Aziz Augustine tarafından yazılan İtiraflar bize ortodokslukta biten entelektüel arayışın zamansız bir hikayesini anlatır. - Confessions by St. Augustine tells us the timeless story of an intellectual quest that ends in orthodoxy.
Definition von orthodoxy im Englisch Englisch wörterbuch
The beliefs and practices of the Eastern Orthodox Church, Greek Orthodox Church, Russian Orthodox Church, Serbian Orthodox Church, or of Orthodox Judaism
Literally, "right belief " Christianity, unlike most false religions, is not fundamentally a moral code It is a doctrinal system that dictates and requires a particular ethical code The outlines of Christianity were hammered out in the early ecumenical councils of the church in its first five centuries of its existence There can be no Christianity without this orthodoxy There are more specific orthodoxies For example, Reformed orthodoxy includes a broader range of Biblical belief It includes such doctrines emphasized at the time of the Reformation as the Bible as our final authority and justification by faith alone Reformed orthodoxy is expressed preeminently in the great Reformed confessions of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries Chalcedon supports both early ecumenical orthodoxy and Reformed orthodoxy
is the method of referring to the standard of beliefs held by the Church of Christ It is the list of "doctrines" believed to be truth
The old, traditional beliefs of a religion, political party, or philosophy can be referred to as orthodoxy. a conflict between Nat's religious orthodoxy and Rube's belief that his mission is to make money. orthodoxies an idea or set of ideas that is accepted by most people to be correct and right
Literally "correct belief", refers to a common tendency among some religions to promote common beliefs Compare this with the more Hellenistic "orthopraxy"
The position or state in which people totally conform to and accept an established doctrine of religious beliefs
Soundness of faith; a belief in the doctrines taught in the Scriptures, or in some established standard of faith; opposed to heterodoxy or to heresy
the quality of being orthodox (especially in religion) a belief or orientation agreeing with conventional standards
An orthodoxy is an accepted view about something. These ideas rapidly became the new orthodoxy in linguistics What was once a novel approach had become orthodoxy
Consonance to genuine Scriptural doctrines; said of moral doctrines and beliefs; as, the orthodoxy of a creed
From the Greek "straight opinion," the accepted or dominant teaching or position
A term used in a number of senses, of which the following are the most important: Orthodoxy in the sense of "right belief," as opposed to heresy (see pp 145-9); orthodoxy in the sense of a movement within Protestantism, especially in the late sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries, which laid emphasis upon need for doctrinal definition (see pp 68-71)
any practice or teaching that falls within the established framework of the conventions, beliefs and doctrines of a given religious tradition See also Heresy
officially Orthodox Catholic Church One of the three major branches of Christianity. Its adherents live mostly in Greece, Russia, the Balkans, Ukraine, and the Middle East, with a large following in North America and Australia. The titular head of Eastern Orthodoxy is the ecumenical patriarch of Constantinople (Istanbul), but its many territorial churches (including the huge Russian Orthodox church and the Greek Orthodox church) are governed autonomously by head bishops or patriarchs, who must be unmarried or widowed even though lower orders of the clergy may marry. Eastern Orthodoxy also boasts a strong monastic tradition. The separation of the Eastern churches from the Western, or Latin, branch began with the division of the Roman Empire into two parts under Constantine I. A formal break was made in 1054 (see Schism of 1054). Doctrinally, Eastern Orthodoxy differs from Roman Catholicism in that it does not accept the primacy of the pope or the clause in the Western creed that states that the Holy Spirit proceeds from both the Father (God) and the Son (Jesus). The Orthodox church accepts the decisions of the seven ecumenical councils as well as several later ones. It maintains that there are seven sacraments and has a worship service that is theologically and spiritually rich. In the early 21st century, Eastern Orthodoxy had more than 200 million adherents worldwide