
listen to the pronunciation of operating
Englisch - Türkisch
ölçüm yapma
faaliyette bulunan

Gece yarısından sonra bir dans kulübü çalıştırmak Japon hukukuna göre yasal değildir. - Operating a dance club after midnight is illegal according to Japanese law.


İşletme maliyetlerini kısmamız gerekir. - We need to cut down operating costs.

O, o zaman bir traktörü işletmekle meşguldü. - At that time she was engaged in operating a tractor.

{f} işlet

Linux ücretsiz bir işletim sistemidir, denemelisiniz. - Linux is a free operating system; you should try it.

Arkadaşım yeni işletim sistemi için bir kullanıcı arayüzü tasarlıyor. - My friend is designing a user interface for the new operating system.


Tom ameliyat masasında, baygın hâlde yatıyordu. - Tom was lying unconscious on the operating table.

Tom neredeyse Mary'nin ameliyat masasında öldüğünü söyledi.. - Tom said Mary almost died on the operating table.


Linux ücretsiz bir işletim sistemidir, denemelisiniz. - Linux is a free operating system; you should try it.

Arkadaşım yeni işletim sistemi için bir kullanıcı arayüzü tasarlıyor. - My friend is designing a user interface for the new operating system.

{s} kullanma
{f} işlet: prep.işleterek
ameliyat etmek

Acilen ameliyat etmek zorundayız. - We have to operate urgently.

Derhal ameliyat etmek zorundayız. - We have to operate immediately.


Bir tekne işletmek için ehliyetin var mı? - Do you have a license to operate a boat?

{i} sistem

Komünizm, Sovyet Sosyalist Cumhuriyetler Birliği'nde uygulanmış sistemdir. - Communism is the system practiced in the Soviet Union.

N8, Nokia'nın Symbian 3 işletim sistemi kullanan ilk aygıtı olacak. - The N8 will be the first device by Nokia with the Symbian^3 operating system


Cihazı çalıştırmak mükemmelce basittir. - The appliance is wonderfully simple to operate.

Çim biçme makinesini çalıştırmak için benzin gerekiyor. - The lawn mower needs gas to operate.

