
listen to the pronunciation of one-on-one
Englisch - Türkisch
(Askeri) teke tek
Bire bir

İleriye giden stratejimizi tartışmak için başkanla bire bir oturum yapmak istiyorum. - I'd like to have a one-on-one session with the president to discuss our strategy going forward.

Koç'un onun saha performansını değerlendirmek için her oyuncuyla bire bir görüşmesi vardı. - The coach had a one-on-one discussion with each player to evaluate his performance on the field.

Englisch - Englisch
Involving direct communication between two people
bijective or injective
A contest involving only one player on each side, especially of an activity often involving teams

He was willing to go one-on-one with the District Attorney himself.

involving one attacker and one defender
(Sports) Playing directly or exclusively against a single opponent
Sports. Playing directly or exclusively against a single opponent
Consisting of or being direct communication or exchange between two people: one-on-one instruction
Consisting of or being direct communication or exchange between two people: "one-on-one instruction"
being a system of play in which an individual defensive player guards an individual offensive player; "one-on-one defense"
A one-on-one situation, meeting, or contest involves only two people. a one-on-one therapy session. = one-to-one One-on-one is also an adverb. Talking one-on-one with people is not his idea of fun. One-on-one is also a noun. Holloway was beaten in a one-on-one with Miklosko just before half-time. between only two people
(of two persons) in direct encounter; "preferred to settle the matter one-on-one"; "interviewed her person-to-person
directly between two individuals; "one-on-one instruction"
(of two persons) in direct encounter; "preferred to settle the matter one-on-one"; "interviewed her person-to-person"
between two people, involving only two people





    ... The television is not a one on one engagement. ...
    ... However, when you need an intense one on one engagement ...