
listen to the pronunciation of over-
Englisch - Türkisch
(önek) aşırı
take <span class="word-self">overspan>
{f} devralmak

Tom devralmak için henüz çok genç. - Tom is too young to take over yet.

Tom devralmak için hâlâ çok genç. - Tom is still too young to take over.

get <span class="word-self">overspan>

Sadece onu atlatmak istiyorum. - I just want to get over it.

Üşütmemi atlatmak bir aydan daha fazla sürdü fakat şimdi iyiyim. - It took more than a month to get over my cold, but I'm OK now.

climb <span class="word-self">overspan>
pass <span class="word-self">overspan>
mist <span class="word-self">overspan>
<span class="word-self">overspan>

Çocuk, çitin üzerinden atladı. - The boy skipped over the fence.

Uzağa gitsen bile, telefon üzerinden birbirimizle temas kurmaya devam edelim. - Even if you go far away, let's keep in touch with each other over the phone.

<span class="word-self">overspan>

O, pijamasının üstüne kaftan giydi. - He wore a robe over his pajamas.

Hızlı kahverengi tilki tembel kahverengi köpeğin üstüne atladı. - The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy brown dog.

passing <span class="word-self">overspan>
<span class="word-self">overspan>

Ben vardığımda parti neredeyse bitmişti. - The party was all but over when I arrived.

Gösteri neredeyse bitmişti. - The performance was almost over.

pass <span class="word-self">overspan>
<span class="word-self">overspan>

Doksan yıldan fazla yaşamak hiç ender değildir. - It is not rare at all to live over ninety years.

Soğuk algınlığımı atlatmam bir aydan daha fazla zamanımı aldı. - It took me more than one month to get over my cold.

<span class="word-self">overspan>

Kızının ölümü üzerine ağladı. - He wept over his daughter's death.

Helen'in forumu bir veya iki fırın eldiveni kullanılıp kullanılmayacağı üzerine uzlaşmaz bir bölünme yaşadı. - Helen's forum experienced an irreconcilable schism over whether to use one or two oven mitts.

<span class="word-self">overspan>-charge
fazla doldurmak
<span class="word-self">overspan>-charge
fazla yüklemek
<span class="word-self">overspan>-all
Her şey dahil
<span class="word-self">overspan>-all
Genel olarak
<span class="word-self">overspan>-all
<span class="word-self">overspan>-allotment
fazla pay
<span class="word-self">overspan>-ambitious
aşırı hırslı
<span class="word-self">overspan>-capacity
aşırı kapasite
<span class="word-self">overspan>-confident
<span class="word-self">overspan>-cooling
Soğutma üzerinde
<span class="word-self">overspan>-correct
aşırı doğru
<span class="word-self">overspan>-easy
aşırı kolay
<span class="word-self">overspan>-eating
aşırı yeme
<span class="word-self">overspan>-edge stitch
(Tekstil) Reçme dikişi
<span class="word-self">overspan>-estimate
fazla değer vermek
<span class="word-self">overspan>-exploitation
aşırı sömürü
<span class="word-self">overspan>-exposed
Fazla ışığa maruz bırakılmış
<span class="word-self">overspan>-farming
topraktan fazla alıp geriye bir şey vermemek, toprak besin tuzlarını tüketip kalıcı su seviyesinin düşmesine ve erozyona neden olmak
<span class="word-self">overspan>-fatigued
aşırı yorgunluk
<span class="word-self">overspan>-hang
-Hang üzerinde
<span class="word-self">overspan>-hunting
aşırı avcılık
<span class="word-self">overspan>-hyped
aşırı sınırlı
<span class="word-self">overspan>-instrumentation
Bir işin yapılışında olması gerekenden daha fazla alet kulllanımı
<span class="word-self">overspan>-lock stitch
(Tekstil) Overlok dikişi
<span class="word-self">overspan>-optimistic
aşırı iyimser
<span class="word-self">overspan>-polite
aşırı kibar
<span class="word-self">overspan>-predict
fazla tahmin etmek
<span class="word-self">overspan>-rated
aşırı beğenilenler
<span class="word-self">overspan>-regulation
üzerinde düzenleme
<span class="word-self">overspan>-reliance
aşırı güven
<span class="word-self">overspan>-reliance
Aşırı güvenme, bel bağlama

An over-reliance on logic kills of ideas before they have a chance to develop.

<span class="word-self">overspan>-represented
fazla temsil
<span class="word-self">overspan>-riding
-Sürme üzerine
<span class="word-self">overspan>-ruling
aşırı iktidar
<span class="word-self">overspan>-run
bkz. overrun
<span class="word-self">overspan>-sample
aşırı örneklenmiş
<span class="word-self">overspan>-sensitive
çok hassas
<span class="word-self">overspan>-shadowed
aşırı gölgeli
<span class="word-self">overspan>-simplification
aşırı basitleştirme
<span class="word-self">overspan>-sized
aşırı büyüklük
<span class="word-self">overspan>-the-air
Havadan (Yayıncılık terimi)
<span class="word-self">overspan>-the-counter
Bir ilacın reçetesiz satıldığını ifade eden deyim. Over-the-counter medication: Reçetesiz satılan ilaç
<span class="word-self">overspan>-the-counter derivative
borsa dışında doğrudan iki kurum arasında alım satımı yapılan türev ürünler
<span class="word-self">overspan>-the-counter drug
Reçetesiz ilaç
<span class="word-self">overspan>-the-counter drugs
Reçeteye tabi olmayan ilaçlar
<span class="word-self">overspan>-the-counter drugs
tezgahüstü ilaçlar
<span class="word-self">overspan>-the-counter medications
over-the-counter ilaçlar
<span class="word-self">overspan>-voltage conductor
yüksek gerilim iletken
<span class="word-self">overspan>

Köprünün üstünde giden trene bak. - Look at the train going over the bridge.

Borçları 1,000 doların üstündedir. - His debts amount to over $1,000.