operating account
Mâliyet merkezi
operating cost
(Askeri) harekat maliyeti
operating costs
(Ticaret) işletme maliyeti
operating costs
(Ticaret) işletme masrafları
operating current
(Elektrik, Elektronik) çalışma akımı
operating current
(Bilgisayar,Elektrik, Elektronik) çalıştırma akımı
operating handle
(Avcılık,Teknik) çalıştırma kolu
operating instructions
(Bilgisayar) işletme talimatları
operating instructions
(Otomotiv) çalıştırma talimatları
operating instructions
(Bilgisayar) işletim yönergesi
operating lever
(Otomotiv) işletme kolu
operating lever
(Askeri) kama kolu
operating life
(Bilgisayar,Teknik,Ticaret) çalışma ömrü
operating limits
(Bilgisayar,Teknik,Ticaret) çalışma sınırları
operating limits
çalışma koşulları
operating mode
(Askeri) çalışma modu
operating mode
(Bilgisayar) işletim kipi
operating power
(Elektrik, Elektronik,Teknik) çalışma gücü
operating profit
(Ticaret) işletme karı
operating radius
(Askeri) hareket yarıçapı
operating rights
(Kanun) işletme hakları
operating room
(Tıp) operasyon odası
operating rooms
(Tıp) ameliyathaneler
operating slide
(Askeri) kapak sürgü kolu
operating speed
çalışma hızı
operating system
(Bilgisayar) işletim dizgesi
operating systems
işletim sistemleri
operating weight
(Askeri) uçuş ağırlığı
operating characteristic
çalışma davranışı
operating characteristic curve
onanma olasılığı eğrisi
operating condition
işletme koşulu
operating console
işletim konsolu
operating control
işletim kontrolu
operating cost
işletim maliyeti
operating costs
işletme giderleri
operating engineer
işletim mühendisi
operating expense
işletme gideri
operating income
işletme geliri
operating instructions
işletim talimatı
operating lever
kumanda kolu
operating profit
işletme kârı
operating revenue
işletme geliri
operating revenue
faaliyet geliri
operating room
işletim odası
operating surgeon
işletim operatörü
operating system
işletim sistemi
operating system
işletim jüyesi
operating table
işletim masası
operating table
ameliyat masası
operating theatre
ameliyat odası
operating cash flow
işletme nakit akışı
operating condition
çalışma koşulu
operating conditions
çalışma koşulları
operating cost
işletme maliyeti
operating cycle
(Finans) Bir işletmenin faaliyet konusunu oluşturan mali hammadde halinden itibaren tedarik edip üretmesi, stokta bulundurması, satması ve mal bedelini alıcıdan tahsil etmesini içeren ortalama süre
operating environment
Çalışma ortamına
operating error
işletim hata
operating expense
işletim gideri
operating instruction
çalıştırma talimatı
operating lease arrangement
işletme kira düzenlemesi
operating mechanism
işletme mekanizması
operating period
işletme dönemi
operating profit margin
faaliyet kar marjı
operating ratio
işletim oranı
operating revenue
işletme geliri, faaliyet geliri
operating staff
işletme personeli
operating statement
işletme giderleri çizelgesi
operating station
işletim istasyonu
operating voltage for
Çalışma gerilimi için
Operating Data Window
(Tekstil) Çalıştırma Verileri ekranı
Operating hours
(Tekstil) Çalışma saatleri
Operating pressure
(Tekstil) Çalışma basıncı
Operating pressure monitor
(Tekstil) Çalışma basıncı gözleyici
operating accounts
(Avrupa Birliği) işletme hesapları, faaliyet hesabı
operating agency
(Askeri) İDARİ ÜST MAKAM: Belirli idari yetki ve sorumluluklara sahip olan üst makam
operating air
(Nükleer Bilimler) çalıştırma havası
operating asset
(Ticaret) işletme aktifi
operating assets
(Ticaret) işletme kaynaklan
operating base
(Askeri) Harekat merkezi
operating base; order of battle
(Askeri) harekat üssü; muharebe düzeni
operating bases
(Elektrik, Elektronik) işletme yerleri
operating beds
(Askeri) hasta yatakları mevcudu
operating beds
(Askeri) HASTA YATAKLARI MEVCUDU: Hasta tedavisine her an hazır, kurulmuş vaziyette duran, sıhhi tedavi tesisi yatakları. Tesis, personel ve malzeme bakımından faal durumdadır
operating beds available
(Askeri) AÇIK HASTA YATAĞI MEVCUDU: Bir sıhhi bakım tesisinde halen hastalara tahsis edilmemiş yatak mevcudu
operating budget
(Askeri) CARİ GELİR VE GİDER BÜTÇESİ: İşletme programının ana kısmı. Bu kısım mali planları; bütçe yılına ait işletme programını destekleyen maliyetler (karşılıklı ve karşılıksız) ve taahhütler halinde, teferruatlandırır. Cari gelir ve gider bütçesi, her seviyedeki komutanın sorumlu olduğu faaliyet ve görevleri destekleyecek bir mali plan temin eder. Cari gelir ve gider bütçeleri, idari ve manajman maksatları için kullanılır ve fonları taahhüde bağlama yetkisi için bir vasıta olarak faydalanılmazlar
operating button
çalıştırma düğmesi
operating cable
işletme kablosu
operating cable
(Otomotiv) çalıştırma kablosu
operating cable
(Otomotiv) kumanda teli
operating cable
(Otomotiv) kumanda kablosu
operating ceiling
(Askeri) AZAMİ UÇUŞ YÜKSEKLİĞİ, UÇUŞ TAVANI: Belirli bir hava aracının normal olarak faayette bulunabileceği azami irtifa
operating ceiling
(Askeri) uçuş tavanı
operating ceiling
(Askeri) azami uçuş yüksekliği
operating cone
çalıştırma konisi
operating cost
operating cost
işletim maliyeti,işletme masrafı
operating current
calistirma akimi
operating cycle
(Nükleer Bilimler) işletme çevrimi
operating cycles
işletme çevrimleri
operating cycles
çalışma çevrimleri
operating device
işletme tertibatı
operating display
(Bilgisayar) işletim göstericisi
operating fee
(Ticaret) işletim ücreti
operating forces
