The actual 'meat' of a document -- all of the words, images, and links which a user can read and interact with I use this term a lot to mean "whatever you put in the document "
For HTML, content is why users access Web documents and what will keep them coming back for more For this very reason it is critical that the information available to viewers online is fresh, innovative but most importantly is useful
An expression of assent to a bill or motion; an affirmative vote; also, a member who votes "Content
The n-dimensional space contained by an n-dimensional polytope (called volume in the case of a polyhedron and area in the case of a polygon)
Anything you offer to your surfers on your site: images, videos, chat rooms, stories, programs etc For most sites though, content means information in the form of words
Information on an Amazon com detail page beyond the basic platform/media/price information For example, cover art, a product description, and screen shots are all great ways to add content to your page
The substance or subject matter of what is to be studied by students over Stages 4-5 in History Syllabus content encompasses: knowledge and understanding; skills; perspectives; values and attitudes; and civics and citizenship
The content of a web page refers to the information (in its various forms, e g text, graphics, sounds) sent to the user, as compared to formatting instructions which control colours, layout, timing etc BackBack to main documentinternet lynx
A Maths Dictionary for Kids, by Jenny Eather, is a site rich with math definitions, examples, and activities The site is alphabetically arranged with a list of math terms for each letter When you choose the term you want to learn about, it appears in a box on the right, usually along with working examples or activities to demonstrate the concept
is the subject matter held in a field of study; a part, element, or complex of parts
To satisfy the desires of; to make easy in any situation; to appease or quiet; to gratify; to please
That which is contained; the thing or things held by a receptacle or included within specified limits; as, the contents of a cask or bale or of a room; the contents of a book
within a document, is one level of information (the other level is information about the content, markup of some kind) In SGML, information content is made up of data characters and is enclosed within markup
miktar: this coal has a high sulfur content. bu kömürün kükürt miktarı yüksek
miktar: this coal has a high sul·fur content. bu kömürün kükürt miktarı yüksek