<span class="word-self">overspan>

Lincoln kutlamaların bittiğine memnundu. - Lincoln was glad the celebrations were over.

Tom sonunda okul yılının bittiğine memnun. - Tom is glad the school year is finally over.

<span class="word-self">overspan>
sona ermiş
<span class="word-self">overspan>
çok fazla

Tom çok fazla yediği için hastalandı. - The reason Tom got sick was because he overate.

O başladığı işle çok çok fazla para kazanıyor. - She's making money hand over fist with the business she started.

<span class="word-self">overspan>
baştan sona

Teslim etmeden önce kağıdını baştan sona oku. - Read over your paper before you hand it in.

Baştan sona kapıyı beyaza boyadı. - He painted the door over white.

<span class="word-self">overspan>
<span class="word-self">overspan>

Kahvaltıdan kalan sütü içtim. - I drank the milk that was left over from breakfast.

Ulus devletlerin varlığı, dünya'nın geri kalanında Avrupa'ya büyük bir avantaj sağladı. - The existence of nation-states gave Europe a great advantage over the rest of the world.

<span class="word-self">overspan>

Tom yukarıdan geçen helikopterleri duyabiliyordu. - Tom could hear helicopters overhead.

Zürafa yüzemez çünkü ağırlık merkezi çok yukarıda olduğundan baş aşağı döner. - The giraffe cannot swim because its centre of gravity is so high that it would topple over.

<span class="word-self">overspan>

Onu iyice düşünmem için bana biraz zaman ver. - Give me some time to think it over.

Satın almadan önce evi iyice inceledik. - We went over the house thoroughly before buying it.

<span class="word-self">overspan>

O makaleyi tekrar tekrar okudu. - He read the article over and over again.

Delegeler tekrar tekrar oy kullandı. - Delegates voted over and over again.

<span class="word-self">overspan>

Bir fincan kahve içerken sorun hakkında sohbet ettik. - We talked about the question over a cup of coffee.

Tom Mary'nin onun hakkında konuştuklarına kulak misafiri oldu. - Tom overheard Mary talking about him.

<span class="word-self">overspan>
altını üstüne
<span class="word-self">overspan>
gereğinden fazla

Sen bu iş için gereğinden fazla niteliklisin. - You're overqualified for this job.

Bu iş için gereğinden fazla kalifiye olduğumu söylediler. - They said I'm overqualified for that job.

<span class="word-self">overspan>

Kırsaldan şehir bölgelerine yapılan bu taşınma iki yüzyıldan daha fazla bir süredir devam etmektedir. - This movement from rural to urban areas has been going on for over two hundred years.

Eldeki bir kuş yukardakinden daha emniyetlidir. - A bird in hand is safer than one overhead.


Aşırı sigara içmekten sakının. - Avoid smoking excessively.

çok fazla

O çok fazla sigara içiyor. - She smokes excessively.

haddinden fazla
<span class="word-self">overspan>
-in (her) tarafında
<span class="word-self">overspan>
-e doğru
<span class="word-self">overspan>
-in (her) yerinde
<span class="word-self">overspan>
in üstünde
<span class="word-self">overspan>
-den fazla
<span class="word-self">overspan> and <span class="word-self">overspan>
üst üste

Ben odayı terk etmek zorunda kalıncaya kadar aynı plağı üst üste çalmaya devam etti. - He kept playing the same record over and over until I had to leave the room.

(Politika, Siyaset) abartarak
(Politika, Siyaset) aşırı şekilde
<span class="word-self">overspan>
<span class="word-self">overspan>
-den çok
<span class="word-self">overspan>

Tom şapkasını gözlerinin üzerine aşağıya indirdi. - Tom pulled his cap down over his eyes.

<span class="word-self">overspan>
bir daha

Hatalarına bir daha asla göz yummayacağım. - I'll never overlook your mistakes again.

Fadıl'ı bir daha kaybetmek istemiyorum. - I don't want to lose Fadil all over again.

<span class="word-self">overspan>
(Matematik) bölü

Bölüm 14'ü okumanız gerekiyordu. O sizin hafta sonu boyunca ev ödevinizdi. - You were supposed to read Chapter 14. That was your homework over the weekend.

En zor bölüm şimdi bitti. - The hardest part is over now.

<span class="word-self">overspan>
başından sonuna
<span class="word-self">overspan>

O, başımın hemen üstünden gitti. - That went right over my head.

Hızlı kahverengi tilki tembel köpeğin üstünden atlamadı. - The quick brown fox didn't jump over the lazy dog.

<span class="word-self">overspan>

Ekim ayının bitmek üzere olduğuna inanabiliyor musun? - Can you believe that October is almost over?

Öğretim yılı bitmek üzere. - The school year is almost over.

<span class="word-self">overspan>
<span class="word-self">overspan>
<span class="word-self">overspan>
<span class="word-self">overspan>
<span class="word-self">overspan>
<span class="word-self">overspan>
<span class="word-self">overspan>

O tamamen boyayla kaplanmıştı. - He was covered all over with paint.

Onun dersi tamamen benim anlamayacağım kadar zor. - Her lecture was completely over my head.

<span class="word-self">overspan>
tamam olmak
<span class="word-self">overspan>
<span class="word-self">overspan>
<span class="word-self">overspan>
ile ilgili

Babasının ölümü ile ilgili şoku atlattı. - He got over the shock of his father's death.

Bu noktaya kadar ben dönemdeki siyasi huzursuzluğun büyümesi ile ilgili genel bir bakış sundum. - Up to this point I have presented an overview of the growth of political unrest in the period.

<span class="word-self">overspan>

Sanırım tekrar yeniden başlasak iyi olur. - I think we'd better start over again.

Yeniden başlayamazsın. - You can't start over.

<span class="word-self">overspan>
(Tıp) over
<span class="word-self">overspan>
dikkatli bir şekilde
aşırı olarak
<span class="word-self">overspan>
-in üzerine
<span class="word-self">overspan>
<span class="word-self">overspan>
öbür tarafa
<span class="word-self">overspan>

Bir taşa takıldım ve yere düştüm. - I tripped over a stone and fell to the ground.