(Askeri) HAREKAT KUVVETLERİ: Muharebenin ayrılmaz destek unsurları olarak başlıca görevleri muharebeye katılmak olan kuvvetler. Ayrıca bakınız: "combat forces", "combat service support elements", "combat support elements", "combat support troops"
operating forces
(Askeri) harekat kuvvetleri
operating frequency
(Nükleer Bilimler) çalışma frekansı
operating handle
(Askeri) KAMA KOLU KABZASI: Toplarda, kamanın açılıp kapanması için kama kolunu işleten kol
operating head
çalışma düşüşü
operating influences
calisma etkilenimi
operating ledger
(Ticaret) işletme defteri
operating level of supply
(Askeri) işletme ikmal seviyesi
operating level of supply
(Askeri) İŞLETME İKMAL SEVİYESİ, İŞLETME STOK SEVİYESİ (ORD.): Yapılan istekler veya ardarda sevkıyatın varışı arasındaki devrede faaliyetin devam ettirilmesi için gerekli malzeme miktarları. Bu miktarlar, tespit edilmiş bulunan bütünleme ikmal devresi (aylık, on beş günlük vesaire) üzerinden hesap edilmelidir. Ayrıca bakınız: "level of supply"
operating level of supply
(Askeri) işletme stok seviyesi
operating lever
(Askeri) KAMA KOLU: Bir topun kamasını açıp kapamaya yarayan manivela
operating license
(Avrupa Birliği) işletme ruhsatı
operating life
calisma omru
operating limitations
işletim sınırları
operating limits
calisma sinirlari
operating line
işletme doğrusu
operating line
çalışma eğrisi
operating load
(Teknik,Ticaret) işletme yükü
operating location
(Askeri) çalıştırma mahalli
operating loss
(Ticaret) faaliyet zararı
operating maintenance
(Askeri) İŞLETME BAKIMI PERİYODİK BAKIM: Kullanılan teşkiller tarafından araçlara ve diğer malzemeye yapılan, programlanmış ve programlanmamış, bütün bakım ve onarım. Ayrıca bakınız: "schedule maintenance"
operating memory
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) işletme belleği
operating memory
isletme bellegi
operating overload
calisirken asiri yuk
operating period
faaliyet süresi
operating personnel
(Askeri) İŞLETME PERSONELİ: Kara Ordusu personel kullanma direktifleri ile idari personeli görevlerini veya esas görevleri yerine getirmek üzere tahsis ve Kara Kuvvetleri Komutanlığınca teşkilat ve malzeme kadro birlikleri olarak, özel surette kurulmuş olmaları hali müstesna-kuruluş dışı kadro birlikleri halinde teşkil edilmiş askeri personel
operating piston
çalıştırma pistonu
operating point
calisma noktasi
operating policy
(Askeri) işletim politikası
operating program
(Askeri) İŞLETME PROGRAMI: Her Ordu Komutanlığı, makam ve tesis tarafından hazırlanan ve bu komutanlık, makam ve tesisin ulaşması gerekli yıllık hedefleri, mevcut kaynaklarla (insan gücü, malzeme, para) bağlantılı olarak gösteren program
operating radius
(Askeri) FAALİYET YARIÇAPI: Bir uçağın bir noktadan kalkarak, yakıt ikmali yapmaksızın, vazifeye tahsis edilen belirli bir süre hedef sahasında kaldıktan sonra, tekrar aynı noktaya dönüşü ve bunu gösteren mesafe
operating range
işletme aralığı
operating range
(Nükleer Bilimler) işletme bölgesi
operating range
çalıştırma aralığı
operating rate
(Ticaret) kapasiteden yararlanma oranı
operating rating
işletme değerlendirmesi
operating ratio
(Ticaret) işletme oranı
operating ratios
(Ticaret) faaliyet oranları
operating records
(Nükleer Bilimler) işletme kayıtları
operating result
(Ticaret) faaliyeti sonucu
operating result
(Ticaret) işletme sonucu
operating result
(Ticaret) faaliyet sonucu
operating right
(Avrupa Birliği) işletme hakkı
operating rod
çevirme tiji
operating rod
sürgü tahrik çubuğu
operating rod
(Otomotiv) çalıştırma çubuğu
operating room
ameliyat odası
operating rules
işletme esasları
operating safety
(Mekanik) çalışma güvenliği
operating schedule
(Askeri) İŞLETME ZAMAN ÇİZELGESİ: Belirli bir hedefin zamanca safhalanmasını yapan, programlama ve bütçeleme için, gerekli, teferruatlı bir çizelge
operating section
(Askeri) İŞLETME KISMI: Bak. "communıcatıons center"
operating section
(Askeri) işletme kısmı
operating sequence
manevra sirasi (mekanik anahtar)
operating service
işletme servisi
operating shaft
(Otomotiv) çalıştırma mili
operating shaft
(Otomotiv) el fren mili
operating slide
(Askeri) KAPAK SÜRGÜ KOLU: Browning makinalı tüfeklerde; doldurma, boşaltma ve tutukluğu gidermek için, kapak takımının açılmasına ve ateş etmek için kapanmasına imkan veren tertibat
operating speed
(Askeri) DEVİR SÜRATİ: Bazı tip motorlarda dakikada devir adedi
operating stage
işletim evresi
operating states
(Nükleer Bilimler) işletme durumları
operating strip
(Askeri) İcra yayı
operating surgeon
operating surgeon
operating switch
(Otomotiv) kumanda düğmesi
operating switch
(Otomotiv) çalıştırma düğmesi
operating system
(Askeri) İŞLETİM SİSTEMİ: Bilgisayar programlarının icrasını kontrol eden sistem
operating system 2
OS/2 İşletim Sistemi
operating system choice
(Bilgisayar) işletim sistemi seçeneği
operating target
(Askeri) harekat hedefi
operating tempo
(Askeri) harekat temposu
operating theater
ameliyat odası
operating theater
operating time
işletme zamanı
operating transmitter
yayindaki verici
operating valve
işletme valfi
operating valve
kumanda valfi
operating voltage
(Askeri,Elektrik, Elektronik) çalışma gerilimi
operating weight
(Askeri) UÇUŞ AĞIRLIĞI: Uçuş için teçhiz edilmiş bir uçağın ağırlığı, terim icabında, özel bir tarife ihtiyaç gösterir; fakat, genellikle, yakıt, mürettebat, mürettebat teçhizatı ile acil veya olağanüstü durum teçhizatını içine alır

