mortuary urn yakılan ölülerin külünü saklamaya mahsus kavanoz

listen to the pronunciation of mortuary urn yakılan ölülerin külünü saklamaya mahsus kavanoz
Türkisch - Englisch
a morgue
{n} a gift left at death to a church
of, or relating to death or a funeral; funereal
a place where dead bodies are stored prior to burial or cremation
A synonym for funeral home - a building specifically designed and constructed for caring for the dead
a where the bodies of dead people are prepared to be buried or burned
of or relating to a funeral of or relating to or characteristic of death
A funeral home A facility used for ceremonies and rituals associated with a recent death and for preparation of the body for burial or cremation
A burial place; a place for the dead
A mortuary is a building or a room in a hospital where dead bodies are kept before they are buried or cremated, or before they are identified or examined. = morgue. connected with death or funerals
Of or pertaining to the dead; as, mortuary monuments
a room or building in which dead bodies are kept until burial or cremation
It seems to have been originally a voluntary bequest or donation, intended to make amends for any failure in the payment of tithes of which the deceased had been guilty
of or relating to or characteristic of death
{i} morgue; funeral home
A licensed business, regulated by the State Department of Health, which provides for the care, planning, and preparation for final disposition or transportation of human remains Services generally include the arranging and conducting of funeral and memorial services, embalming and cosmetic restoration, sale of caskets, urns and other funeral merchandise
A sort of ecclesiastical heriot, a customary gift claimed by, and due to, the minister of a parish on the death of a parishioner
A place for the reception of the dead before burial; a deadhouse; a morgue
mortuary urn yakılan ölülerin külünü saklamaya mahsus kavanoz


    mor·tu·ary urn ya·kı·lan ö·lü·le·rin kü·lü·nü sak·la·ma·ya mah·sus ka·va·noz

