended. “We wo’n’t talk about her any more if you’d rather not.”.

I beg your pardon
A phrase used to request something, for example if it wasn't heard

Willingly, replied Monsieur Bergeret. There was no gardener. The gardener did not exist. My mother said: 'I expect the gardener!' Straightway the gardener existed—and acted..

Forgiven of wrongdoings
Simple past tense and past participle of pardon
{a} that may be forgiven, excusable
{a} with or by pardon, excusably
if you'll pardon my french
(deyim) Uiised to apologize for swearing
I beg your pardon
excuse me, pardon me, please forgive me
ask for pardon
request clemency, petition for forgiveness
beg your pardon
excuse me, pardon me
free pardon
the official act of forgiving someone for a crime
grant pardon
pardon, acquit, grant immunity, bestow amnesty
Admitting of pardon; not requiring the excution of penalty; venial; excusable; applied to the offense or to the offender; as, a pardonable fault, or culprit
admitting of being pardoned
You describe someone's action or attitude as pardonable if you think it is wrong but you understand why they did that action or have that attitude. `I have', he remarked with pardonable pride, `done what I set out to do.'. pardonable mistakes are not very bad and can be forgiven = forgivable
Capable of being pardoned
{s} forgivable, can be forgiven; atonable, can be absolved
{s} remittable
In a manner admitting of pardon; excusably
in a manner that may be absolved, in an excusable manner
In a pardonable manner
{s} has been forgiven; has been absolved
past of pardon
{i} forgiving; absolving, excusing
present participle of pardon
Relating to pardon; having or exercising the right to pardon; willing to pardon; merciful; as, the pardoning power; a pardoning God
third-person singular of pardon
plural of , pardon
Türkisch - Englisch

Pardon, what have you just said? - Pardon az önce ne dedin?

Pardon me for interrupting. - Söze karıştığım için pardon.

i'm sorry!
i beg your pardon!
pardon me!

Pardon me, is there an ATM somewhere around here? - Pardon, buralarda bir yerde bir ATM var mı?

Pardon me for interrupting. - Söze karıştığım için pardon.

Pardon me./Excuse me
Pardon!, Pardon me!, I beg your pardon!, I'm sorry!, Excuse me!
excuse me!

Excuse me, I have a request. - Pardon, bir ricam olacak.

Excuse me. Is this seat taken? - Pardon, bu koltuk boşta mı?

(Bilgisayar) sorry
Pardon me

Pardon me, is there an ATM somewhere around here? - Pardon, buralarda bir yerde bir ATM var mı?

Pardon me for interrupting. - Söze karıştığım için pardon.

I beg your pardon
Pardon bu benim imzam değil
Sorry it's a prescription drug
Pardon yanlıs numarayı çevirdiniz
you have the wrong number
Pardon, bu sizin ranzaniz değil
Excuse me this is not your berth
pardon bu sizin koltuğunuz değil
excuse me
pardon bu sizin kompartımanınız değil
Excuse me this is not your compartment
pardon? ne dediniz
Pardon? What did you say