
listen to the pronunciation of noun
Englisch - Türkisch

Almanca'da bütün isimler büyük harfle yazılır. - All German nouns are written with the first letter capitalized.

Listede kalan kelimelerin beşi isim. - Of the remaining words on the list, five are nouns.

{i} ad
proper noun özel isim
noun phrase
(Dilbilim) tamlama
noun phrase
(Dilbilim) ad öbeği
noun clause
(Dilbilim) İsim cümleciği
noun clause
isim tamlaması
noun phrase
(Dilbilim) İsim cümleciği
gender noun
(Dilbilim) cins adı
noun clause
(Dilbilim) isim cümlesi
(Dilbilim) isimler

İsimlerin çoğulunu nasıl oluşturursun? - How do you form the plural of nouns?

Esperantoda, o ile biten isimler. Çoğul bir j ekleyerek oluşturulur. - In Esperanto, nouns end in o. The plural is formed by adding a j.

abstract noun
soyut ad
abstract noun
soyut isim
collective noun
topluluk adı
common noun
cins adı
common noun
tür adı
common noun
cins ismi
compound noun
bileşik isim
compound noun
bileşik ad
concrete noun
somut ad
countable noun
sayılabilen isim
deverbative noun
fiilden türetilmiş isim
mass noun
sayılamayan isim
plural noun
çoğul isim
proper noun
özel ad
proper noun
özel isim
singular noun
tekil isim
adjectival noun
isim olarak kullanılan sıfat
collective noun
dilb. topluluk adı
collective noun
(Dilbilim) Topluluk ismi
common noun
dilb. cins adı, cins ismi
compound noun
bileşik isim, bileşik ad
countable noun
sayilabilen isim
deverbal noun
Fiilden türemiş isim
generic noun
(Dilbilim) Cins isim
generic noun
jenerik isim
mass noun
sayilamayan isim
steampunk (literary genre) noun, adjective
(Edebiyat) anakronik buhar dönemin kurgubilim (edebi tür) isim, sıfat

The spaceship captain's clothing came from the age of steam. The style was very 'steampunk'. Uzay gemisi kaptanın giysisi buhar döneminden geldi. Stili çok 'steampunk' idi. Please correct my Turkish.

subordinate clause as indefinite noun
belirtisiz ad tamlaması
the noun
uncount noun
(Dilbilim) Sayılamayan isim (altın, mobilya, toz şeker vs.)
agent noun
(Dilbilim) kılıcı ad
animate noun
(Dilbilim) canlı adı
common noun
cins isim
noun phrase
belirtme grubu
possessed noun
iyelik adı
predicate noun
(Dilbilim) yüklemcil ad
predicate noun
yüklem oluşturan isim
qualified noun
belirtili nesne
qualified noun phrase
(Dilbilim) belirtme grubu
simple noun
(Dilbilim) yalın ad
substantive noun
(Dilbilim) asal ad
unit noun
(Dilbilim) sayılabilir ad
verbal noun
(Dilbilim) ad fiil
verbal noun
isim fiil
verbal noun
dilb. isimfiil
Englisch - Englisch
To convert a word to a noun

However, too much nouning makes you sound bureaucratic, immature, and verbally challenged. Top executives convert far fewer nouns into verbs than do workers at lower levels.

