mutual assured destruction

listen to the pronunciation of mutual assured destruction
Englisch - Englisch
The threat of massive retaliation using nuclear weapons should a potential enemy use them first, both sides being annihilated in the event of war
Severe, unavoidable reciprocal damage that superpowers are likely to inflict on each other or their allies in a nuclear war, conceived as the heart of a doctrine of nuclear deterrence
constant threat that was present between the USA and the Soviet Union and which helped prevent nuclear war (both countries had the ability to completely annihilate the other), MAD
mutual assured destruction


    mu·tu·al as·sured de·struc·tion

    Türkische aussprache

    myuçıwıl ışûrd dîstrʌkşın


    /ˈmyo͞oʧəwəl əˈsʜo͝ord dəsˈtrəksʜən/ /ˈmjuːʧəwəl əˈʃʊrd dɪsˈtrʌkʃən/


    () ( mutual + ( assured + destruction ) )