Listede kalan kelimelerin beşi isim.
- Of the remaining words on the list, five are nouns.
Almanca'da bütün isimler büyük harfle yazılır.
- All German nouns are written with the first letter capitalized.
İsimlerin çoğulunu nasıl oluşturursun?
- How do you form the plural of nouns?
İsimleri nasıl çoğul yaparsın?
- How do you make nouns plural?
The spaceship captain's clothing came from the age of steam. The style was very 'steampunk'.
Uzay gemisi kaptanın giysisi buhar döneminden geldi. Stili çok 'steampunk' idi.
Please correct my Turkish.
However, too much nouning makes you sound bureaucratic, immature, and verbally challenged. Top executives convert far fewer nouns into verbs than do workers at lower levels.
For example, in the compound noun chicken soup, the noun adjunct chicken modifies the noun soup.
The agent noun 'cutter' means a person who cuts or thing that cuts.
For example, in the compound noun chicken soup, the attributive noun chicken modifies the noun soup.
The Butlers had been serving the Fowls for centuries. It had always been that way. Indeed, there were several eminent linguists of the opinion that this was how the common noun had originated.
I don't know... to me, love just has a count-noun ring to it.
deer: one deer, two deer.
Examples: Mike, United Nations.
We scored a win.