
listen to the pronunciation of method
Englisch - Türkisch
{i} usul

Bu iki yöntemden biri doğrudur. - One of these two methods is right.

O, yeni yöntemi benimsedi. - He adopted the new method.


Bu metot kesin çalışacaktır. - This method is sure to work.

O metotlarında zamanın gerisindedir. - He's behind the times in his methods.


Tarih yazmak, geçmişten kurtulmanın bir yoludur. - Writing up history is a method of getting rid of the past.


Tom düzenli olarak çalışır. - Tom works methodically.

Tom düzenli, değil mi? - Tom is methodical, isn't he?

{i} metod

Senin metodlarınla hiçbir şekilde aynı fikirde değilim. - I don't agree with your methods at all.

Kilo almak, kişisel gelişimin en kolay metodudur. - Weight increase is the easiest method for personal development.

{i} tarz
(Tıp) Usul, tarz, şekil, yöntem, metod
cross yöntemi
method of accounting
muhasebe yöntemi
method of analysis
analiz yöntemi
method of blasting
patlatma yöntemi
method of choice
seçme yöntemi
method of disc
disk yöntemi
method of false position
yanılma yöntemi
method study
yöntem etüdü
method of approximation
yaklaştırma yöntemi
method of steepest descent
dik iniş yöntemi
method editor
(Bilgisayar) yöntem düzenleyici
method editor
(Bilgisayar) yöntem düzenleyicisi
method name
(Bilgisayar) yöntem adı
method of calculation
(Avrupa Birliği) hesaplama yöntemi
method of capabilities
(Askeri) DÜŞMAN KABİLİYETLERİNİ TESPİT USULÜ: Düşman tarafından tatbiki mümkün olan bütün hareket tarzları üzerinde inceleme yapmak suretiyle, bir harekatı planlama usulü. Bu usulü kullanırken, düşmanın takip etmesi mümkün görülen hareket tarzlarının hepsi gözden geçirilir. Neticede, düşmanın seçmesi muhtemel ve bizim için en tehlikeli olan hareket tarzı üzerinde karara varılır
method of intention
(Askeri) DÜŞMAN MAKSADINI YORUMLAMA METODU: Düşmanın yapmayı tasarladığı şeyi tahmin esası üzerine kurulan harekat planlama usulü. Bu usulde, düşmanın neyi yapmayı tasarladığını tahmin etmek için, düşman kuvvetlerinin tertip tarzı, adedi ve cinsi hakkında elde edilen bilgiden faydalanılır. Eğer elde böyle bir bilgi yoksa, bu usul, düşman için en kazançlı hareketin ne olacağını tahmin yolunda kullanılır
method of least squares
en-küçük kareler yöntemi
method of loci
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) mekan yöntemi
method of measurement
olcum yontemi
method of moments
momentler yontemi
method of resupply
(Askeri) YENİDEN İKMAL USULÜ: Bir birliğin, ikmal ihtiyaçlarını, dağıtım tesisine bildirmesi usulü. Bu da; yazılı istek "requisition", otomatik ikmal (automatic supply), sözlü istek "on call supply", durum raporu "status report", sarfiyat raporu "expenditure report" vesaire şeklinde olur
measuring method
ölçme yöntemi
scientific method
(Oyuncaklar) bilimsel yöntem
access method
erişim metodu
angular travel method
açısal yer değişim usulü
angular travel method
(Askeri) açısal hız usulü
calculation method
hesap yöntemi
capture method
(Bilgisayar) yakalama yöntemi
choose method
(Bilgisayar) yöntem seç
coach and pupil method
(Askeri) nezaretçi-öğrenci usulü
cognitive method
(Dilbilim) bilişsel yöntem
compression method
(Bilgisayar) sıkıştırma yöntemi
cone method
koni yöntemi
consistency measurement method
kıvam ölçme yöntemi
construction method
inşaat yöntemi
decomposition method
ayrıştırma metodu
definite method of measurement
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) tanımlı ölçüm yöntemi
delivery method
(Bilgisayar) teslim yöntemi
design method
tasarım yöntemi
develop a method
yöntem geliştirmek
diminishing balance method
(Ticaret) azalan bakiyeler yöntemi
edit method
(Bilgisayar) yöntem düzenle
effective method
etkili yöntem
efficient method
etkili yöntem
employ a method
yönteme başvurmak
employ a method
yöntem uygulamak
equity method
(Ticaret) özkaynak yöntemi
execute method
(Bilgisayar) çalıştırma yöntemi
explicit method
(Askeri) açık yöntem
explicit solution method
(Askeri) açık çözüm yöntemi
follow a method
yöntem izlemek
hollow cone method
(Kimya) boş koni metodu
i method
(Askeri) i metodu
least square method
en küçük kareler metodu
least squares method
(Ticaret) en küçük kareler metodu
longitudinal method
uzun vadeli metot
lump sum method
(Ticaret) götürü metot
null method of measurement
(Bilgisayar) sıfırlama ölçüm yöntemi
optimization method
(Çevre) optimizasyon metodu
payment method
ödeme yöntemi
prediction correction method
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) öngörme düzeltme yöntemi
purchase method
(Ticaret) satın alma yöntemi
solution method
çözüm yöntemi
strip method
(Askeri) şerit yöntemi
survey method
(Ticaret) anket yöntemi
tongue single rip method
(Tekstil) dil tek yırtmalı yöntemi
variation method
(Fizik,Kimya) değişim yöntemi
welding method
kaynak metodu
welding method
kaynak yöntemi
whole word method
(Dilbilim) bütüncül sözcük
additive method of image separation
görüntü ayrımı için katmalı işlem
approximate method
yaklaştırma yöntemi
basic telecommunication access method
temel uzaktan iletişim erişim yöntemi
big m method
büyük m yöntemi
bragg method
bragg yöntemi
clock method
saat yöntemi
cold pad batch method
soğuk bekletme yöntemi
compound interest method
bileşik faiz yöntemi
conracting cone method
daralan koni yöntemi
corrugation method
sızdırma yöntemi
counting method
sayma yöntemi
critical path method
kritik yol yöntemi
deductive method
tümdengelimli yöntem
dipping method
daldırma yöntemi
experimental method
deneysel metod
homer's method
homer yöntemi
hot dissolving method
sıcak çözme yöntemi
indexed sequential access method
dizinli sıralı erişim yöntemi
indirect method
dolaylı yöntem
indirect method of proof
dolaylı yöntemle kanıtlama
inductive method
tümevarımlı yöntem
investigation method
araştırma yöntemi
iterative method
yineleme yöntemi
lagranges method of multipliers
lagrange çarpanları yöntemi
manual method
manuel yöntem
manufacturing method
üretim metodu
maximum likelihood method
maksimum olabilirlik yöntemi
metodlu olarak
düzenli olarak