Bir uydu uzayda büyük sıcaklık farklılıkları içinde çalışmak zorundadır. - A satellite has to operate in space within massive temperature differences.

exclusive operating rights
(Ticaret) münhasır işletme hakları
exclusive operating rights
(Kanun) inhisari işletme hakları
indirect operating cost
(Ticaret) dolaylı işletme gideri
(Bilgisayar) işleç
ameliyat yapmak
idare etmek
(Ticaret) faaliyet göstermek
(Felsefe) eylemek

Bu makinenin nasıl işletildiğini biliyor musunuz? - Do you know how this machine operates?

Bir tekne işletmek için ehliyetin var mı? - Do you have a license to operate a boat?

base operating support; battlefield operating system
(Askeri) üs harekat desteği; muharebe sahası işletim sistemi
in operation
çalışır durumda
in operation
in operation
faal durumda
{f} etki etmek
(Nükleer Bilimler) çalıştırma

Cihazı çalıştırmak mükemmelce basittir. - The appliance is wonderfully simple to operate.

Motorlu bir tekneyi çalıştırmak için ehliyetin var mı? - Do you have a license to operate a motor boat?

{f} ameliyat yapmak. 4
ameliyat et- mek
{f} (ticari/sınai bir kuruluşu) işletmek, yönetmek, idare etmek
Englisch - Englisch
involved in an operation
that operates
in operation
Present participle of operate
A focus on action to meet the immediate situation (with a time horizon from minutes to months) that requires standard procedures and structures with an expectation of prompt, measurable results Usually it has a relatively clear linkage between cause and effect and contains much hard data often conveniently available for decision making
Operating profits and costs are the money that a company earns and spends in carrying out its ordinary trading activities, in contrast to such things as interest and investment. The group made operating profits of £80m before interest
involved in a kind of operation; "the operating conditions of the oxidation pond
the routine operation of the University financed by government grants, student fees and other general revenues
{i} activation (of a device)
being in effect or operation; "de facto apartheid is still operational even in the `new' African nations"- Leslie Marmon Silko; "bus service is in operation during the emergency"; "the company had several operating divisions"
{s} relating to or used in surgery (e.g. tools, table, etc.); acting, functioning; managing, using, activating
systems The most important program that runs on a computer Every general-purpose computer must have an operating system to run other programs Operating systems perform basic tasks, such as recognizing input from the keyboard, sending output to the display screen, keeping track of files and directories on the disk, and controlling peripheral devices such as disk drives and printers Webopedia
involved in a kind of operation; "the operating conditions of the oxidation pond"
- Maintaining the ongoing functions of an agency or service "Operating expenses" include wages, benefits, supplies, and services "Operating assistance" is used to pay for the costs of providing public transit service
System (OS) A software that serves as mediator between the hardware and the applications
operating concept
An operating concept or OpCon or OPCON (or sometimes incorrectly OPSCON) is a description, usually graphical, showing major, interactive participants, players or subsystems and their interrelationships
operating cycle
The average time between purchasing or acquiring inventory and receiving cash proceeds from its sale
operating cycle
The business cycle from startup of operations to the profit; from obtaining the raw material, through designing and production, to the distribution and profits
operating expense
Any expense incurred in running a business, such as sales and administration, as opposed to production
operating expense
The money an entity spends in order to turn inventory into throughput
operating expenses
plural form of operating expense
operating loss
Negative operating income
operating room
a room in a hospital used for performing surgery
operating rooms
plural form of operating room
operating system
Software that controls the allocation and usage of hardware resources such as memory, CPU time, disk space, and input and output devices
operating systems
plural form of operating system
operating theatre
A room in a hospital used for performing surgery (originally designed for operations in front of observers)
operating theatres
plural form of operating theatre
operating time
In communications, computer, and information processing systems, the time interval between the instant a request for service is received from a user and the instant of final release of all facilities by the user or either of two users
operating time
The time interval between the instant of the occurrence of a specified input condition to a system and the instant of completion of a specified operation
operating time
In communications systems conference calls, the time interval between the instant a request for service is received from one of a group of concurrent users and the instant all but one of the users have released all facilities
Attributive form of operating room

operating-room procedures.

Attributive form of operating system, noun
Attributive form of operating theatre

operating-theatre procedures.

