nationalist party

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Englisch - Türkisch

Definition von nationalist party im Englisch Türkisch wörterbuch

Kurdish nationalist party
Türkiye'nin güneydoğusu, ırak'ın kuzeyi, Suriye'nin kuzeydoğusu ve İran'ın kuzeybatısını kapsayan bölgede bir devlet kurmayı amaçlayan ve bu amaçla söz konusu toprakların Türkiye Cumhuriyeti sınırları dahilinde kalan kısmına sahip olabilmek için Türk Silahlı Kuvvetleri ve sivillere karşı silahlı terörist eylem yapan silahlı örgüt
Englisch - Englisch
or Kuomintang or Guomindang Political party that governed all or part of mainland China from 1928 to 1949 and subsequently ruled Taiwan. Founded by Song Jiaoren (1882-1913) and led by Sun Yat-sen, it evolved from a revolutionary league working to overthrow the Qing dynasty into a political party. In the early 1920s the party received guidance from the Soviet Bolshevik party; until 1927 it collaborated with the Chinese Communist Party. Sun's program, which stressed nationalism, democracy, and people's livelihood, was ineffectively implemented by his successor, Chiang Kai-shek, who became increasingly conservative and dictatorial. During World War II, Chiang focused on suppressing the Chinese communists at the expense of defending the country from the Japanese; in 1949 the Nationalists were driven from the mainland to Taiwan. There they maintained a monopoly on political power until 1989, when the first legal opposition party won seats in the legislature. The first non-Nationalist president was elected in 2000. See also Wang Jingwei
Kurdish nationalist party
It was founded in Turkish Kurdistan in 1978 and sought to establish an independent Kurdish state in southeastern Turkey, northern Iraq, northeastern Syria and northwestern Iran. It attacked Turkish interests and fellow Kurds suspected of collaboration with the Turkish government, often from bases in Iraq and Syria. The group's leader, Abdullah Öcalan, was arrested by Turkey in 1999 and was thereafter tried and convicted of treason
Welsh Nationalist Party
Plaid Cymru
nationalist party


    na·tion·al·ist par·ty

    Türkische aussprache

    näşnılıst pärti


    /ˈnasʜnələst ˈpärtē/ /ˈnæʃnələst ˈpɑːrtiː/