Definition von near-field im Englisch Englisch wörterbuch
In radio-frequency electromagnetic technology, the region within about half a wavelength from an electrically small antennaCharles Capps, “Near-field or Far Field,” EDN, August 16, 2001, pp. 95-102.. More specifically it is the region within the radiansphereWheeler, H.A.; "The Radiansphere around a Small Antenna"; Proceedings of the IRE Aug. 1959, Volume: 47 Issue: 8 pp: 1325 - 1331. 10.1109/JRPROC.1959.287198
In physical acoustics, the region of space within a distance a fraction of a wavelength from a sound source. Accordingly, the outer boundary of the near-field region is closer for high-pitched sound than for low-pitched sound
In loudspeaker acoustics, referring to a region where the intensity of direct, unreflected sound from the source (such as a loudspeaker) is significantly dominant over any indirect or reflected sound.Brungart Douglas S. and Rabinowitz William R.; "Auditory Localization in the Near-Field"; The Third International Conference on Auditory Display, November 1996
Pertains to that range of listening distances in which the sounds reaching the ears are predominantly direct The opposite of "Far Field"
That part of the sound field where the sound level varies from point to point because of the radiation pattern of the source
The area that is very close to the transducer where the Inverse Square Law does not apply For speakers it is within a few feet of the diaphragm For microphones it is usually only a few inches This term is often erroneously used in place of Close Field when describing monitoring scenarios
The region of an electromagnetic field comprising two components, the reactive Rayleigh region immediately surrounding the antenna and a radiating near field or Fresnel component which exists when the major dimension of the antenna, D, is large compared with the wavelength, l , of transmission