She is far from beautiful. - O, güzel olmaktan çok uzak.
Everybody expected the musical to be a great hit, but it was far from being a success. - Herkes müzikalin büyük bir hit olmasını bekliyordu fakat o başarılı olmaktan çok uzaktı.
Ordered List The Ordered List element represents a list of items sorted by sequence or order of importance Typical remdering is a numbered list of items
{ font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 10pt; margin-top: auto; margin-bottom: auto; color: #000000} The OL tag style creates a default look for an orderedlist in the HTML file item one item two
A suffix denoting that the substance in the name of which it appears belongs to the series of alcohols or hydroxyl derivatives, as carbinol, glycerol, etc