{i} (Medicine) bone disease that occurs in middle aged and older persons; intraductal malignant tumor of the nipple and areola which is associated with breast cancer (characterized by inflammatory skin changes that look like eczema); abnormal tissue growth of the vulva
a disease of bone occurring in the middle aged and elderly; excessive bone destruction sometimes leading to bone pain and fractures and skeletal deformities
or osteitis deformans Chronic bone disease of middle age. Named for James Paget, it is characterized by excessive bone destruction alternating with disordered bone construction (with dense, brittle bones and deformity that can compress internal structures). The long bones, vertebrae, pelvis, and skull are most often affected, more often in men. The risk of cancer, usually osteosarcoma, is high. Increased blood supply to the area of bone destruction may lead to heart or circulatory problems. Calcitonin (which regulates bone growth) and bisphosphonates (which block excessive bone breakdown) are drugs of treatment
paget's disease
paget's dis·ease
() Named after British surgeon James Paget (1814-1899) who was the first to describe this disease.