new man

listen to the pronunciation of new man
Englisch - Englisch
a man who, rejecting sexist attitudes, aims to be caring and sensitive, and to take a substantial role in the domestic routine
A new man is a man who has modern ideas about the relations between men and women, and believes that men should share the work of looking after the home and caring for the children. Sarah says I only change nappies when we have visitors. It is easy to be a new man in public; in private it's hard work. a man who is considered to be very modern because he shares the work of looking after his children, cooking, cleaning the home etc
A surname meaning "a new man, a newcomer"
Paul Newman, actor, 1925–2008
{i} family name; Paul Newman (born 1925), U.S. film actor and director
a surname
American actor and director who starred in such films as Cool Hand Luke (1967), The Sting (1973), and The Color of Money (1986), for which he won an Academy Award. Newman Arnold Abner Newman Barnett Baruch Newman Newman John Henry Cardinal Newman Newman Paul
United States film actor (born in 1925)
English prelate and theologian who (with John Keble and Edward Pusey) founded the Oxford Movement; Newman later turned to Roman Catholicism and became a cardinal (1801-1890) United States film actor (born in 1925)
new man