operating theatre
An operating theatre is a special room in a hospital where surgeons carry out medical operations. = theatre. a room in a hospital where operations are done American Equivalent: operating room
operating agreement
An operating agreement is an agreement among limited liability company ("LLC") members governing the LLC's business, and Member's financial and management rights and duties. No state requires an LLC to have an Operating agreement. LLCs operating without an operating agreement are governed by the State's default rules contained in the relevant statute and developed through state court decisions. An operating agreement is similar in function to corporate by-laws. In single member LLCs, an operating agreement is a declaration of the structure that the member has chosen for the company and sometimes used to prove in court that the LLC structure is separate from that of the individual owner and thus necessary so that the owner has documentation to prove that he or she is indeed separate from the entity itself
operating cycle
(Finans) The average time intervening between the acquisition of materials or services and the final cash realization from those acquisitions
operating expense
The expense of maintaining property (e.g., paying property taxes and utilities and insurance); it does not include depreciation or the cost of financing or income taxes; (synonym) operating cost, overhead, budget items
operating leverage
The operating leverage is a measure of how revenue growth translates into growth in operating income. It can be a ratio of fixed costs to variable costs incurred to generate the revenue. Depending on the product, it can be generated by the ratio of preproduction costs (e.g. design widgets) versus incremental production costs (e.g. produce a widget)
operating activities
Transactions that involve a company's major lines of business and that directly determine the company's net income
operating activities
Transactions entering into the determination of net income, with the exception of gains and losses relating to financing or investing activities The category includes such transactions as selling goods or services, earning investment income, and incurring costs and expenses The cash effects of these transactions are reflected in the operating activities section of a cash flow statement (See Refer to page 523)
operating activities
The activities of the company that involve the sale of goods and services to customers
operating activities
Transactions that enter into the calculation of net income; operating activities affect the income statement
operating activities
Transactions and events that enter into the determination of net income
operating assets
Another term for working capital
operating assets
Long-term, or noncurrent, assets acquired for use in the business rather than for resale; includes property, plant, and equipment; intangible assets; and natural resources
operating assets
Long-term or non-current assets acquired for use in the business rather than for resale; includes property, plant and equipment; intangible assets and natural resources
operating budget
a budget for current expenses as distinct from financial transactions or permanent improvements
operating capability
the capability of a technological system to perform as intended
operating capital
capital available for the operations of a firm e
operating capital
money used to run a business, income used to cover expenses
operating capital
manufacturing or transportation as distinct from financial transactions and long-term improvements
operating cash flow
Earnings before depreciation minus taxes Measures the cash generated from operations, not counting capital spending or working capital requirements
operating cash flow
Total cash flow from operations and investments, excluding acquisition and divestment of operations
operating cash flow
Operating income adjusted for major non-cash expenses, depreciation and amortization of intangible assets
operating cash flow
Earnings before depreciation minus taxes It measures the cash generated from operations, not counting capital spending or working capital requirements
operating cash flow
Cash flow before any investment or financing activities If a company cannot generate adequate operating cash flow, it will not be able to meet its financial obligations
operating cash flow
This test measures the funds generated from insurance operations, which includes the change in cash and invested assets attributed to underwriting activities, net investment income and federal income taxes This measure excludes stockholder dividends, capital contributions, unrealized capital gains/losses and various non-insurance related transactions with affiliates This test measures a company's ability to meet current obligations through the internal generation of funds from insurance operations Negative balances may indicate unprofitable underwriting results or low yielding assets
operating cash flow
(OCF) - The inflows and outflows of cash from the normal sales operations of a business It differs from earnings because earnings may be increased by orders for which payment has not yet been received Unpaid orders don't increase operating cash flow OCF also differs from earnings in that earnings are reduced by charges, such as depreciation or amortization, that do not actually reduce cash in the period the charge occurs
operating cash flow
Cash generated from a firm's normal business activities
operating cash flow
Dough that's piling up in the course of a company running its business Fools love cash generators because they can rely less on outside funding to grow their business
operating cash flow
Cash generated by a firm's normal business operations
operating conditions
Conditions specified in a RCRA permit that dictate how an incinerator must operate as it burns different waste types A trial burn is used to identify operating conditions needed to meet specified performance standards
operating conditions
the pressure, temperature, motion, and environment to which a hose assembly is subjected
operating conditions
Conditions to which a device is subjected, not including the variable measured by the device See normal operating conditions, reference operating conditions
operating cost
In the health field, the financial requirements necessary to operate an activity which provides health services These costs normally include the costs of personnel, materials, overhead, depreciation, and interest
operating cost
Expenses which include, but not limited to: lease costs, crew costs, maintenance costs (materials and labor), fuel costs, facilities costs, administrative support costs, etc
operating cost
the expense of maintaining property (e g , paying property taxes and utilities and insurance); it does not include depreciation or the cost of financing or income taxes
operating cost
-The day-to-day cost of running your home comfort equipment, based on energy use
operating cost
The day-to-day cost of running your home comfort equipment, based on energy use
operating cost
The cost of running a water heater for a given time period
operating cost
in the health field, the financial requirements necessary to operate an activity which provides health services This cost normally includes the costs of personnel, materials, overhead, depreciation, and interest
operating cost
- The total costs to operate and maintain a transit system including labor, fuel, maintenance, wages and salaries, employee benefits, taxes, etc
operating cost
1) Fixed operating cost: in reference to passenger car operating cost, refers to those expenditures that are independent of the amount of use of the car, such as insurance costs, fees for license and registration, depreciation and finance charges; 2) Variable operating cost: in reference to passenger car operating cost, expenditures which are dependent on the amount of use of the car, such as the cost of gas and oil, tires, and other maintenance
operating cost
cash cost plus depreciation and amortization
operating deficit
deficit which occurs as a result of ongoing business expenses
operating environment
An overall description of the Operating environment includes electrical, environmental and industrial factors
operating environment
Environment of the selected item in the Relex hierarchical display (tree) When the operating environment is selected for the top level of the tree, it serves as the environment for all levels below it If an environment is selected in the Properties of a lower level item, that selection overrides the environment at the higher level
operating environment
The environment in which a remote monitoring system and/or its sensors operate
operating environment
Also called a shell A software program designed to simplify an operating system Earlier versions of Microsoft Windows were operating environments for MS-DOS, and several computer manufacturers are now providing their own "companions" to Windows 95, which are also operating environments
operating environment
A graphical user interface between the user and the operating system 8 15