Tom düzenli olarak çalışır. - Tom works methodically.

pad-roll method
emdirme-bekletme yöntemi
physical method
fiziksel yöntem
printing method
baskı yöntemi
production method
üretim yöntemi
socratic method
sokratik metod
testing method
test metodu
Delphi method
Delphi metodu
Diminishing balance method
(Finans) Azalaan tutarlı amortisman yöntemi; azalan bakiyeler yöntemi
actuarial cost method
aktüeryal maliyet yöntemi/metodu
appropriate method
uygun metot/yöntem
argentometric titration method
gümüş tuzları kullanarak klor gibi negatif yüklü iyonların miktarının saptanmasında eskiden kullanılan analitik bir yöntem
behavioristic method
Davranışçı yöntem
bored tunnel construction method
bıkkın tünel inşaatı yöntemi
bottom-up method
aşağıdan yukarıya yöntem
cascade method
kaskad yöntemi
chain ladder method
(Sigorta) Zincir merdiven metodu
closed envolope method
Kapalı zarf usulü
cook method
pişirme yöntemi
declining balance method
(Finans) Azalaan tutarlı amortisman yöntemi; azalan bakiyeler yöntemi
delivery method
doğum şekli
direct method
doğru yöntem
eclectic method
birçok farklı yaklaşımdan alınan öğeleri birleştiren öğretim metodu
experimental method
deneysel yöntem
falling number method
(Gıda) Düşme Sayısı Tayini: Ekmeğin kalitesini etkileyen faktörlerden amilaz enziminin aktivitesini belirlemeye yarayan metod
finite element method
(Mühendislik) sonlu elemanlar metodu
flooding method
salma sulama
free text method
özgür metin yöntemi
grafting method
aşı metodu
heuristic method
sezgisel yöntem

