neue probenahme

listen to the pronunciation of neue probenahme
Deutsch - Englisch
Present participle of resample
Any technique or instance of generating a new sample from an existing dataset
Extrapolating pixels values for a new grid from values in an old grid It is applied after an image is rectified to a projection system or registered to another image
Changing the resolution of an image by increasing or decreasing the number of pixels
Technique for transforming a raster image to a particular scale and projection
A process that changes the resolution or size of an image to alter the number of pixels it contains Upsampling increases the resolution, increasing the number of pixels; downsampling reduces the resolution, decreasing the number of pixels in an image
The process of changing the resolution or size of an image to alter the number of pixels it contains Up sampling increases the resolution, increasing the number of pixels; down sampling reduces the resolution, decreasing the number of pixels in an image
Process of extrapolating data files values for the pixels in a new grid when data has been warped
Another name for interpolation where pixels are added or removed to change the physical size of the image
Changing the resolution of a bitmap file without altering its physical size
A conversion process within which a digital audio data stream is converted from one sampling rate to another Resampling can be performed by conversion from digital to analogue form and then back to digital again, but it may also be carried out by numeric processing of existing digitised data Resampling in this form takes processing power and therefore also processing time It is therefore a good idea to record at the same sample frequency as will be used also for playback
The process of extrapolating data values from the values of the pixels of the old (distorted) image for the values of the pixels on a new (undistorted) image
Changing the dimensions, and therefore the file size of an image