A word that can be used to refer to a person, animal, place, thing, event, substance, quality, or idea; one of the basic parts of speech in many languages, including English
{n} the name of things in grammar
a subject: person, place, or thing
A concept
a word that can serve as the subject or object of a verb
A noun is any word that can form the head word in a noun phrase or be the subject or object of a verb Semantically speaking, a noun is any word that 'labels' or 'names' a person, thing or idea There are several types of noun: common noun (e g computer, sandwich, cats), proper noun (proper nouns are names for individual nouns, e g Coke, London, Simon), abstract noun (abstract nouns are 'ideas', e g death, hunger, beauty), concrete nouns (concrete nouns are solid objects in the real or imaginary world, e g bread, butter, clock) collective nouns (collective nouns name groups of individual or things, e g parliament, audience; collective nouns are often treated as if they were singular, e g 'The choir is singing well '), mass (or non-count) nouns (mass nouns exist as an undifferentiated mass, e g card, beer, milk, cake), and count nouns (count nouns exits as countable items, e g bottle, pencil)
A noun is a word such as `car', `love', or `Anne' which is used to refer to a person or thing. see also collective noun, count noun, mass noun, proper noun, singular noun, uncount noun. a word or group of words that represent a person (such as 'Michael', 'teacher' or 'police officer'), a place (such as 'France' or 'school'), a thing or activity (such as 'coffee' or 'football'), or a quality or idea (such as 'danger' or 'happiness'). Nouns can be used as the subject or object of a verb (as in 'The teacher arrived' or 'We like the teacher') or as the object of a preposition (as in 'good at football'). common noun, count noun, proper noun (from nom, from nomen; NOMINAL)
traditionally defined as the name of a person, a place or a thing - e g 'book' The suffix 's' is often added to nouns to indicate a plural (more than one) Some nouns do not normally take a plural form - e g, money, sheep
A word used as the designation or appellation of a creature or thing, existing in fact or in thought; a substantive
Name of a person, place, or thing
a word which names an object
A word that can be used to refer to a person, place, thing, quality, or idea; one of the basic parts of speech in many languages, including English
Noun Portion of the nomenclature column that is normally capitalized and possibly included in a parts index Attributes: N/A
 One of the primary parts of speech   An atom or array of atoms   Nouns hold the data that verbs operate on
A word that identifies a person or thing: Paul hit the ball over the fence
A word that represents a person, place, thing, or idea example: A noun is a word that represents a person, place, thing, or idea
a word that can serve as the subject or object of a verb a word that can be used to refer to a person or place or thing
a word that is the name of something (as a person, animal, place, thing, quality, idea, or action) All of the nouns in this definition are emphasized
The name or brief description of the item
a word that can be used to refer to a person or place or thing
{i} part of speech used for persons places objects and conditions (Grammar)
temporal lobe
multiple intelligences
noun adjunct
a noun that modifies another noun and that is optional (that is, it can be removed without affecting the grammar of the sentence)

For example, in the compound noun chicken soup, the noun adjunct chicken modifies the noun soup.

