A light repast or luncheon; as, a cold collation; first applied to the refreshment on fast days that accompanied the reading of the collation in monasteries
A collection of the Lives of the Fathers or other devout work read daily in monasteries
The description of a book, including number of leaves and pages and if it has a bibliography, illustrations, etc
field in a bibliographic description that gives the number of pages or volumes, the presence of illustrations, the item's size, and accompanying materials
The act of collating or comparing; a comparison of one copy er thing (as of a book, or manuscript) with another of a like kind; comparison, in general
The logical ordering of strings in a predefined sequence according to rules established by precedence These rules identify a collation sequence among the collating elements and also govern the ordering of strings consisting of multiple collating elements, to accommodate native languages
The process of ordering units of textual information according to a well defined set of rules These rules may be relatively easy, based solely on the order of component symbols; on the other hand, they may be arbitrarily complex, requiring grammatical or semantic interpretation
The presentation of a clergyman to a benefice by a bishop, who has it in his own gift
The following fields contain data that defines the structure of the digital object to be created The collation defines a set of "intermediate objects" within the primary object (jacket front cover, jacket back cover,disc label, etc ) The intermediate objects ought to be recursive (jacket, then front cover and back cover) but in this database only one intermediate level is provided For LC AV objects, the collation input form is also filled in by processing section staff and the layout of this form may help readers envision the outcome of collation