(Askeri) MİNÜTMEN FÜZESİ: Dağınık tertipteki sabit beton mevzilerde ve demiryolu trenlerinde seyyar olarak kullanılan, nükleer harp başlığı ile teçhiz edilmiş, üç kademeli, katı yakıtlı, kıtalar arası füzelerden daha basit, daha küçük ve hafiftir ve yüksek derecede otomatik uzak harekatta bulunacak şekilde imal edilmiştir. Minütmen III füzesi çok sayıda bağımsız olarak hedeflerine yöneltilebilen dönüş bölmeleri bırakabilir ve bunların nüfuz etme gücü çok sayıda, hedeflere etkili olur. LGM-30 olarak adlandırılır
Definition von minuteman im Englisch Englisch wörterbuch
during the American War for Independence, a soldier who would fight for the Patriots at a minute's notice
a strategic weapon system using a guided missile of intercontinental range; missiles are equipped with nuclear warheads and dispersed in hardened silos an American militiaman prior to and during the American Revolution
{i} colonial soldier before and during the American Revolutionary War who was ready for action at a moment's notice
minutemen one of a group of men in the past who were not official soldiers but who were ready to fight at any time. Colonial soldier of the American Revolution. Minutemen were first organized in Massachusetts in September 1774, when revolutionary leaders sought to eliminate Tories, or British sympathizers, from the militia by replacing all officers. One-third of the members of each new regiment was to be ready for military duty "at a minute's warning." Their first great test took place at the Battles of Lexington and Concord. On July 18 the Continental Congress recommended that other colonies organize minuteman units
A militiaman who was to be ready to march at a moment's notice; a term used in the American Revolution
during the American War for Independence, a soldier who would fight for the Patriots at a minutes notice
U.S. ICBM first deployed in 1962. Its three generations the Minuteman I (1962-73), the Minuteman II (1966-95), and the Minuteman III (from 1970) have constituted most of the land-based nuclear arsenal of the U.S. since the 1960s. They were the first U.S. ICBMs to be based in underground silos, use solid fuel, and be fitted with multiple independently targeted reentry vehicles (see MIRV). Under the terms of the Strategic Arms Reduction Talks, the Minuteman II force was dismantled and the Minuteman III scheduled for downgrading to a single warhead