Tom Mary'nin durduğu yere doğru yürüdü. - Tom walked over to where Mary was standing.

<span class="word-self">overspan>
<span class="word-self">overspan>
(alttaki şeye değmeksizin) -in üzerinde
<span class="word-self">overspan>

Karışık akıl, bir şeyi aşırı düşünen, bir yerde pıhtılaşan akıldır. - The confused mind is the mind that, thinking something over, congeals in one place.

Yakıt maliyetinden dolayı deniz aşırı ülkelere uçuş maliyet arttı. - The cost of flying overseas has risen with the cost of fuel.

<span class="word-self">overspan>
<span class="word-self">overspan>

Lech Wałęsa 1980'de tersane çitinin üzerinden atladı. - Lech Wałęsa jumped over the shipyard fence in 1980.

Nalokson morfin türevi ilaçların aşırı dozunun etkilerini tersine çevirebilen hayat kurtarıcı bir ilaçtır. - Naloxone is a life-saving drug that can reverse the effects of an opioid overdose.

<span class="word-self">overspan> and <span class="word-self">overspan>
sık sık
<span class="word-self">overspan> and <span class="word-self">overspan> again
sık sık
<span class="word-self">overspan> and <span class="word-self">overspan> again
<span class="word-self">overspan> and <span class="word-self">overspan> again
tekrar tekrar
yüksek kaliteli

Baş katip çalışkan bir adam değil fakat üstlerine nasıl yaltaklanacağını bildiği için çabuk ilerliyor. - The chief clerk is not a hardworking man, but gets ahead rapidly because he knows how to curry favor with his superiors.

Üstlerine karşı saygıyla davranır. - He behaves respectfully toward his superiors.

üstün nitelikli
<span class="word-self">overspan>

Dünyada 800,000'i aşkın Baskça konuşan kişi vardır. - There are over 800,000 Basque speakers in the world.

Dünyada yedi bini aşkın dil vardır. - There are over seven thousand languages in the world.

<span class="word-self">OVERspan>
(Askeri) büyük boy kargo (oversize cargo)
<span class="word-self">overspan>
Önüne geldiği kelimeye aşırı, fazla, haddi nden fazla gibi mânâlar katan kelimecik
<span class="word-self">overspan> shoes <span class="word-self">overspan> boots
bot ayakkabılar üzerinden
aşırı bir şekilde
z. aşırı olarak, ziyadesiyle
it's not <span class="word-self">overspan> till it's <span class="word-self">overspan>
son sözümü söylemedim
it's not <span class="word-self">overspan> till it's <span class="word-self">overspan>
henüz herşey bitmedi
it's not <span class="word-self">overspan> till it's <span class="word-self">overspan>
herşey bitmiş sayılmaz
<span class="word-self">overspan>
{e} çok

Bayan Klein 80 yaşın üzerinde, ama hâlâ çok aktif. - Mrs Klein is over 80, but she's still very active.

Şeylerin üzerinde çok dikkatlice düşünmeyi seven tipim. - I'm the type who likes to think things over very carefully.

<span class="word-self">overspan>

Nalokson morfin türevi ilaçların aşırı dozunun etkilerini tersine çevirebilen hayat kurtarıcı bir ilaçtır. - Naloxone is a life-saving drug that can reverse the effects of an opioid overdose.

<span class="word-self">overspan>
baştan başa

Tom şimdi baştan başa sözleşmeyi okuyor. - Tom is reading over the contract right now.

<span class="word-self">overspan>
aşırı,-in üstünde
<span class="word-self">overspan>

300'ü geçkin insan tutuklandı. - Over 300 people were arrested.

<span class="word-self">overspan>
(Askeri) İLERİDE !: Gözcü tarafından, patlamaların gözetleme hattına göre hedefin ötesinde olduğunu belirtmek için yapılan bildirim. Bak. " short"
<span class="word-self">overspan>
bütün karşıdan karşıya
<span class="word-self">overspan>
<span class="word-self">overspan>
karşı tarafa
<span class="word-self">overspan>
<span class="word-self">overspan>
{e} üstün

Kate örtüyü masanın üstüne yaydı. - Kate spread the cloth over the table.

Hızlı kahverengi tilki tembel kahverengi köpeğin üstüne atladı. - The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy brown dog.

<span class="word-self">overspan>
<span class="word-self">overspan>
<span class="word-self">overspan>
her yerine

Aç kedi çöpü mutfağın her yerine saçtı. - The hungry cat scattered the trash all over the kitchen.

Giysilerini zeminin her yerine bırakmaktan vazgeç. - Stop leaving your clothes all over the floor.

<span class="word-self">overspan>
<span class="word-self">overspan>
her yerinden

Buraya dünyanın her yerinden turistler gelir. - Tourists from all over the world come here.

Dünyanın her yerinden binlerce insan, NASA astronotu olmak için başvuruyor. - Thousands of people from all over the world apply to become NASA astronauts.

<span class="word-self">overspan>

O, 30 yaşın üstünde ama yine de mali açıdan ailesine bağlı. - He's over 30 but still financially dependent on his parents.

Yine de, savaş bitmedi. - Still, the war was not over.

<span class="word-self">overspan>
karşıya kasma
<span class="word-self">overspan>
öteye, ötesine
<span class="word-self">overspan>
<span class="word-self">overspan>
tama- men
<span class="word-self">overspan>

Sanırım o artık bitti. - I think it's over now.

Bizim için artık yolun sonu. - It's all over for us.

<span class="word-self">overspan>
<span class="word-self">overspan>
karşı tarafta
<span class="word-self">overspan>
{e} aracılığı ile
<span class="word-self">overspan>
<span class="word-self">overspan>
{e} yüksek

Yüksek bir kum tepeciğinden bütün adayı görebildim. - From the tall dune I could see over the whole island.

