The sporophyte foot is also characteristic: it is very broad and more or less lenticular or disciform, as broad or broader than the calyptra stalk , and is sessile on the calyptra base.
Sey ye never so, seyde Sir Bors, for many tymys or this she hath bene wroth with you, and aftir that she was the firste that repented hit..
From 1859, Protestant missionaries from America started to arrive, and the Catholic and Russian Orthodox churches also became actively involved in missionary work.
- 1859'dan itibaren, Amerika'dan Protestan misyonerler gelmeye başladı ve Katolik ve de Rus Ortodoks kiliseleri de misyonerlik çalışmalarına aktif olarak dahil oldular.
Confessions by St. Augustine tells us the timeless story of an intellectual quest that ends in orthodoxy.
- Aziz Augustine tarafından yazılan İtiraflar bize ortodokslukta biten entelektüel arayışın zamansız bir hikayesini anlatır.