Birçok yabancı dil öğretmeninin sorunu şu ki, onlar öğretim yöntemlerinde yeni teknolojilere hak ettikleri değeri vermiyorlar. - The problem with many language teachers is that they underrate new technologies in their teaching methods.

Tom'un yöntemleri alışılmışın dışındaydı. - Tom's methods were unorthodox.

moment distribution method
Cross metodu, Cross yöntemi
null method
sıfır yöntemi
partitioned access method
bölümlere erişim yöntemi
petrurgic method
bazalt gibi magmatik kayaların eritilip şekillendirilmesi ile ilgili bir yöntem
pilates method
yöntem pilates
pipette method
pipet yöntemi, pipet metodu
price rate of return method
(Finans) Fiyat getiri oran yöntemi
printing method using a raised area
baskı yöntemi yükseltilmiş alanı kullanarak
quantitative method
kantitatif yöntem
rhythm method
ritm yöntemi
scanning method
tarama yöntemi
teaching method
öğretim metodu
telecommunications access method
uzaktan iletişim erişim yöntemi
trial-and-error method
deneme-yanılma yöntemi
unit record method
birim kayıt yöntemi, birim işlem yöntemi
working method
iş yöntemi
zero method
sıfır yöntemi
alternative forms method
(Dilbilim) eşdeğer sınav yöntemi
analytical method
cozumlemeli yontem
angular travel method
(Askeri) AÇISAL YER DEĞİŞİM USULÜ; AÇISAL HIZ USULÜ: Hedefin, yan ve yükseklik bakımından açısal yer değişim hızına dayanarak atış esaslarını hesaplama metodu. Ayrıca bakınız: " linear travel method"
applied method
uygulamalı yöntem
base altitude method
(Askeri) ANA İRTİFA BOMBARDIMAN USULÜ: Bir hava bombardıman usulü. Bu usulde; önden giden tayyare veya birkaç tayyareden müteşekkil kademe, bombalarını belirli bir yükseklikten (ana irtifadan), bunu takip eden tayyareler de daha yüksek irtifadan atar
bentonite method
bentonit yöntemi
beverage bottle method
şişe yöntemi
borehole logging method
(Çevre) kuyuiçi ölçümleme yöntemi
boundary element method
(Çevre) sınırlı elemanar metodu
bracketing method
(Askeri) ÇATAL TEŞKİLİ USULÜ: Topçu ve havan ateşini tanzim için kullanılan bir usül. Bu usülde, gözetleyiciye nazaran bir uzun ve bir kısa atım elde ettikten sonra, hedefte bir isabet temin edilinceye veya mesafe değişikliği asgari haddi buluncaya kadar çatal, arka arkaya yapılacak atışlarla yarı yarıya bölünerek bir çatal teşkil edilir
breakdown method
(Ticaret) ayrıntılı inceleme yöntemi
bulk load method
(Askeri) karışık yükleme usulü
bulk load method
(Askeri) KARIŞIK YÜKLEME USULÜ, KİTLE YÜKLEME USULÜ: Hava nakliyatında, karışık ikmal maddelerini taşımak için gerekli hava aracı ihtiyaçlarının hesaplanmasında, genellikle, karışık yükleme usulü kullanılır. Bu usul; hava aracı ihtiyaçlarının hesaplanmasında hakim faktörün, yük ağırlığı olması keyfiyetine dayanır
calendar method
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) takvim yöntemi
clock method
(Askeri) saat kadranı usulü
coil method
(Nükleer Bilimler) bobin yöntemi
composite construction method
kompozit inşaat metodu
conjugate beam method
eşlenik kiriş metodu
critical path method
(CPM) kritik yol yöntemi
current induction method
(Nükleer Bilimler) akım indükleme yöntemi
displacement method
(Askeri) zemin değiştirme yöntemi
displacement method
yer değiştirme yöntemi
dividing region method
(Askeri) bölgelere ayırma yöntemi
finite difference method
(Nükleer Bilimler) sonlu fark yöntemi
flash and sound method
(Askeri) Namlu ağız alevi ve sesi usulu
funnel method
huni metodu
furrow method
(Tarım) karık yöntemi
grade description method
(Ticaret) seviye tanım yöntemi
grouting method
(İnşaat) harçlama yöntemi
holistic method
(Askeri) kapsamlı metot
hour angle method
(Askeri) saat açısı usulü
infinity method
(Askeri) paralel nişan ayar usulü
injector drive method
(Otomotiv) enjektör besleme yöntemi
investigation method
araştırma metodu
long base method
(Askeri) GRAFİK KESTİRME USULÜ: Bak. "graphic intersection"
maternal reflective method
(Tıp) annesel yansıtma yöntemi
(Sosyoloji, Toplumbilim) methodik
{s} yöntemli, metotlu
munta zam
{s} düzenli