noun adjuncts
plural form of noun adjunct
noun class
A system for categorizing nouns according to characteristic features such as sex, animacy, and shape. This is a prominent feature of some languages such as Swahili
noun clause
a subordinate clause which functions as a subject or object of the main clause
noun clauses
plural form of noun clause
noun of assemblage
The name of an assembly or gathering of similar things or people
noun of multitude
The name of something that contains many individual things or people. Examples: army, fleet, hundred
noun phrase
A phrase that can serve as the subject or the object of a verb; it is usually headed by a noun, (including pronouns), with any associated dependents such as determiners or modifiers
noun phrases
plural form of noun phrase
Attributive form of noun phrase, noun
noun OK 4
to give or get permission to do something
noun bankrupt 3
someone who has officially said that they cannot pay their debts certified/uncertified bankrupt (=one a court does or does not allow to start a business again)
noun bent 3
special natural skill or interest in a particular area musical/artistic/literary etc bent
noun brave 3
a young fighting man from a Native American tribe
noun but 4
buts reasons that someone gives for not doing something or agreeing with something
noun cheap 3
on the cheap spending less money than is needed to do something properly
noun clause
subordinate clause that functions as a noun (Grammar)
noun clean 4
a process in which you clean something
noun clear 4
in the clear not guilty of something
noun close 5
used in street names for a road that has only one way in or out
noun collect 3
a short prayer in some Christian services
noun darn 4
a place where a hole in a piece of clothing has been repaired neatly with wool
noun declension
inflection of nouns to show number or case (Grammar)
noun deep 3
the deep the sea
noun degenerate 3
someone whose behaviour is considered to be morally unacceptable
noun do 4
doh the first note in the musical scale according to the sol-fa system
noun drunk 3
drunk·ard someone who is drunk or often gets drunk alcoholic
noun faint 3
an act of becoming unconscious in a (dead) faint
noun fast 4
a period during which someone does not eat, especially for religious reasons
noun fine 4
money that you have to pay as a punishment
noun forward 4
an attacking player on a team in sports such as football and basketball back, defender defender
noun fourth 3
¼; one of four equal parts one-fourth/three-fourths quarter (1)
noun frank 3
a frankfurter
noun fry 3
very young fish small fry
noun gel 3
used to represent the word 'girl', when it is said in this way
noun given 4
a basic fact that you accept as being true
noun gross 4
gross a quantity of 144 things gross of
noun group
A noun group is a noun or pronoun, or a group of words based on a noun or pronoun. In the sentence, `He put the bottle of wine on the kitchen table', `He', `the bottle of wine', and `the kitchen table' are all noun groups. = noun phrase
noun heavy 3
heavies a large strong man who is paid to protect someone or to threaten other people
noun hurt 3
a feeling of great unhappiness because someone, especially someone you trust, has treated you badly or unfairly
noun in 5
the ins and outs of sth all the facts and details of something
noun incorporation
The process of affixing or infixing an uninflected form of a noun to a verb, resulting in a complex verb, as in Mohawk and the Eskimoan languages
noun intimate 3
a close personal friend
noun last 5
a piece of wood or metal shaped like a human foot, used by someone who makes and repairs shoes
noun limp 3
the way someone walks when they are limping
noun loose 3
be on the loose if a criminal or dangerous animal is on the loose, they have escaped from prison or from their cage
noun manifest 3
a list of passengers or goods carried on a ship, plane or train
noun medium 3
mediums someone who claims to have the power to receive messages from dead people
noun moderate 3
someone whose opinions or beliefs, especially about politics, are not extreme and are considered reasonable by most people   extremist, hardliner hardliner
noun one 5
a piece of paper money worth one dollar
noun over 3
the period of time in the game of cricket during which six or eight balls are thrown by the same bowler in one direction
noun pale 3
beyond the pale offensive or unacceptable
noun pension 3
a small cheap hotel in France and some other European countries
noun perfect 3
the perfect the form of a verb which is used when talking about a period of time up to and including the present. In English it is formed with 'have' and the past participle = present perfect past perfect
noun phrase
a syntactic structure that often serves as a subject of a sentence but that may also act as an object of a verb phrase or of a prepositional phrase
noun phrase
a group of words doing the work of a noun, for example: The Chairman of the Board of Governors
noun phrase
A noun phrase (often abbreviated to NP) is a linguistic expression whose head is a common noun, a proper name, or a pronoun: a dog dogs rice beauty Shelly she Examples a - d are common noun phrases In English, only mass and abstract common nouns can function alone as noun phrases, as in examples c and d above Common count nouns must have a determiner (a ) or be in plural form (b ) in noun phrases Noun phrases can also have adjective, preposition phrase, and relative clause modifiers: Let he [who is without sin] cast the [first] stone the [big bad] wolf She married the boy [next door] a cat [on the mat] In these examples, the modifiers appear in square brackets
noun phrase
a complete construction headed by a noun It can be substituted by, or act as antecedent for, a pronoun of the appropriate sort: The man who I saw yesterday has just knocked at the door Can you let him in?
noun phrase
is a wider term than 'noun' It can refer to a single noun (money), a pronoun (it) or a group of words that functions in the same way as a noun in a sentence, for example
noun phrase
(Grammar) phrase that can act as the subject or function as object of a verb
noun phrase
a phrase that can function as the subject or object of a verb
noun phrase
A phrase that functions in the same way as a noun, that is, as a subject, a direct object or an indirect object: Hitting the ball over the fence was his goal
noun phrase
A noun phrase is the same as a noun group. A phrase whose head is a noun, as our favorite restaurant
noun shy 3
coconut shy
noun slew 3
a slew of sth a large number of things
noun so 3
the fifth note in a musical scale according to the sol-fa system
noun steady 4
steadies a boyfriend or girlfriend that someone has been having a romantic relationship with
noun tear 3
a hole in a piece of cloth or paper where it has been torn tear in
noun tense 3
any of the forms of a verb that show the time, continuance, or completion of an action or state that is expressed by the verb. 'I am' is in the present tense, 'I was' is past tense, and 'I will be' is future tense
noun tidy 3
tidies desk/car/sink tidy a container for putting small objects in, used to keep your desk, car etc tidy
noun tough 3
someone who often behaves in a violent way
noun true 3
out of true not completely straight, level, or balanced
noun underarm 3
the hollow area under your arm, where it joins your body = armpit
noun underground 3
the Underground a) a railway system under the ground American Equivalent: subway b) an illegal group working in secret against the rulers of a country
noun warm 3
the warm a place that is warm   the cold
noun why 3
the whys and (the) wherefores the reasons or explanations for something
noun wow 3
a great success
noncount noun
noun that has only a singular form and no number can be added to the front of this word and an 'S' cannot be added to the end of the word (furniture, happiness, homework)
abstract noun
A noun that denotes an idea, emotion, feeling, quality or other abstract or intangible concept
adjectival noun
A noun that functions as an adjective
agent noun
A noun that denotes an agent who does the action denoted by the verb from which the noun is derived, such as "cutter" derived from "to cut"