Yüksek yen değerinin nasıl üstesinden gelineceği büyük bir sorundur. - How to overcome the high value of the yen is a big problem.

<span class="word-self">overspan>

Bütün gece boyunca dağlarda dolaşıyordum. - I was roaming over the mountains all through the night.

Kate hafta sonu boyunca Izu'da kalır. - Kate stays in Izu over the weekend.

<span class="word-self">overspan>

Çocuk, çitin üzerinden atladı. - The boy skipped over the fence.

Tokyo borsasında, aşağı yukarı 450 şirketin hisse senetleri sayaç üzerinde işlem gördü. - In the Tokyo stock market, stocks of about 450 companies are traded over the counter.

<span class="word-self">overspan> and <span class="word-self">overspan>

Tom'a Mary ile alay etmemesini defalarca söyledim. - I have told Tom over and over again not to make fun of Mary.

O defalarca masum olduğunu söyledi. - She repeated over and over that she was innocent of the crime.

<span class="word-self">overspan> and <span class="word-self">overspan>
(deyim) over and over (again) tekrar tekrar ,ust uste
<span class="word-self">overspan> and <span class="word-self">overspan>
tekrar tekrar

Aynı şeyi tekrar tekrar söylüyorum. - I say the same thing over and over.

Onu yapmamanı sana tekrar tekrar söyledim. - I've told you over and over again not to do that.

say <span class="word-self">overspan> and <span class="word-self">overspan> again
tekrar tekrar söylemek
{s} kibirli
(isim) üst, üstün kimse, başrahip
üstün derecede olan kimse
üst tarafında bulunan
turn <span class="word-self">overspan> and <span class="word-self">overspan>
evirip çevirmek
Türkisch - Türkisch

Definition von over- im Türkisch Türkisch wörterbuch

<span class="word-self">overspan>
Englisch - Englisch
above, or higher
You can add over- to an adjective or verb to indicate that a quality exists or an action is done to too great an extent. For example, if you say that someone is being over-cautious, you mean that they are being too cautious. Tony looked tired and over-anxious When depressed, they dramatically overindulge in chocolate and sweets
<span class="word-self">overspan>-canvassed
of or pertaining to a sailing boat (dinghy, a yacht or a sailing ship) that is carrying too much sail for the current wind conditions
<span class="word-self">overspan>-consumption
An excessive level of consumption
<span class="word-self">overspan>-egg
to spoil something by making too many improvements to it
<span class="word-self">overspan>-hedging
speculative hedging for an excessive amount
<span class="word-self">overspan>-illumination
Excess light supplied beyond the amount required for a given task
<span class="word-self">overspan>-illumination
Excessive or annoying light producing glare, annoyance and adverse health effects

The building's architect failed to account for natural light availability and specified more lighting fixtures than needed, resulting in over-illumination and leading to increased headache incidence for some building occupants.