operating environment
A comfortable operating system environment in which the user does not have to memorize or look up commands
operating environment
A term that refers to a user interface or operating system?for instance, DOS, DOS-with-Windows, Windows 95, and Windows 98 (pg 18)
operating expense
The expense of an insurer other than commissions and taxes Called " and Insurance Expense" in the convention statement blank (G)
operating expense
Those expenses in to the normal operation of the business, excluding interest expense and one-time charges Also referred to as Overhead
operating expense
Monies paid in salaries, wages, materials, supplies and equipment in order to maintain equipment and buildings, operate vehicles, rent equipment and facilities and settle claims
operating expense
- Monies paid in salaries and wages; settlement of claims, maintenance of equipment and buildings, and rentals of equipment and facilities
operating expense
paying property taxes and utilities and insurance; it does not include depreciation or the cost of financing or income taxes
operating expense
The actual expense a company incurs while maintaining a business
operating expense
Those costs, other than expenditures for Personnel Costs and Capital Outlay, which are necessary to support the operation of the organization, such as charges for contractual services, telephones, printing, motor pool, and office supplies See also, Expenditure
operating expense
An expense that occurs in the course of the regular business activities of the company See also nonoperating expense
operating expense
The amount paid for asset maintenance or the cost of doing business Corporate and fund earnings are distributed after deducting for operating expenses
operating expense
the expense of maintaining property (e g , paying property taxes and utilities and insurance); it does not include depreciation or the cost of financing or income taxes
operating expense
the expense of maintaining property e
operating expense
general term referring to the principal activities of an organization
operating expenses
All the expenses resulting from the ongoing operations of BPA Net interest expense is excluded and reported separately to allow the financial statement user to compute the interest coverage ratio
operating expenses
Those recurring expenses that are essential to the continuous operation and maintenance of a property Operating expenses are generally divided into the following categories: fixed expenses such as real property taxes and building insurance; variable costs such as utilities, payroll, administration and property management fees; and reserves for replacement Operating expenses do not include items such as mortgage payments, capital expenditures and depreciation
operating expenses
The expenses associated with the operation of the transit agency, and classified by function or activity and the goods and services purchased It is the sum of "Vehicle Operations," "Vehicle Maintenance," "Non-Vehicle Maintenance," and "General Administration " Alternatively, it is the sum of the various object classes listed below
operating expenses
The day-to-day costs of running a business paid from a fund's assets before earnings are distributed to shareholders See also Expense Ratio
operating expenses
The amount paid for asset maintenance or the cost of doing business, excluding depreciation Earnings are distributed after operating expenses are deducted
operating expenses
The business expenses that mutual fund companies pass on to shareholders, including management fees and 12 b-1 fees These costs are paid from a fund's assets before earnings are distributed to shareholders
operating expenses
– administrative and operational expenses such as salaries and wages, supplies and materials, depreciation, and the maintenance of offices of the Social Security System (SSS)
operating expenses
Business costs paid from a fund's assets before earnings are distributed to shareholders These include management fees and 12b-1 fees and other expenses
operating expenses
(1) As used in the accounts of governmental enterprises, the term means those costs which are necessary to the maintenance of the enterprise, the rendering of services, the sale of merchandise, the production and disposition of commodities produced, and the collection of enterprise revenues (2) The term is also sometimes used to describe expenses for general governmental purposes
operating expenses
The actual costs associated with operating a property, including maintenance, repairs, management, utilities, taxes and insurance A landlord's definition of operating expenses is likely to be quite broad covering most aspects of operating the building
operating expenses
normal expenses that occur in operating your business
operating expenses
Expenses incurred directly with the sale of merchandise (selling expenses) and/or those expenses incurred in the general operation of a business (general or administrative expenses)
operating expenses
The cost of doing business Operating expenses are deducted from revenues, and the result is, hopefully, profits
operating expenses
Generally speaking, all expenses, occurring periodically, which are necessary to produce net income before depreciation Under some conditions these expenses are placed in two categories, namely, operating expenses and fixed charges
operating expenses
The day-today costs a mutual fund incurs in conducting business, such as for maintaining offices, staff, and equipment These expenses are paid from the fund's assets before any earnings are distributed
operating expenses
Expenses of furnishing transportation services (does not include capital expenses) For transit, costs include fuel, salaries, and replacement parts; for roads, operating expenses involve maintaining pavement, filling potholes, paying workers' salaries, and so forth
operating expenses
are the total costs incurred for the management and operation of LI Bus Also known as operating costs, these include salary, wage and other payroll costs, fringe benefits, materials, energy, professional services and depreciation These expenses include any direct or indirect capital costs
operating expenses
The day-to-day costs of running a business paid from a fund's assets before earnings are distributed to shareholders (See Expense Ratio )
operating expenses
The normal costs a mutual fund incurs in conducting business, such as the expenses associated with maintaining offices, staff, and equipment There are also expenses related to maintaining the fund's portfolio of securities These expenses are paid from the fund's assets before any earnings are paid to the shareholder
operating expenses
Expenses incurred in the normal operation of the business
operating expenses
The amounts necessary to meet the normal costs of, and to provide for, operating and maintaining a development and to establish and maintain reasonable and proper reserves for repairs, maintenance, replacements, and other necessary reserves during an operating year; includes mortgage insurance, taxes, premium charges, and similar expenses
operating expenses
Those expenses that are deducted from gross margin and which are incurred in carrying out only the normal, regular commercial activities of a given business enterprise
operating expenses
costs involved in operation, costs required to be active
operating expenses
Day-to-day expenses of running a business, from payroll to rent to supplies and marketing
operating height
maximum height at which a plane can operate at its highest effectiveness
operating instructions
a manual usually accompanying a technical device and explaining how to install or operate it
operating margin
operating profit before the payment of interest and taxes divided by sales
operating margin
Revenues from sales minus current cost of goods sold A measure of operating efficiency that is independent of the cost flow assumption for inventory Sometimes called "current (gross) margin "
operating margin
A company's profitability after all operating costs have been paid Operating margin is calculated by dividing cash flow by revenue and then multiplying by 100 The result is expressed as a percentage Operating margin shows you how profitable a company is before interest expenses on debt and depreciation costs have been deducted Since accountants often manipulate depreciation and amortization costs on income statements, many analysts feel operating profit paints a truer picture of a company's profitability See Margins BACK TO TOP
operating margin
Surplus from a company´s operations available for investment, interest and tax payments and depreciation
operating margin
Operating profit before net investment income / net borrowing costs divided by turnover
operating margin
Operating income divided by revenues
operating margin
this ratio indicates the percentage of net patient service revenue that remains as income after operating expenses, except interest expense have been deducted Calculation: Operating income (loss)/ (total operating revenue and non-operating margin)
