one-to-one correspondence

listen to the pronunciation of one-to-one correspondence
Englisch - Türkisch

Definition von one-to-one correspondence im Englisch Türkisch wörterbuch

one-to-one correspondence
(Matematik) birebir eşleme
one to one correspondence
00: 59 yazışma
Englisch - Englisch

Definition von one-to-one correspondence im Englisch Englisch wörterbuch

one-to-one correspondence
the process in which a child can pair two or more objects, one for one For example, a learner has a group of pencils, and a group of rocks, and puts one pencils with each rock If there are no pencils left over when he/she is done, then the one-to-one arrangement has concretely demonstrated that there is the same number of pencils and rocks
one-to-one correspondence
Matching one object to another
one-to-one correspondence
The pairing-off of the members of one set with the members of another set such that each member of the first has exactly one counterpart in the second and each member of the second has exactly one counterpart in the first The method of pairing off need not be effective Notation: AB (set A can be put into one-to-one correspondence with set B) Operator See connective
one to one correspondence
direct correspondence in which every item has exactly one counterpart
one-to-one correspondence