niedergang (steile treppe zwischen zwei schiffsdecks)

listen to the pronunciation of niedergang (steile treppe zwischen zwei schiffsdecks)
Englisch - Türkisch

Definition von niedergang (steile treppe zwischen zwei schiffsdecks) im Englisch Türkisch wörterbuch

güverteye açılan kapı ağzı ve koridor
{i} bakıcı
(isim) bakıcı
iniş merdiven
Deutsch - Englisch
A companionway is a staircase or ladder that leads from one deck to another on a ship. the steps going from one deck (=level) of a ship to another deck
A small hatch in a deck, originally used to refer to the hatch in the quarterdeck leading to the main deck; a ladder
The opening with steps leading down from the deck to below
{i} stairway from the deck to the cabins (on a ship)
a stairway or ladder that leads from one deck to another on a ship
Entryway from the deck to the belowdeck cabin area
a staircase or ladder from one deck to another on a ship
Interior stairway
A stairway or ladder leading from one deck to another
niedergang (steile treppe zwischen zwei schiffsdecks)