Tom düzenli, değil mi? - Tom is methodical, isn't he?

Tom düzenli olarak çalışır. - Tom works methodically.

{s} usule uygun
methodicallydüzenli olarak
{s} sistemli

Tom oldukça sistemli. - Tom is quite methodical.

metodik olarak
z. düzenli olarak
(zarf) düzenli olarak
modified box bracketing method
(Askeri) KABA ÇATAL USULÜ: Top atışlarında, mesafeyi kabaca ayarlama usulü. Ayrıca bakınız: "bracketing method"
moving average method
(Ticaret) hareketli ortalama
moving average method
natural potential method
doğal potansiyel yüntemi
Englisch - Englisch
A type of theatrical acting wherein the actor utilizes his personal emotions from personal experience to portray a scripted scene
In object-oriented languages, a subroutine or function belonging to a class or object
A process by which a task is completed; a way of doing something
{n} order, regualrity, rule, manner
A method of a class or object is a specification of behavior encapsulated by that object See Also Attribute (of a Class or Object), Class, Object
A programmed function Each method contained in a template processes a particular message for the view that the template defines When a view receives a message for which it has a method, the Newton executes that method Also referred to as a function in a frame slot that is invoked in response to a message Source: NUIG
(1) Function/procedure owned by an object Must be invoked by selecting from an object; may have additional arguments Term arises from considering that each object may have its own method for fulfilling a given task (see polymorphism) (2) Set of techniques and notations, incorporating a technical process for analysis and design; part of a methodology
In object-oriented programming, a procedure that can be executed by an object
A method of a C++ or Java class User-written methods of C++ or Java classes provide implementation of IDL operations for Web logic Enterprise distributed objects
A type of theatrical acting wherein the method actor utilizes his personal emotions from personal experience to portray a scripted scene
A procedure (In contrast to conventional programming languages, methods are a property of the class, not of the application code, and hence can be shared by many applications)
A method is a definition of a behavior of an object Users manipulates an object by invoking a method
One of the characteristics of an object and a classification of keywords in VBA Methods are the procedures that apply to an object Methods that are applicable to a class of objects are inherited by other objects of the same class and may be modified to suit the requirements of the object
Classification; a mode or system of classifying natural objects according to certain common characteristics; as, the method of Theophrastus; the method of Ray; the Linnæan method
A method is a function performed on a window or object through program coding
A process by which a task is completed; a routine
A method is a particular way of doing something. The pill is the most efficient method of birth control. new teaching methods. axiomatic method least squares method Monte Carlo method scientific method simplex method Stanislavsky method method acting
a way of doing something, especially a systematic way; implies an orderly logical arrangement (usually in steps)
A callable set of execution instructions Methods specify a contract, that is they have a name, a number of parameters and a return type Clients that need to call a method must satisfy the contract when calling the method There are different types of methods, such as instance and static
A method is an operation or function that is associated with an object and is allowed to manipulate the object's data
Orderly arrangement, elucidation, development, or classification; clear and lucid exhibition; systematic arrangement peculiar to an individual
A step by step explanation of how the experiment is carried out It should be concise and have a logical sequence Anything done to improve the accuracy or reliability of measurements should be included The method is always accompanied by a diagram of the experimental set-up
An orderly procedure or process; regular manner of doing anything; hence, manner; way; mode; as, a method of teaching languages; a method of improving the mind
{i} procedure, plan of action, way; manner in which one conducts business, technique; systematic arrangement of actions
Code that is executed to perform some service; an implementation-specific procedure which carries out some function; for example, a program, operating system command or shell script The method performs some work and returns any results or status to the originator of the request
A function defined in a class See also instance method, class method
Through what communication mechanism the case was initiated Available methods that can be assigned to a case are
An executable class member Consists of a signature plus a body (unless abstract) When a method is invoked on an argument list, the body is executed with each of the method's parameter names bound to its corresponding argument
a routine (function) specific to a class or object