<span class="word-self">overspan>-illumination
Wasted light through illumination of an unoccupied space, creating energy wastage
<span class="word-self">overspan>-rate
To esteem too highly; to give greater praise than due
<span class="word-self">overspan>-rated
Alternative spelling of overrated
<span class="word-self">overspan>-rated
Simple past tense and past participle of over-rate
<span class="word-self">overspan>-ridden
Alternative spelling of overridden
<span class="word-self">overspan>-ridden
excessively ridden (Example: "...there was blood on ... the sides of his over-ridden horse", Sir Walter Scott, )
<span class="word-self">overspan>-the-counter
Direct interaction between two parties without an intermediary. Thus, any market where items such as stocks or currency are bought and sold at a distance, rather than on the exchange
<span class="word-self">overspan>-the-counter
Legal for sale or distribution without the requirement of a prescription (of medicine and other treatments); abbreviated as OTC
<span class="word-self">overspan>-the-counter drug
A medicine that may be sold without a prescription
<span class="word-self">overspan>-the-counter drugs
plural form of over-the-counter drug
<span class="word-self">overspan>-the-top
Alternative spelling of over the top
<span class="word-self">overspan>-the-topness
The quality or characteristic of being over-the-top
<span class="word-self">overspan>-under
The spread or other predicted value for wagers
<span class="word-self">overspan>-the-counter
(of securities) not quoted on a stock exchange; "over-the-counter stocks" (synonym) otc (similar) unlisted
<span class="word-self">overspan>-the-counter
purchasable without a doctor's prescription; "nonprescription drugs"; "an over-the-counter cold remedy" (synonym) nonprescription
<span class="word-self">overspan>-the-counter drug
A drug that is sold without a prescription. (synonym) over-the-counter medicine
<span class="word-self">overspan>-the-counter medicine
A medicine that is sold without a prescription. (synonym) over-the-counter drug
<span class="word-self">overspan>-achiever
someone who works very hard to be successful, and is very unhappy if they do not achieve everything they want to   underachiever
<span class="word-self">overspan>-age
disapproval You use over-age to describe someone who is doing something that is usually done by much younger people, and which therefore seems inappropriate or silly. an over-age nightclub singer. too old for a particular purpose or activity   under-age
<span class="word-self">overspan>-age
If you are over-age, you are officially too old to do something. He was a couple of months over-age for the youth team
<span class="word-self">overspan>-all
in general, for the most part, including everything
<span class="word-self">overspan>-correct
make excessive corrections for fear of making an error
<span class="word-self">overspan>-dependency on others
extreme dependency on others, lack of independence, excessive need for the help of others
<span class="word-self">overspan>-excited
If you say that someone is over-excited, you mean that they are more excited than you think is desirable. You'll need to provide continuous, organised entertainment or children may get over-excited
<span class="word-self">overspan>-exposure
state of being too disclosed, state of being overly visible
<span class="word-self">overspan>-optimistic
expecting that things will be better than is possible or likely
<span class="word-self">overspan>-pious
hypocritical, self-righteous, sanctimonious
<span class="word-self">overspan>-piousness
hypocrisy, self-righteousness, sanctimoniousness
<span class="word-self">overspan>-polite
excessively polite, overly courteous
<span class="word-self">overspan>-righteous
hypocritical, sanctimonious
<span class="word-self">overspan>-simplified
made too simple, excessively simplified
<span class="word-self">overspan>-strictness
extreme meticulousness, extreme fussiness, excess attention to small details
<span class="word-self">overspan>-subscription
Some internet providers assign more customers a given amount of bandwidth than the network can consistently handle, producing consistent performance problems for users When evaluating a carrier, Service Level Agreements (SLAs) are helpful in determining if the provider may be over-subscribing their network
<span class="word-self">overspan>-subscription
Shares are said to be oversubscribed when more applications are received than there are shares for offer In this event, applications are usually scaled down pro rata (See allotment letter and ballot)
<span class="word-self">overspan>-subscription
This occurs where the applications for a new issue of shares exceed the number of shares available for issue This often happens because the shares are offered to the public at a price below their inherent value and people obtaining the shares can make an immediate “stagging” profit when the shares are listed
<span class="word-self">overspan>-the-counter
Stocks not traded on a securities exchange OTC stocks are traded by brokers for their own accounts Many OTC stocks are traded in a market called "NASDAQ," which is set up by the National Association of Securities Dealers (NASD)
<span class="word-self">overspan>-the-counter
Over-the-Counter refers to stocks not traded on registered exchanges Many OTC stocks are traded through the National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations (NASDAQ), National Market System (NMS), OTCBB (Bulletin Board) or the Pink Sheets
<span class="word-self">overspan>-the-counter
A decentralised market where geographically dispersed dealers are linked by telephones and computer screens The market is for securities not listed on a stock or bond exchange
<span class="word-self">overspan>-the-counter
Stocks trade over-the-counter (OTC) when they are not listed on an organized stock exchange, such as the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), or electronic stock market, such as the Nasdaq Stock Market (Nasdaq) Government and municipal bonds (munis) are also traded OTC In actual practice, OTC trading is handled by broker-dealers using telephone and computer networks
<span class="word-self">overspan>-the-counter
Security transactions that do not take place with an established stock exchange; the sale of unlisted securities
<span class="word-self">overspan>-the-counter
A decentralized market (as opposed to an exchange market) where geographically dispersed dealers are linked by telephones and computer screens The market is for securities not listed on a stock or bond exchange The NASDAQ market is an OTC market for US stocks Antithesis of listed
<span class="word-self">overspan>-the-counter
(of securities) not quoted on a stock exchange; "over-the-counter stocks
<span class="word-self">overspan>-the-counter
A market in which securities are bought and sold by telephone and computer network, rather than on an exchange Typically, OTC stocks are issued by companies that do not or choose not to meet eligibility requirements to trade on the New York Stock Exchange or the American Stock Exchange See NASDAQ
<span class="word-self">overspan>-the-counter
A securities market made up of dealers who make trades over the telephone and/or computer It is also called unlisted market, street market and between or inter-dealer market Almost all bonds and debentures, as well as some stocks, are traded over-the-counter in Canada
<span class="word-self">overspan>-the-counter
(OTC) A telephone/computer market where dealers execute trades for customers
<span class="word-self">overspan>-the-counter
Marketplace for securities that are not listed on an exchange OTC trading is regulated largely by the NASD, a self-regulatory group OTC securities are traded by many registered dealers rather than through an exchange specialist Other OTC markets include those for government and municipal bonds
<span class="word-self">overspan>-the-counter
A decentralized market (as opposed to an exchange market) where geographically dispersed dealers are linked together by telephones and computer screens The market is for securities not listed on a stock or bond exchange The N A S D A Q market is an O T C market for U S stocks Antithesis of listed
<span class="word-self">overspan>-the-counter
(of securities) not quoted on a stock exchange; "over-the-counter stocks"
<span class="word-self">overspan>-the-counter
(Hors cote) A security which is not traded on a recognized exchange, usually due to an inability to meet listing requirements
<span class="word-self">overspan>-the-counter
Securities that are not listed and traded on an organized exchange
<span class="word-self">overspan>-the-counter
A securities market made up of dealers who make trades over the telephone and/or computer It is also called "unlisted market," "street market" and "between or inter-dealer market " Almost all bonds and debentures, as well as some stocks, are traded over-the-counter in Canada
<span class="word-self">overspan>-the-counter
A market for securities made up of securities dealers who may or may not be members of a securities exchange The over-the-counter market is conducted over the telephone and deals mainly with stocks of companies without sufficient shares, stockholders or earnings to warrant listing on an exchange Over-the-counter dealers may act either as principals or as brokers for customers The over-the-counter market is the principal market for bonds of all types
<span class="word-self">overspan>-the-counter
Over-The-Counter securities are bought and sold through dealers rather than through the floor of an exchange Because most OTC securities are too small to be traded on the New York or American stock exchanges, dealers make markets for these securities through Bid and Ask prices The NASDAQ provides these price quotations
<span class="word-self">overspan>-the-counter
purchasable without a doctor's prescription; "nonprescription drugs"; "an over-the-counter cold remedy"
<span class="word-self">overspan>-the-counter
A type of market where securities are bought and sold mainly by telephone Dealers may or may not be members of a recognized stock exchange Also called "unlisted" and "street" markets Examples are Canadian Dealer Network (CDN) and NASDAQ
<span class="word-self">overspan>-the-counter
Drugs or medications that are available without a prescription Usually these drugs are not covered by health plans and must be paid in full by the patient The plan may deny payment even if a prescription is written for the medication and it is available over the counter
<span class="word-self">overspan>-the-counter
are the type of medicines which you can buy off the shelf, without a prescription Often people think these medications don't matter, but it is important for health care providers to know about all over-the-counter medicines that your loved one takes on a regular basis Sometimes the ingredients in these kinds of medicines act together with a prescription medicine in a way that is not intended or that could be harmful for a particular person
<span class="word-self">overspan>-the-counter
The O-T-C market is for securities not listed on a stock exchange
<span class="word-self">overspan>-the-counter
Securities not listed on a stock exchange
<span class="word-self">overspan>-the-counter
The market for securities not listed on a stock exchange
<span class="word-self">overspan>-the-counter drug
a drug that is sold without a prescription
<span class="word-self">overspan>-the-counter market
Trading in stocks and bonds that does not take place on stock exchanges. Such trading occurs most often in the U.S., where requirements for listing stocks on the exchanges are strict. Schedules of fees for buying and selling securities are not fixed in the over-the-counter market, and dealers derive their profits from the markup of their selling price over the price they paid. Many bond issues and preferred-stock issues, including U.S. government bonds, are listed on the New York Stock Exchange but have their chief market over-the-counter. Other U.S. government securities, as well as state and municipal bonds, are traded over-the-counter exclusively. Institutional investors such as mutual funds often trade over-the-counter because they are given volume discounts not offered on the exchanges. The regulation of the over-the-counter market is carried out largely by the National Association of Securities Dealers, created by Congress in 1939 to establish rules of conduct and protect members and investors from abuses. See also NASDAQ
<span class="word-self">overspan>-the-counter market
a stock exchange where securities transactions are made via telephone and computer rather than on the floor of an exchange
<span class="word-self">overspan>-the-shoulder bombing
a special case of loft bombing in which the bomb is released past the vertical so it is tossed back to the target
<span class="word-self">overspan>-the-top
see top. OTT remarks, behaviour etc that are over-the-top are so extreme or unreasonable that they seem stupid or offensive
<span class="word-self">overspan>-turn
To put too much spin on the ball, usually resulting in too much of a hook, which can lead to a nose hit or even a Brooklyn hit
<span class="word-self">overspan>-turn
To apply too much spin to the ball and not enough finger lift, preventing the ball from having proper action When the thumb stays in too long, the ball is said to be overturned The thumb should come out first, allowing the fingers to lift the ball forward and spin it to the side
<span class="word-self">overspan>-turn
To put too much spin on the ball, usually resulting in too much of a hook, which is likely to cause a nose hit or a Brooklyn hit
all <span class="word-self">overspan>

