(Askeri) AŞAMA NOKTASI: Bir sistem, teçhizat veya çalışma ile ilgili araştırma, geliştirme, deney, kıymetlendirme, istihsal ve hizmet süresi içindeki bir faaliyet veya hareket. Aşama noktası; bir fikir vermeye yeterli bir süreye ait tekamülü kıymetlendirme vasıtası olarak faydalanılabilecek bariz, objektif bakımından göze çarpan bir terminal noktası vasfını taşır
Definition von milestones im Englisch Englisch wörterbuch
Major stages in corporate development which when reached form a starting point for consideration of the next moves, e g injection of additional capital
n key event A milestone is a key event that warrants highlighting A milestone has the same start and finish date and by convention is shown as a triangle on the Progress chart
A milestone is an activity with zero duration (usually marking the end of a period)
The markers within the project established to determine whether or not the project will meet the anticipated schedule Milestones are usually major events in the course of the project (e g "training materials developed" or "software purchased") Technical milestones are those tasks for which a technical resource is accountable (e g "interfaces developed and tested")
Watershed events or achievements that help verify that progress toward accomplishing goals and objectives is on track and on schedule To this end, COMPASS has identified performance milestones for all Targeted Results
A project event that demonstrates progress in relatively large and far apart steps Milestone contrast to Inch Pebbles where progress checkpoints are relatively small
Each significant event or activity/action with start and completion dates identified through the cooperative agreement process or the interagency agreement process with a schedule of specific tasks and budgets
A stone milepost (or by extension in other materials), one of a series of numbered markers placed along a road at regular intervals, typically at the side of the road or in a median
A key event that defines the end of a phase or reaching a target or goal Project management systems normally define milestones as activities with a zero duration
a planned target which indicates a specific point of achievement in a project; it is used to monitor progress in a project (see also: Source Book 9 24)
Functional system prototype user testing Functional system prototype heuristics inspection completed, changes agreed and implemented Testers recruited (NB different testers from paper or HTML prototypes) Facilities requirements (ie testing environment) in place
A milestone is an important event in the history or development of something or someone. He said the launch of the party represented a milestone in Zambian history
A milestone is a scheduling event that signifies the completion of a major deliverable or a set of related deliverables A milestone, by definition, has duration of zero and no effort There is no work associated with a milestone It is a flag in the workplan to signify that some other work has completed Usually a milestone is used as a project checkpoint to validate how the project is progressing and revalidate work They are also used as high-level snapshots for management to validate the progress of the project In many cases there is a decision that needs to be made at a milestone However, the milestone is not usually based on the calendar It is usually based on the completion of one or more deliverables
indicators relating to intermediate, time bound, targets or objectives which need to be achieved if the project outputs and purpose are to be achieved a useful aid to monitoring progress
Milestones are: - essential to manage and control a project - moments in a project who deliver intermediate results and where the client gives his approval or not - specific moments where a certain phase is ended
According to Webster's, a milestone is a stone or pillar set up to show the distance in miles to or from a specified place, or when used figuratively, a significant event in history In the context of indicators, a milestone is an intermediate goal used to evaluate progress toward a final set target For example, the Minnesota Milestones report outlines 20 goals to achieve over the next 30 years, with more specific Milestones under each (79 in total) that will indicate progress toward that goal
Any significant event in the project life cycle or in the associated reliability or maintainability program which is used as a control point for measurement of progress and effectiveness or for planning or redirecting future effort
A point in time during project execution marking the completion of a deliverable or workpackage Milestones are control points at which progress can be assessed
(Ticaret) A key event that defines the end of a phase or reaching a target or goal. Project management systems normally define milestones as activities with a zero duration
A designated point in time on a project plan or schedule that coincides with the completion of a task or set of tasks that are required to produce a deliverable Evaluating the completion of a milestone provides the precise progress measurement of a project
A key point (date) in a project when an event will occur, such as completing a task or handing over an interim deliverable A significant event marking project progress no work Milestones are interim goals
An activity with a duration of zero (0) and by which progress of the project is measured A milestone is an informational marker only; it does not affect scheduling and is used to delineate strategic events of signal importance to monitor progress on the construction milestone schedule