The study of a specific field of inquiry
A procedure (function) that acts on an object
In the context of HTTP, an action to perform on a resource, specified on the request line by the client Some of the methods available in HTTP are GET, POST, and PUT
An evaluable feature term Formally, a function that receives parameters by feature names A method term is closed when it possess all required parameters A non-closed method can be defined by refinement--this is equivalent to partial evaluation or currying Application of a non-closed method yields an error
A Java function An operation defined for an object, implemented as a procedure or function in a programming language The calling sequence for a method is called a method signature A call to a method is called a method invocation
A means of acting on the world; in the discussion of the skills-learning process, a method is a sequence or pattern ofactions used to perform a task The choice of method, and its efficiency, are both necessarily influenced by subjective factors -- the personal approaches to the skill -- as well as by the objective factors or mechanics of the task at hand (See also training and education)
The part of a class definition that implements some of the behavior of objects of the class The body of the method contains declarations of local variables and statements to implement the behavior A method receives input via its arguments, if any, and may return a result if it has not been declared as void
Each request contains a method The most common method is "GET", which means simply get the requested item A "HEAD" request means to get information about the item, such as size and last date modified A browser will often keep copies of items in their cache and then use a "HEAD" method to check if the item has been modified since it was put in the cache
Any form of structured approach or collection of instruments, which either organizes the entire development life-cycle of an interactive product or service into distinct phases or contributes towards specific objectives of a particular phase
method of Weierstrass
Durand-Kerner method
method of moments
(İstatistik) In statistics, the method of moments is a method of estimation of population parameters such as mean, variance, median, etc. (which need not be moments), by equating sample moments with unobservable population moments and then solving those equations for the quantities to be estimated
method of steepest descent
A method of finding a minimum of a function by repeatedly evaluating it at a point displaced from the previous point in the direction that locally involves the greatest drop in its value
method of choice
the best method to achieve a desired result
Dayi method
The Dayi system of text input for Chinese characters
Duckworth-Lewis method
A mathematical algorithm for generating revised target scores for the side batting second in a rain-affected one-day match
Durand-Kerner method
An algorithm for finding the roots of polynomial equations
Euler method
A method for numerically approximating the solution to an ordinary differential equation with a given initial value
Fridrich method
A method of solving the Rubik's Cube in which one starts with a cross, then finishes the F2L, then does OLL and PLL
Gram's method
a staining technique, using a sequence of crystal violet, iodine and safranine, used to differentiate bacteria into two large groups of species
Korotkoff method
a non-invasive auscultatory technique for determining both systolic and diastolic blood pressure levels
Monte Carlo method
Any of a class of techniques for estimating the solution of a numerical mathematical problem by means of an artificial sampling experiment that simulates the problem
barrier method
A means of contraception by forming an impenetrable barrier between sexual partners
calendar method
A rhythm method of natural birth control
fluorine method
fluorine dating
historical method
The techniques and guidelines by which historians use primary sources and other evidence to research and then to write history
philosophical method
A method used by philosophers involving such elements as skepticism and methodic doubt, argumentation, and presentation of arguments for criticism by other philosophers
plus-minus method
A particular method of DNA sequencing, including first lengthening the DNA by means of DNA polymerase
plus-minus method
A particular method of interpreting seismic refraction data
remote method invocation
remote procedure call
rhythm method
A method of natural birth control that involves counting days of a woman's menstrual cycle in order to determine when sexual intercourse is most or least likely to result in pregnancy
scholarly method
The body of principles and practices used by scholars to make their claims about the world as valid and trustworthy as possible, and to make them known to the scholarly public
scientific method
A method of discovering knowledge about the natural world based in making falsifiable predictions (hypotheses), testing them empirically, and developing peer-reviewed theories that best explain the known data