I've looked all over for it.

all <span class="word-self">overspan>
Everywhere; covering completely

He dropped the bucket and got paint all over the floor and his clothes.''.

all <span class="word-self">overspan>
Over an entire extent

He was covered all over with mud.

all <span class="word-self">overspan>
In every way; thoroughly

Dancing with everyone, singing show tunes all night: that was Luke all over.

all <span class="word-self">overspan> again
Once again; one further time

I spent 5 hours finding a suitable present for my sister, but then I lost it and had to look all over again.

all <span class="word-self">overspan> but the shouting
The substance of the contest is complete, leaving only the cheering
all <span class="word-self">overspan> the board
Alternative form of all over the map

The numbers I got for that were all over the board.

all <span class="word-self">overspan> the map
Widely scattered or distributed; numerous and differing greatly

The Kip Hanrahan Band, which opened the concert, is after its own ambitious American-Latin fusion, with internationalist rhythms, introspective lyrics and musicians from all over the map.

all <span class="word-self">overspan> the map
In widely scattered directions; in a widely varying manner

I hit it all over the map,” Anderson joked.

all <span class="word-self">overspan> the place
At multiple locations in the vicinity

The cart fell over and there were apples all over the place.

all <span class="word-self">overspan> the place
Inconsistent; lacking a clear pattern; with a large amount of variation

I asked each person in turn, and their answers were all over the place.

all <span class="word-self">overspan> the place
Thoroughly; completely

I took a big piece of paper and then just painted flowers all over the place.''.

all <span class="word-self">overspan> the place
Covering a location thoroughly or completely

When the house caught on fire the firemen came and sprayed water all over the place.

all <span class="word-self">overspan> the place
Lacking a clear pattern; with a large amount of variation

I asked each person in turn, and their answers were all over the place.

all <span class="word-self">overspan> the place
In multiple directions, sometimes in a random or near random pattern

I poured a big glass of milk but then it spilled all over the place.

all <span class="word-self">overspan> the shop
Alternative form of all over the place
all <span class="word-self">overspan> with
Completely finished; over

When the event is all over with, make sure that the place is cleaned up and the lights are turned off.

all-<span class="word-self">overspan>
all-<span class="word-self">overspan>
in every respect; utterly
all-<span class="word-self">overspan>
over the whole area or extent
all-<span class="word-self">overspan>
arse <span class="word-self">overspan> tit
Tumbling; falling; upside-down; unstable or unbalanced

I missed the step and went arse over tit.

ass <span class="word-self">overspan> teakettle

We've been scrambling ass over teakettle to get this thing done on time.

ass <span class="word-self">overspan> teakettle
Tumbling upside down

When the top step gave way he went ass over teakettle back down to the bottom.

ass <span class="word-self">overspan> teakettle
In complete disarray

After all that hard work cleaning up, along comes one big storm and we're ass over teakettle again.

base <span class="word-self">overspan> apex
falling over in a jumbled heap
bend <span class="word-self">overspan>
To bend one's upper body forward and down while standing or kneeling
bend <span class="word-self">overspan> backwards
To make a great effort; to take extraordinary care; to go to great lengths

They bent over backwards to make sure everything was just right for the visit.

blow <span class="word-self">overspan>
To pass naturally; to go away; to settle or calm down

You cannot simply wait for a problem like that to blow over.

blow <span class="word-self">overspan>
To blow on something causing it to topple

The wind blow over the pole.

boil <span class="word-self">overspan>
To boil to such an extent as to overflow its container

I forgot about the rice and it boiled over.

bowl <span class="word-self">overspan>
To overwhelm; to cause to fall to the ground