operating margin
Operating income expressed as a percentage of turnover
operating margin
Operating income expressed as a percentage of net sales
operating margin
The key measure of profitability and performance is a company's operating margin The operating margin is determined by subtracting the operating expenses from the total revenues and then dividing that result by the total revenue One time gains and losses, interest expenses, interest income, other income, and taxes are excluded from the operating margin
operating margin
Operating earnings as a percentage of sales
operating margin
Calculated by adding total sales and other operating revenue, then subtracting cost of sales, amortization & depreciation, research & development, operation taxes (taxes other than income taxes), and other operating expenses (operating expenses not included in the other expense accounts, includes selling/general/administrative costs), then dividing by the sum of total sales and other operating revenue Expressed as a percentage The data will be quarterly or, if not available, the latest fiscal year data will be displayed
operating margin
The operating margin of a company is a key measure of profitability and performance The operating margin is determined by deducting operating expenses (e g cost of goods and services, sales and marketing, general and administrative, and depreciation and amortization) from total revenues and then dividing the result by total revenues Note that operating margin excludes interest expense, interest income, other income, one-time gains or losses and taxes
operating margin
Operating income divided by revenues, expressed as a percentage
operating microscope
binocular microscope used in surgery to provide a clear view of small and inaccessible parts of the body (as in microsurgery)
operating procedure
a procedure for operating something or for dealing with a given situation
operating profit
surplus of income that is larger than expenses incurred (Accounting)
operating profit margin
The ratio of operating profit to net sales
operating profit margin
Ratio, used by fundamental analysts, that relates operating income to net sales Operating profit margin equals operating income divided by net sales
operating profit margin
(Returns to farm assets/gross cash farm income)Measures profits earned per dollar of gross cash income
operating profit margin
The ratio of operating margin to net sales
operating receiver
official receiver who seeks to operate a business and make it profitable
operating room
a room in a hospital equipped for the performance of surgical operations; "great care is taken to keep the operating rooms aseptic
operating room
An operating room is the same as an operating theatre. an operating theatre
operating room
room where surgeries are performed
operating system
The software responsible for allocating system resources,including memory, processor time, disk space, and peripheral devices such as printers, modems, and the monitor All application programs use the OS to gain access to these system resources as they are needed The OS is the first program loaded into the computer as it boots, and it remains in memory at all times thereafter DOS,OS/2,Win 9x&2000, Unix and Sun are all operating systems
operating system
An operating system (sometimes abbreviated as OS) is the program that, after being initially loaded into the computer, manages all the other programs in a computer The other programs are called applications or application programs Today, most users interact with the operating system through a graphical user interface (GUI)
operating system
The program that, after being initially loaded into the computer by a boot program, manages all the other programs in a computer The other programs are called applications or application programs The application programs make use of the operating system by making requests for services through a defined application program interface (API) In addition, users can interact directly with the operating system through a user interface such as a command language or a graphical user interface (GUI)
operating system
apparatus which enables the operation of a device; main program in a computer which is responsible for the allocation of resources to its various procedures
operating system
The special software required to make a computer work It provides the link between the user and the hardware Popular operating systems include DOS, MacOS, VMS, VM, MVS, UNIX, and OS/2 (Note that "Windows 3 x" is not an operating system as such, since it must have DOS to work, while Windows NT and Windows 98 are operating systems )
operating system
The program that controls the camera's or computer's hardware
operating system
System software that controls a computer and its peripherals Modern operating systems such as Windows 95 and NT handle many of a computer's basic functions /\
operating system
Programs which run the computer, and without which the computer would not work The OS allows the programs we use to run The various Windows, Mac System7 and its successors and the various OS2 products may all be considered operating systems
operating system
Collection of programs that supervises the execution of other programs and the management of computer resources An operating system provides an orderly input/output environment between the computer and its peripheral devices It enables user-written programs to execute safely An operating system standardizes the use of computer resources for the programs running under it
operating system
An operating system (OS) is a matched set of programs (including the kernel) that enable other programs to run on your computer Modern operating systems often include a "window system" to organize graphical images and controls on your screen An OS includes other programs such as "daemons", which monitor the system for interesting events and respond to them, and "utilities" which you can use to control what the OS does
operating system
A big complicated computer program that lets multiple simultaneously executing big complicated computer programs coexist peacefully on one physical computer The operating system is also responsible for hiding the details of the computer hardware from the application programmers, e g , letting a programmer say "I want to write ABC into a file named XYZ" without the programmer having to know how many disk drives the computer has or what company manufactured those drives Examples of operating systems are Unix and Windows NT Examples of things that try to be operating systems but mostly fail to fulfill the "coexist peacefully" condition are Windows and the Macintosh OS
operating system
Software that shares a computer system's resources (processor, memory, disk space, network bandwidth, and so on) between users and the application programs they run Controls access to the system to provide security See also kernel, system program, application program
operating system
The system software that manages a computer's resources, performing basic tasks such as allocating memory and allowing computer components to communicate
operating system
A master control program that runs the computer It provides the user interface and routines that let the user load and run software
operating system
The operating system of a computer is its most basic program, which it needs in order to function and run other programs. Software designed to control the hardware of a specific data-processing system in order to allow users and application programs to make use of it. a system in a computer that helps all the programs in it to work together. Software that controls the operation of a computer, directs the input and output of data, keeps track of files, and controls the processing of computer programs. Its roles include managing the functioning of the computer hardware, running the applications programs, serving as an interface between the computer and the user, and allocating computer resources to various functions. When several jobs reside in the computer simultaneously and share resources (multitasking), the OS allocates fixed amounts of CPU time and memory in turn or allows one job to read data while another writes to a printer and still another performs computations. Through a process called time-sharing, a large computer can handle interaction with hundreds of users simultaneously, giving each the perception of being the sole user. Modern computer operating systems are becoming increasingly machine-independent, capable of running on any hardware platform; a widely used platform-independent operating system in use today on mainframe computers is UNIX. Most personal computers run on Microsoft's Windows operating system, which grew out of and eventually replaced MS-DOS. See also Linux
operating system
A program that manages all other programs in a computer, such as Windows or unix
operating system
The operating system is a program specially written to manage the operations of the computer The operating system is the interface between you, the software you use and the computer hardware Windows 98 is an operating system, as is UNIX or MS-DOS Apple Macintosh has its own operating system
