movement of funds out of a country because of political risk

listen to the pronunciation of movement of funds out of a country because of political risk
Englisch - Türkisch

Definition von movement of funds out of a country because of political risk im Englisch Türkisch wörterbuch

capital flight
(Bilim, İlim) Sermaye kaçışı
capital flight
sermayenin kaçışı
Englisch - Englisch
capital flight
movement of funds out of a country because of political risk


    move·ment of funds out of a coun·try be·cause of po·li·ti·cal risk

    Türkische aussprache

    muvmınt ıv fʌndz aut ıv ı kʌntri bîkôz ıv pılîtıkıl rîsk


    /ˈmo͞ovmənt əv ˈfəndz ˈout əv ə ˈkəntrē bəˈkôz əv pəˈlətəkəl ˈrəsk/ /ˈmuːvmənt əv ˈfʌndz ˈaʊt əv ə ˈkʌntriː bɪˈkɔːz əv pəˈlɪtəkəl ˈrɪsk/