This tribe lived largely upon the smaller animals which they bowled over with their stone hatchets after making a wide circle about their quarry and driving it so that it had to pass close to one of their number.

bowl <span class="word-self">overspan>
To overwhelm with astonishment or wonder; to flabbergast
brim <span class="word-self">overspan>
to overflow over the brim (of a saucepan etc.)
bubbled <span class="word-self">overspan>
Simple past tense and past participle of bubble over
bubbles <span class="word-self">overspan>
Third-person singular simple present indicative form of bubble over
bubbling <span class="word-self">overspan>
Present participle of bubble over
cap <span class="word-self">overspan> the windmill
in a crazed manner
chew <span class="word-self">overspan>
To think deeply about; to ponder or mull over
chewed <span class="word-self">overspan>
Simple past tense and past participle of chew over
chewing <span class="word-self">overspan>
Present participle of chew over
chews <span class="word-self">overspan>
Third-person singular simple present indicative form of chew over
cloud <span class="word-self">overspan>
To become cloudy or overcast

Her eyes clouded over with grief as we told her what had happened.

clouded <span class="word-self">overspan>
Simple past tense and past participle of cloud over
clouding <span class="word-self">overspan>
Present participle of cloud over
clouds <span class="word-self">overspan>
Third-person singular simple present indicative form of cloud over
colt <span class="word-self">overspan> the fence
An illegitimate child
come <span class="word-self">overspan>
To affect

It was then that a great pity came over me for this thin shadow of man; thinking rather what a fine, tall gentleman Colonel Mohune had once been, and a good soldier no doubt besides, than that he had wasted a noble estate and played traitor to the king.

come <span class="word-self">overspan>
To change ones position or location

I think, Emmaline, he concluded, I will ask Ántonia to come over and help you in the kitchen. She will be glad to earn something, and it will be a good time to end misunderstandings. I may as well ride over this morning and make arrangements. Do you want to go with me, Jim? His tone told me that he had already decided for me.

cross <span class="word-self">overspan>
Alternative form of crossover
cross <span class="word-self">overspan>
To die

Sarah's grandmother crossed over last night.

crossed <span class="word-self">overspan>
Simple past tense and past participle of cross over
crosses <span class="word-self">overspan>
Third-person singular simple present indicative form of cross over
do <span class="word-self">overspan>
To beat up

if he answers in a foreign accent, we do him over; and if he's got any money on him we'll roll him as well.

do <span class="word-self">overspan>
To repeat; to start over
do-<span class="word-self">overspan>
A repeat of a previous activity, with the hope of greater success

Avoid the frustration of time-consuming do-overs on school projects. Try Crayola Erasable Markers, Crayons & colored pencils.

does <span class="word-self">overspan>
Third-person singular simple present indicative form of do over
doing <span class="word-self">overspan>
Present participle of do over
don't cry <span class="word-self">overspan> spilled milk
Alternative spelling of don't cry over spilt milk
don't cry <span class="word-self">overspan> spilt milk
It is no use worrying about unfortunate events which have already happened and which cannot be changed
done <span class="word-self">overspan>
Past participle of do over
fail <span class="word-self">overspan>
To automatically switch processing from a failed component in a critical system to its live spare or backup component

If the Web server crashes, we can fail over to the spare in less than a second.

fall <span class="word-self">overspan>
Of an argument, to fail to be valid
fall <span class="word-self">overspan>
Of a computer program, to crash
fall <span class="word-self">overspan>
To fall from an upright or standing position to a horizontal or prone position
fall <span class="word-self">overspan> oneself
To be unusually enthusiastic

On the contrary, instead of wholeheartedly defending Chase, Marshall fell over himself to accommodate his accusers.

fallen <span class="word-self">overspan>
broken, failed, inoperable

We'll have to walk; my car has fallen over.

fallen <span class="word-self">overspan>
Past participle of fall over
falling <span class="word-self">overspan>
Present participle of fall over
falls <span class="word-self">overspan>
Third-person singular simple present indicative form of fall over
fell <span class="word-self">overspan>
Simple past of fall over
fork <span class="word-self">overspan>
To turn over soil with a gardening fork
fork <span class="word-self">overspan>
To pay (implies lots of money)
forked <span class="word-self">overspan>
Simple past tense and past participle of fork over
forking <span class="word-self">overspan>
Present participle of fork over
forks <span class="word-self">overspan>
Third-person singular simple present indicative form of fork over
fuck <span class="word-self">overspan>
To cheat or treat unfairly
fuck someone <span class="word-self">overspan>
to exploit somebody in a way which result in an advantage to oneself, at the cost of the other party gaining a considerable disadvantage

He really fucked me over when he sold me that car for $3,000.

fucked <span class="word-self">overspan>
Simple past tense and past participle of fuck someone over

That contract I signed really fucked me over.

game <span class="word-self">overspan>
A message that appears on the screen of a computer or video game when all of the player's lives have been lost and the game must be started again from a checkpoint or save point, or when the game has been successfully completed
game <span class="word-self">overspan>
The end of some ongoing situation due to either failure or success
gave <span class="word-self">overspan>
Simple past of give over
get it <span class="word-self">overspan> with
To do or finish, especially said of something unpleasant.''

