(Askeri) HAVADAN NAKLEDİLEBİLİR İKMAL MADDELERİ: Bir hava meydanından veya küçük toprak pistten diğer bir hava meydanına veya belirli bir atma bölgesine yada iniş bölgesine, havadan nakledilebilir her sınıf ikmal maddeleri. Hava indirme birliklerinin ve havadan nakledilen birliklerin beraberlerinde taşıdıkları ikmal maddeleri buna dahil değildir
(Askeri) İTİLEREK TAŞINAN MALZEME, ÇEKİLEREK GÖTÜRÜLEN MALZEME: Kısa mesafeler dahilinde, mekanik yardım olmaksızın, münferit erler tarafından, yedekte veya kızakla çekilen veya yuvarlanan; fakat, fertler tarafından, taşınmasına boyutu, ağırlığı veya biçimi engel olan ikmal maddeleri veya teçhizat. En çok ağırlık, fert başına, 425 pound (191 kilo) dur. Mesela; 55 galonluk benzin bidonu
Definition von movable im Englisch Englisch wörterbuch
Changing from one time to another; as, movable feasts, i. e., church festivals, the date of which varies from year to year
Something which is movable; an article of wares or goods; a commodity; a piece of property not fixed, or not a part of real estate; generally, in the plural, goods; wares; furniture
Capable of being moved, lifted, carried, drawn, turned, or conveyed, or in any way made to change place or posture; susceptible of motion; not fixed or stationary; as, a movable steam engine
Something that is movable can be moved from one place or position to another. It's a vinyl doll with movable arms and legs. able to be moved and not fixed in one place or position. moveable a personal possession such as a piece of furniture
capable of being moved or conveyed from one place to another (of personal property as opposed to real estate) can be moved from place to place (especially carried by hand)
An article of wares or goods; a commodity; a piece of property not fixed, or not a part of real estate; generally, in the plural, goods; wares; furniture
(of personal property as opposed to real estate) can be moved from place to place (especially carried by hand)