The agent noun 'cutter' means a person who cuts or thing that cuts.

attributive noun
a noun that modifies another noun attributively and that is optional (that is, it can be removed without affecting the grammar of the sentence); a noun used as an adjective

For example, in the compound noun chicken soup, the attributive noun chicken modifies the noun soup.

binary noun
A type of plural-only noun denoting an object which consists of two parts joined together, e.g., scissors, pants, eyeglasses
collective noun
A noun which, though singular, refers to a group of things or animals. Examples: a school of fish, a pride of lions
common noun
A noun that can be preceded by an indefinite article, and denotes any member, or all members of a class; an ordinary noun such as "dog" or "city."

The Butlers had been serving the Fowls for centuries. It had always been that way. Indeed, there were several eminent linguists of the opinion that this was how the common noun had originated.

concrete noun
A noun that denotes something tangible or material, such as a person or place
count noun
a noun which is used to refer to things that can be counted. Examples: woman, stone, tree, dollar
Attributive form of count noun, noun

I don't know... to me, love just has a count-noun ring to it.

countable noun
a noun that has both singular and plural usage, though not necessarily two different forms

deer: one deer, two deer.

invariant noun
A noun in which number is not marked; that is, a noun which does not change form in the plural, such as, in English, fish and series
mass noun
A noun that normally cannot be counted
Attributive form of mass noun, noun
numerical noun
A type of noun in Scottish Gaelic used as a numeral, only applied to persons. They exist for the numbers 1 - 10 only
plural noun
A type of noun; a word that can be used to refer to multiple persons, places, things, qualities, or ideas; one of the basic parts of speech in many languages, including English
proper noun
A noun denoting a particular person, place, organization, ship, animal, event, or other individual entity

Examples: Mike, United Nations.

Attributive form of proper noun, noun
root noun
In Proto-Indo-European linguistics, a noun formed by adding inflectional endings directly to the root, with no intermediate suffixes
Alternative spelling of root noun
uncount noun
uncountable noun
uncountable noun
mass noun
verbal noun
A noun that is morphologically related to a verb and similar to it in meaning; in English, this might be a gerund (ending in -ing), infinitive, or other noun derived from a verb

We scored a win.

