neu gewählt

listen to the pronunciation of neu gewählt
Englisch - Türkisch

Definition von neu gewählt im Englisch Türkisch wörterbuch


Gelen bir fırtına var. - There's a storm incoming.

yeni başlayan
gelmekte olan
{s} giren
{s} yeni
{s} yeni (hükümet/yıl)
{s} giren, ele geçen
{s} yeni gelen
Deutsch - Englisch
a warning that something is coming towards you; especially enemy artillery fire
coming (or about to come) in
{s} entering, arriving, approaching
Income; gain
A link control signal indicating that a packet may soon be sent to the receiving entity
An incoming message or phone call is one that you receive. We keep a tape of incoming calls. outgoing
succeeding to an office
The act of coming in; arrival
An incoming plane or passenger is one that is arriving at a place. The airport was closed for incoming flights. outgoing
Calling Line Identification is provided on both an incoming and outgoing basis This feature displays the call identification information and the calling party's Directory Number (including nonpublished and nonlisted directory numbers) prior to the call being answered Calling party's name is not available Callers have the ability to inhibit the display of calling party information to the terminating number Incoming calling identification is provided to the Primary Directory Number and to any associated Secondary Directory Number Incoming calling line identification cannot just display to the Primary Directory Number when the number is shared
the act of entering; "she made a grand entrance"
{i} entrance, arrival, approach
a warning that something is coming towards you; especially enemy fire
An incoming official or government is one that has just been appointed or elected. the problems confronting the incoming government. outgoing
Coming in, succeeding, or following, as occupant or possessor; as, in incoming tenant
coming in or succeeding or of the future; "incoming class"; "incoming mail"; "the incoming president
Information that is being sent to your computer
Many WaveTrain optical components can act upon light incident upon them from either of two opposite directions, and typically these components have two or more WaveTrain inputs and two or more WaveTrain outputs To help the user keep track of which inputs are related to which outputs, we have adopted a convention of referring to one direction as incoming and the other as outgoing, which by convention refer to light propagating in the direction of decreasing and increasing z, respectively In general there is nothing to prevent one from connecting a component the opposite way, but for components which act upon the phase of the light one must take the sign reversal into account
coming in or succeeding or of the future; "incoming class"; "incoming mail"; "the incoming president"