
listen to the pronunciation of nesnesi
Türkisch - Englisch
(Bilgisayar) object
To disagree with something or someone; especially in a Court of Law, to raise an objection
A data structure that implements some feature and has an associated set of operations For RPC applications, an object can be anything that an RPC server defines and identifies to its clients (using an object UUID) Often an RPC object is a physical computing resource such as a database, directory, device or processor Alternatively, an RPC object can be an abstraction that is meaningful to an application, such as a service or the location of a server See also object UUID
A computational grouping of operations and data into a modular unit An object is defined by the interface it presents to others, its behavior when operations on its interface are invoked, and its state
The object of a particular feeling or reaction is the person or thing it is directed towards or that causes it. The object of her hatred was 24-year-old model Ros French The object of great interest at the Temple was a large marble tower built in memory of Buddha see also sex object
A person or thing toward which an emotion is directed
An object is the encapsulation of behavior and/or data in a programmed unit; when an object encapsulates both behavior and data, we refer to it as a component (for example, a djinn is a component) One research question the Infospheres Group is investigating is allowable behaviors of djinns Many of the Java classes provided with the Infospheres package allow the creation of objects such as Mailboxes and Messages; the behavior of an object is controllable through its interface
In object-oriented programming, a variable comprising both routines and data that is treated as a discrete entity An object is based on a specific model, where a client using an object's services gains access to the object's data through an interface consisting of a set of methods or related functions The client can then call these methods to perform operations
A word, phrase, or clause toward which an action is directed, or is considered to be directed; as, the object of a transitive verb
the focus of cognitions or feelings; "objects of thought"; "the object of my affection"
The OBJECT element is a proposal from the W3C that will replace and absorb the many methods in use to include multi-media and embedded content in HTML documents This element can replace all the functionality in the existing APPLET, EMBED, BGSOUND, SOUND and IMG elements
In programming, an element that combines data (properties) and behavior (methods) in a single container of code Objects inherit their properties and methods from the classes above them in the hierarchy and can modify the properties and methods to suit their own purposes
To disagree with something or someone; to raise an objection
An object is anything that has a fixed shape or form, that you can touch or see, and that is not alive. an object the shape of a coconut In the cosy consulting room the children are surrounded by familiar objects
A programming unit that groups together a data structure (fields) and the operations (methods) that can use or affect that data Objects are the principal building blocks of object-oriented programs
In object-oriented programming, an instantiation of a class or structure
Also called a table in database parlance, an object is a single logical grouping of attributes For example, in the Data Warehouse, the Person object contains attributes such as Last Name and Age Each object is represented in GQL as a single icon
To make opposition in words or argument; usually followed by to
An instance of a particular class In general, any number of objects may be constructed from a class definition (see singleton, however) The class to which an object belongs defines the general characteristics of all instances of that class Within those characteristics, an object will behave according to the current state of its attributes and environment
a general term for any 'thing' which is conditioned by the subject's representation, and so is capable of being known The thing in itself is a thing which cannot become an object (Cf subject; see thing in itself )
A technical computing term for an independent piece of computer code with its data Hence, object-oriented programming, and distributed objects, where objects are connected over a network

We can see distant objects with a telescope. - Bir teleskopla uzak nesneleri görebiliriz.

The surface of the object is fairly rough. - Nesnenin yüzeyi oldukça pürüzlü.


I think I'm objective. - Nesnel olduğumu düşünüyorum.

grafik nesnesi
(Bilgisayar) chart object
istek nesnesi
(Bilgisayar) request object
(Bilgisayar) an object

Not all verbs require an object. - Fiillerin hepsi bir nesneye ihtiyaç duyuyor değildir.

After ten months of very hard work, sometimes working through the night in an unheated dome, Clyde Tombaugh discovered an object he named Pluto. - On aylık çok sıkı bir çalışmadan sonra, bazen ısıtılmamış bir kubbede gece boyunca çalışarak, Clyde Tombaugh Pluto adını verdiği bir nesne keşfetti.

(Bilgisayar) objects

Gravity causes objects to have weight. - Nesnelerin ağırlığının sebebi yer çekimidir.

Lisa is so skillful that she can even make screws and similar small objects for herself. - Lisa o kadar yeteneklidir ki kendisi için vida ve benzeri küçük nesneleri bile yapabilir.


English is an SVO language because the subject comes first, followed by the verb and then the object. - İngilizce bir SVO dilidir, çünkü özne önce gelir, ardından fiil ve daha sonra nesne gelir.

Are we subjects or objects in this process? - Bu süreçte biz özne miyiz, yoksa nesne miyiz?


Uranus has eleven known rings, which contain dark, boulder-sized particles. - Uranus'un kara, kaya parçaları şeklinde nesneleri içeren, onbir bilinen halkası vardır.

program nesnesi
(Bilgisayar) program item
direct object

The first item on Tom's list of things to take with him on his trip is his mobile phone recharger. - Tom'un yolculuğu sırasında yanına alacağı şeylerin listesinde ilk nesne cep telefonu şarjıydı.

The following words are called pronouns and are used as the subject of a sentence. They represent a person or a thing. - Aşağıdaki sözcüklere adıl denir ve cümlede özne olarak kullanılırlar. Onlar bir kişi veya nesne sunarlar.

birim nesnesi
volume object
cookies nesnesi
(Bilgisayar) cookies object
film nesnesi
movie object
jeton nesnesi
token object
liste nesnesi
(Bilgisayar) list object
thing, anything " şey, obje; object" " obje; direct object
gram., phil. object
objective case
thing (any nonhuman thing which has weight and takes up space)
server nesnesi
(Bilgisayar) server object
sınıf nesnesi
class object
tutku nesnesi
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) limerent object
çekirdek süreç nesnesi
kernel process object
Türkisch - Türkisch

Definition von nesnesi im Türkisch Türkisch wörterbuch

(Osmanlı Dönemi) şey, herhangi bir şey
Gerçek yaşamda yada sanal ortamda etkileşilebilen olguların her biri
Geçişli fiili bütünleyen yalın veya belirtme durumunda bulunan tümleç
Belli bir ağırlığı ve hacmi, rengi, maddesi olan her türlü cansız varlık, şey, obje
Tümcenin öğelerinden biri
Nen, şey
Öznenin dışında kalan her konu, obje
Belli bir ağırlığı ve hacmi, rengi, maddesi olan her türlü cansız varlık, şey, obje: "Ağzımıza koyduğumuz şey değil, tadını tuzunu bildiğimiz nesne değil."- S. M. Alus. Öznenin dışında kalan her konu, obje: "Her nesne ve olaya alaycı bir gözle bakmak ilkesinden yola çıkar bu görüş."- S. Birsel