Attributive form of verbal noun, noun
generic noun
(Dilbilim) A noun that does not specify either masculine or feminine gender
uncount noun
(Dilbilim) An uncount noun is a noun such as `gold', `information', or `furniture' which has only one form and can be used without a determiner
abstract noun
{i} noun that represents some abstract idea or notion (i.e. independence, anger, love)
abstract noun
A noun that denotes an abstract or intangible concept, such as envy or joy. a noun that names a feeling, quality, or state rather than an object, animal, or person. For example, 'hunger' and 'beauty' are abstract nouns
adjectival noun
an adjective which can function as a noun
collective noun
a noun that is singular in form but refers to a group of people or things
collective noun
A collective noun is a noun such as `family' or `team' that refers to a group of people or things. In American usage, a collective noun takes a singular verb when it refers to the collection considered as a whole, as in The family was united on this question. The enemy is suing for peace. It takes a plural verb when it refers to the members of the group considered as individuals, as in My family are always fighting among themselves. The enemy were showing up in groups of three or four to turn in their weapons. In British usage, however, collective nouns are more often treated as plurals: The government have not announced a new policy. The team are playing in the test matches next week. A collective noun should not be treated as both singular and plural in the same construction; thus The family is determined to press its (not their) claim. Among the common collective nouns are committee, clergy, company, enemy, group, family, flock, public, and team. See Usage Note at group. a noun, such as 'family' or 'flock', that is the name of people or things considered as a unit
collective noun
{i} noun which has a singular form yet has a plural meaning (people, herd, etc.); name that denotes a group or collection of things or people or places
color 1,verb noun
the American spelling of colour
common noun
a noun that denotes any or all members of a class
common noun
noun that designates any one of the members of a class (Grammar)
common noun
A common noun is a noun such as `tree', `water', or `beauty' that is not the name of one particular person or thing. Compare proper noun. A noun, such as book or dog, that can be preceded by the definite article and that represents one or all of the members of a class. in grammar, a common noun is any noun that is not the name of a particular person, place, or thing. For example, 'book, 'sugar', and 'stuff' are common nouns proper noun, noun noun
compound noun
{i} noun composed of two or more words (i.e.: southeast); noun that forms the plural by pluralizing the essential part of the word (such as: vice-presidents or attorneys general)
concrete noun
noun which denotes a material object (Grammar)
concrete noun
A noun, such as flower or rain, that denotes a material or tangible object or phenomenon
count noun
A noun of a type that can be counted Thus horse is a count noun, but water is not Contrast mass noun
count noun
a noun that forms plurals
count noun
A noun that can be counted or divided easily is a count noun For example, the nouns "friend" and "school" are count nouns
count noun
Nouns that have both singular and plural forms because they can be counted: one ball, two balls
count noun
A count noun is a noun such as `bird', `chair', or `year' which has a singular and a plural form and is always used after a determiner in the singular. = countable noun. A noun for an object, such as chair, or for an idea, such as experience, that speakers of a language identify as referring to a single entity and that can form a plural or occur in a noun phrase construction with an indefinite article, with numerals, or with such terms as many. a noun that has both a singular and plural form and can be used with 'a' or 'an' noun
countable noun
{i} noun that has plural form and can be counted
countable noun
A countable noun is the same as a count noun
mass noun
In some descriptions of grammar, a mass noun is the same as an uncount noun. A noun, such as sand, oil, or honesty, that denotes a substance or concept indivisible into countable units and is preceded in English indefinite constructions by modifiers such as some or much rather than a or one
mass noun
A mass noun is a noun such as `wine' which is usually uncount but is used with `a' or `an' or used in the plural when it refers to types of that substance, as in `a range of Australian wines'
mass noun
a noun that does not form plurals
mass noun
{i} noun which has no plural form, noun which is not used with the article "a" or "an" (such as cattle, happiness, luggage)
plural of noun
words that name persons, places, or thingswords that name persons, places, or things
account, altruism, ancients, appraisal, astronomical year, autobiography, believer(s), case numbers, class, relation, directions, easement, effects, eucharist, expert, extent, faith, father, game, God, great apes, guardian, happiness, heir, home, hominid(s), imagination, importance, incidence, index, insight, interpretation, method, miracle, misery, mode of existence, national party, nature, news, offences, owner, picture, patriotism, philosophy, political representatives, prisoner´s dilemma, private context, prophets, ratiocination, reason, religion, rumour, salvation, scholarship, science, self, signal, situation, sociality, source of justice, state, state of affairs, statement, story, stroke of fortune, successor, things, vine, warfare, weakness, wizards, words, work, year
Agent = frustrated lawyer Lawyer = frustrated producer Producer = frustrated writer Writer = frustrated director Director = frustrated actor Actor = frustrated human
words that name persons, places, or things
proper noun
A proper noun is the name of a particular person, place, organization, or thing. Proper nouns begin with a capital letter. Examples are `Margaret', `London', and `the United Nations'. Compare common noun. A noun belonging to the class of words used as names for unique individuals, events, or places. Also called proper name. a noun such as 'James', 'New York', or 'China' that is the name of one particular thing and is written with a capital letter noun
proper noun
{i} (Grammar) type of noun used for specific things (names of people, places or unique items)
proper noun
a noun that denotes a particular thing; usually capitalized
singular noun
A singular noun is a noun such as `standstill' or `vicinity' that does not have a plural form and always has a determiner such as `a' or `the' in front of it
uncountable noun
An uncountable noun is the same as an uncount noun
verbal noun
a noun that is derived from a verb
verbal noun
A noun that is derived from a verb and usually preserves the verb's syntactic features, such as transitivity or the capability of taking nominal or verbal complements
verbal noun
Türkisch - Englisch
the noun