He didn’t want to go to the doctor for his shots, but he decided it would be better just to get it over with.

get one's leg <span class="word-self">overspan>
Literally: for a person to lift his or her leg over something

1991: He just didn't quite get his leg over. — Jonathan Agnew, BBC Test Match Special, describing Ian Botham treading on his stumps. Co-commentator Brian Johnston was reduced to a fit of on-air giggles at the (presumably unintentional) double-entendre with the slang sense above. Quoted in The Guinness Book of Cricket Blunders, Cris Freddi, Guinness Publishing, 1996, ISBN 0-85112-624-3, page 138.

get one's leg <span class="word-self">overspan>
To have sex

It's all well and good being kind to girls and respecting them, but at the end of the day all I want to do is get my leg over.

get <span class="word-self">overspan>
To recover (from)

I'm having problems getting over a bad cold.

get <span class="word-self">overspan>
To overcome

I'm trying to get over my fear of flying.

get <span class="word-self">overspan>
To forget and move on

She was in love with me for 10 years, and still hasn't got over the fact that the feeling wasn't mutual.

get <span class="word-self">overspan> on
To take advantage of
get <span class="word-self">overspan> with
Variant of get it over with
get something <span class="word-self">overspan> with
To do something quickly and hastily; without procrastination, especially so as to have something unpleasant behind oneself

I hate getting shots, but it's best just to get it over with.

gets <span class="word-self">overspan>
Third-person singular simple present indicative form of get over
getting <span class="word-self">overspan>
Present participle of get over
give <span class="word-self">overspan>
To yield completely, to quit, to abandon

For, as indeed was very natural in such case, all government of the Poor by the Rich has long ago been given over to Supply-and-demand, Laissez-faire and such like, and universally declared to be ‘impossible’.

give <span class="word-self">overspan>
To give up, hand over, surrender (something)

Diocletian, the emperor, was so much affected with it that he gave over his sceptre and turned gardener.

give <span class="word-self">overspan>
Usually as an imperative. To tell someone to stop molesting, fooling around, or saying silly things. Or sometimes to stop saying flattering things

Give over with your nonsense, will you!.

give <span class="word-self">overspan>
To addict, resign or apply (one’s self)
give <span class="word-self">overspan>
To devote oneself to a particular activity

He gave himself over to a monastic life.

give <span class="word-self">overspan>
To entrust (something) to another

She gave the deeds over to the solicitor for safe-keeping.

given <span class="word-self">overspan>
Present participle of give over
gives <span class="word-self">overspan>
Third-person singular simple present indicative form of give over
giving <span class="word-self">overspan>
Present participle of give over
glance <span class="word-self">overspan>
to quickly inspect something (newspaper, notes) with the eyes
glaze <span class="word-self">overspan>
to become unfocused, as if through boredom
glaze <span class="word-self">overspan>
to gloss over
gloss <span class="word-self">overspan>
To cover up a mistake or a crime; to hush up or whitewash

They glossed over the problem, hoping that the customers wouldn't notice.

gloss <span class="word-self">overspan>
To treat something with less care than it deserves; to skimp

This book only glosses over quantum mechanics, and doesn't go into detail.

glossed <span class="word-self">overspan>
Simple past tense and past participle of gloss over
glosses <span class="word-self">overspan>
Third-person singular simple present indicative form of gloss over
glossing <span class="word-self">overspan>
Present participle of gloss over
go <span class="word-self">overspan>
To score a try
go <span class="word-self">overspan>
To look at carefully; to scrutinize; to analyze

Please go over the reports to make sure we haven't missed anything.

go <span class="word-self">overspan> like a lead balloon
To fail to gain acceptance: to be received poorly
go <span class="word-self">overspan> someone's head
To take up an issue with another person's boss or other superior rather than beginning or continuing to deal with the original person

She went over his head and took her complaint directly to the president of the company.

goes <span class="word-self">overspan> like a lead balloon
Third-person singular simple present indicative form of go over like a lead balloon
going <span class="word-self">overspan>
A sound thrashing, beating

When the mob men finally found him, they gave him a good going over that left him clinging to life.

going <span class="word-self">overspan>
A severe, thorough scolding
going <span class="word-self">overspan>
An overhaul
going <span class="word-self">overspan>
Present participle of go over

to create an impression The new policies aren't going over well with the staff.

going <span class="word-self">overspan>
An inspection, examination, review, or investigation

After the bankruptcy, our accounts were given a thorough going over.

going <span class="word-self">overspan> like a lead balloon
Present participle of go over like a lead balloon
going-<span class="word-self">overspan>
Alternative spelling of going over
gone <span class="word-self">overspan> like a lead balloon
Past participle of go over like a lead balloon
got <span class="word-self">overspan>
Past participle of get over
gotten <span class="word-self">overspan>
Past participle of get over
hand <span class="word-self">overspan>
To relinquish control or possession of something to someone

I handed over the controls to the copilot.

hand <span class="word-self">overspan> fist
Quickly or in great quantity, especially in reference to earning money.''

He didn't earn much, but the company seemed to rake in money hand over fist.

handing <span class="word-self">overspan>
Present participle of hand over
hands <span class="word-self">overspan>
Third-person singular simple present indicative form of hand over
hat <span class="word-self">overspan> the windmill
Alternative form of cap over the windmill
haul somebody <span class="word-self">overspan> the coals
To express anger with someone in no uncertain terms when they do something wrong

The teacher hauled him over the coals for smoking in the toilets.

head <span class="word-self">overspan> heels
Tumbling upside down

She tripped and rolled head over heels down the hill.

head <span class="word-self">overspan> heels
At top speed; frantically

Hearing the noise in the dark, the children ran head over heels back home.

head <span class="word-self">overspan> heels
Hopelessly smitten

He was head over heels in love with the girl next door.

heel <span class="word-self">overspan>
to tilt to one side
heeled <span class="word-self">overspan>
Simple past tense and past participle of heel over
heeling <span class="word-self">overspan>
Present participle of heel over
heels <span class="word-self">overspan>
Third-person singular simple present indicative form of heel over
hold <span class="word-self">overspan>
something left from an earlier time

The QWERTY keyboard layout is a holdover from the days when manual typewriters jammed.

hold <span class="word-self">overspan>
to save, delay

We will have to hold over these files until tomorrow.

hold <span class="word-self">overspan> someone's head
To harp on; to remind continuously (especially of a misstep or defeat)

I get one parking ticket and he holds it over my head for six months.

ice <span class="word-self">overspan>
To become covered in ice, usually of a body of water



    (prefix.) Old English ofer-.


    ... And in fact, its creation, over four billion years ago, ...
    ... pregnancies and educate all children to give people control over their bodies and over ...