operating system
A program that provides a user interface and an application interface (which makes it possible for application programs to run) and manages computer system resources
operating system
The most important program that runs on a computer Every general-purpose computer must have an operating system to run other programs Operating systems perform basic tasks, such as recognizing input from the keyboard, sending output to the display screen, keeping track of files and directories on the disk, and controlling peripheral devices such as disk drives and printers For large systems, the operating system has even greater r
operating system
A collection of programs which, together, manage all the basic functions of a computer The operating system runs other programs (such as a word processor or graphics editor), manages the storage of your own documents, and coordinates the functions of the computer itself and all the devices connected to the computer Windows Me, Mac OS and Linux are three examples of operating systems A program written to work under one operating system will not work on another operating system (a different version must be written for each operating system - such as Microsoft Office for Windows and Office for the Mac )
operating system
(computer science) software that controls the execution of computer programs and may provide various services
operating system
The most important program that runs on a computer: the operatign system ("OS") performs basic tasks such as recognizing input from the keyboard, sending output to the display screen, keeping track of files and directories on the disk, and controlling peripheral devices such as disk drives and printers PCs operating systems include DOS and Windows XP; Macintosh operating systems include OS 9 2 and OS X Back to Top P
operating system
The operating system is a software which makes a computer do something and also helps the other softwares to work properly Think of it as the Master Software of your computer If it malfunctions, your computer will not work properly Windows is a operating system Its different versions are known as 3 1, 95, 98, 2000, NT, ME, and XP When you buy a new computer, the operating system usually comes installed in it So you don't have to do a thing about the operating system unless you want to upgrade it to a later (and usually better) version
operating system
Software that controls the execution of computer programs An organized collection of routines and procedures for operating a computer Functions performed include: (1) scheduling, loading, initiating, and supervising the execution of programs; (2) allocating storage; (3) initiating and controlling input/output operations; and (4) handling errors
operating system
A structured software program (set of programmed routines) that manages, controls, coordinates, and sequences the hardware and software resources of a computer system See BOOTSTRAP The operating system is sometimes called SYSTEMS SOFTWARE
operating system
sometimes abbreviated as "OS", the program that manages all the other programs in a computer UNIX, Windows 2000, DEC's VMS, IBM's OS/2, AIX, and OS/390 are all examples of operating systems
operating system
The software that controls the allocation and usage of hardware resources such as memory, central processing unit (CPU) time, hard disk space, and peripheral devices (like speakers or a mouse) The operating system is the foundation software on which programs, such as Word or Excel, depend An example of an operating system is Microsoft Windows® XP
operating system
A complex collection of computer programs that manages the hardware for other computer programs Examples include, but not limited to, Linux, Mac OS, and Windows95/98/NT/2000
operating table
An operating table is a table which a patient in a hospital lies on during a surgical operation. a special table in an operating theatre which a person lies on when they are having an operation
operating table
table upon which a surgeon operates on his patient
operating table
table on which the patient lies during a surgical operation
operating theater
operating room, room where surgery takes place
operating theatre
a room in a hospital equipped for the performance of surgical operations; "great care is taken to keep the operating rooms aseptic"
operating time
French: durée des manoeuvres The time required for dialing a call, waiting for the connection to be established, coordinating the transmission with the personnel or equipment at the receiving end, and disconnecting after the transmission
operating time
clock time available in a day of production, after subtracting scheduled stops and breaks
operating time
time of action, period of time of operation
operating time
Productive time available after unplanned shutdowns are subtracted Does not include Down Time Loss, does include Speed Loss
operating-room nurse
nurse who works in operating rooms
chief operating officer
A corporate officer of a corporation, company, or agency, responsible for executing decisions of the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) according to their decided schedule; often initialised as COO
net operating income
Income after deducting operating expenses but before deducting for income taxes, interest, and depreciation and amortization
To perform some manual act upon a human body in a methodical manner, and usually with instruments, with a view to restore soundness or health, as in amputation, lithotomy, etc
To act or produce effect on the mind; to exert moral power or influence
To deal in stocks or any commodity with a view to speculative profits
To perform a work or labour; to exert power or strength, physical or mechanical; to act
web-based operating environment
The environment in which software in created and used on servers available to multiple users via the Internet, especially to users who may be using any of a variety of operating systems
to put in action and supervise the working of
{v} to work, act, perform, effect, stir
Operating System
To produce an appropriate physical effect; to issue in the result designed by nature; especially (Med.), to take appropriate effect on the human system
The way that something operates is the way that it works or has a particular effect. Ceiling and wall lights can operate independently The world of work doesn't operate that way. + operation op·era·tion Why is it the case that taking part-time work is made so difficult by the operation of the benefit system?
to take appropriate effect on the human system
To put into, or to continue in, operation or activity; to work; as, to operate a machine
To perform a work or labor; to exert power or strengh, physical or mechanical; to act
direct or control; projects, businesses, etc
handle and cause to function; "do not operate machinery after imbibing alcohol"; "control the lever"
To produce, as an effect; to cause
When you operate a machine or device, or when it operates, you make it work. A massive rock fall trapped the men as they operated a tunnelling machine The number of fax machines operating around the world has now reached ten million. + operation op·era·tion over 1,000 dials monitoring every aspect of the operation of the aeroplane
{f} act, function; manage, use, activate; perform surgery
"She is running a relief operation in the Sudan
happen; "What is going on in the minds of the people?"
If military forces are operating in a particular region, they are in that place in order to carry out their orders. Up to ten thousand Zimbabwean soldiers are operating in Mozambique
When surgeons operate on a patient in a hospital, they cut open a patient's body in order to remove, replace, or repair a diseased or damaged part. The surgeon who operated on the King released new details of his injuries You examine a patient and then you decide whether or not to operate
If you operate a business or organization, you work to keep it running properly. If a business or organization operates, it carries out its work. Until his death in 1986 Greenwood owned and operated an enormous pear orchard. allowing commercial banks to operate in the country Operating costs jumped from £85.3m to £95m. + operation op·era·tion Company finance is to provide funds for the everyday operation of the business
happen; "What is going on in the minds of the people?" handle and cause to function; "do not operate machinery after imbibing alcohol"; "control the lever" direct or control; projects, businesses, etc
To produce an appropriate physical effect; to issue in the result designed by nature; especially Med
Türkisch - Englisch

Definition von operating im Türkisch Englisch wörterbuch

chief operating officer
(Kısaltma) coo

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    /ˈôpərˌātəɴɢ/ /ˈɔːpɜrˌeɪtɪŋ/


    ... thumbdrive. Now the cafe owner's operating system gets parked. I can't see inside it. ...
    ... bootloader or operating system or the other components, and not because this computer ...