nur noch

listen to the pronunciation of nur noch
Deutsch - Türkisch
nur noch Haut und Knochen
bir deri bir kemik
Englisch - Türkisch

Definition von nur noch im Englisch Türkisch wörterbuch


Biletler, alındığı gün de dahil olmak üzere sadece iki gün geçerlidir. - Tickets are valid for just two days, including the day they are purchased on.

Bizim bu evimiz sadece yeniden dekore edildi ve altı aylığına burada yaşamadık. - This house of ours has just been redecorated, and we haven't lived here for sixth months.


Henüz ne diyeceğimi bilmiyorum. - I just don't know what to say.

O, Paris'ten henüz döndü. - He has just come back from Paris.

{s} tam

Muayene odasından tam ayrılırken doktor hoşça kal diyerek elini salladı. - Just as we were leaving the exam room the doctor waved his hand saying, 'bye-bye'.

Bir kelime kullandığımda,Humpty Dumpty ifade etmek için tam benim seçtiğimi o ifade ediyor-ne daha fazla ne daha az dedi. - When I use a word, Humpty Dumpty said, it means just what I choose it to mean - neither more nor less.

{s} yerinde

Ben onu ararken sadece bir dakika yerinde kal. - Just stay put for a minute while I look for him.

Bence Tom'un öfkesi sadece bir savunma mekanizması; Yerinde olsam şahsen bunu kabul etmezdim. - I think Tom's anger is just a defense mechanism; I wouldn't take it personally if I were you.

gücü gücüne
zar zor

Tom testi sadece zar zor geçti. - Tom just barely passed the test.

Tom kirayı ödemek için yeterli parayı zar zor kazanmayı başardı. - Tom just barely managed to earn enough money to pay the rent.

güç bela
tamı tamına

Barış şiddetin yokluğu değildir ancak adaletin varlığıdır. - Peace is not the absence of violence but the presence of justice.

Kesinlikle. Ancak onu teyit etmem gerekecek, lütfen sadece biraz bekleyin. - Certainly. I will need to confirm it, however. Please wait just a moment.

{s} net

Sadece net bir cevap istiyorum. Daha fazla bir şey değil. - I just want a straight answer. Nothing more.

(İnşaat) henüz, hemen, ancak K
tam anlamıyla

Tom'un en büyük oğlu, tam anlamıyla kendisine benziyor. - Tom's oldest son looks just like him.

Her şey tam anlamıyla önceki gibi. - Everything's just like before.

tek kelimeyle

Bu uygulama, tek kelimeyle, pilini tüketiyor. - This application just eats up your battery.

Tom tek kelimeyle iyi yönetiyor. - Tom is managing just fine.

the just iyiler justly adaletle
Deutsch - Englisch
only … left
just … left
Nur noch ein Spiel trennte ihn vom Sieg.
Only one game stood between him and victory
Nur noch eine Woche arbeiten, (und) dann habe ich drei Wochen frei.
Just one more week of work and I'll have three weeks off
Nur noch meine Schwester wird Tanzstunden nehmen, ich nicht mehr.
Only my sister will be taking dance lessons, I won't any more
nur noch Haut und Knochen
nothing but skin and bones
nur noch Haut und Knochen sein
to have a waif-like appearance
nur noch als Rest erhalten
vestigial (formal)
nur noch ein Rückzugsgefecht liefern
to be fighting a rear-guard action
nur noch ein Schatten seiner selbst sein
to be only a shadow of one's former self
(Es sind) Nur noch zwei Tage bis zum Ablauf der Frist.
(There are) Only two days left until the deadline
Alle haben unterschrieben, nur er ist noch ein Wackelkandidat.
Everybody has signed up, only he is still wavering
Damit bleibt mir nur noch zu sagen, dass …
It only remains for me to add that …
Das würde die Sache nur noch schlimmer machen.
This would add insult to injury
Die Experimente sind abgeschlossen, ich muss jetzt nur noch unsere Ergebnisse au
The experiments are completed, now I just have to work out our findings
Die Wechselwähler müssen von uns nur noch abgeholt werden.
Swing voters are ours for the taking
Er ist ihr nur noch ein Klotz am Bein.
He has become her ball and chain
Er konnte aber nur noch/nur mehr tot geborgen werden.
But his body was eventually recovered
Es gab nur noch Stehplätze.
There was only standing room left
Es gibt noch viele andere, diese sind nur beispielhaft angeführt.
There are many others, these are given as examples only
Es gibt nur noch sehr wenige Exemplare davon.
There are very few examples left in existence
Es gibt nur noch/nur mehr einen Mitarbeiter in der Firma, der Bambusmöbel flecht
There is only one worker left in the company who knows how to weave bamboo furniture
Es ist nicht nur praktisch, sondern sieht auch noch gut aus.
Besides being useful, it looks good
Es ist nur noch bis April gültig.
It is just valid until April
Ich geht nur noch das Programm für morgen durch.
I'll just run through the schedule for tomorrow
Ich habe nur noch sechzig Euro.
I've only/just sixty euros left
Ich wollte nur noch weg von dort.
I just wanted to get away from that place
Uns fehlen nur noch 100 Euro vom Gesamtbetrag.
We're only Euro 100 shy of the total amount