Mr. Payne's paper aimed at the introduction of a scientific method founded upon rational principles which were altogether unknown to the mass.

test-retest method
a technique used to estimate the reliability or consistency of some measurement by correlating the results of multiple measurements, spread over time
{a} ranged in order, regular, exact
{a} according to order, exactly
Diminishing balance method
(Finans) Method of accelerated depreciation where a percentage rate of depreciation is applied to the undepreciated balance, not to the original cost; declining balance method
declining balance method
(Finans) Method of accelerated depreciation where a percentage rate of depreciation is applied to the undepreciated balance, not to the original cost; diminishing balance method
falling number method
(Gıda) The Falling Number (FN) Method is the internationally standardized and most popular method for determining sprout damage. With the Falling Number test, so-called weather or sprout damaged wheat or rye, which is disastrous for bread making quality, could be detected at the grain silo intake within a few minutes
Lagrange method
(in Mathematics) method for finding the maximum and minimum of functions with multiple variables that are under restrictions
Montessori method
A method of educating young children that stresses development of a child's own initiative and natural abilities, especially through practical play
Socratic method
A pedagogical technique in which a teacher does not give information directly but instead asks a series of questions, with the result that the student comes either to the desired knowledge by answering the questions or to a deeper awareness of the limits of knowledge
Suzuki method
a system of teaching young children to play the violin, by making them copy the music teacher, often taught in very large classes
behavioristic method
therapeutic method utilizing techniques designed to modify problematic behavior
coding method
method of encrypting
critical path method
A network analysis technique used to predict project duration by analyzing which sequence of tasks has the least amount of scheduling flexibility (i e the least amount of float)
critical path method
A planning scheduling and control line and symbol diagram drawn to show the respective tasks and activities involved in constructing a specific project
critical path method
A quantitative technique which, when applied to network planning, is helpful in calculating the minimum time and sequence of tasks needed to complete a R & D project
critical path method
A network planning technique used for planning and controlling the activities in a project By showing each of these activities and their associated times, the 'critical path' can be determined The critical path is the series of successive activities which takes up most time and is therefore decisive for the total lead time of the project
critical path method
A management technique for losing your shirt under perfect control
deduction method
philosophical method of determining a general rule from an individual detail
equity method
Mise en équivalence
equity method
An accounting method that companies use to represent their ownership in companies in which they have significant influence This is usually true when the percentage of ownership is between 20% and 50% In addition, this method is often used in parent-only statements to account for the investment in a subsidiary In the latter case, the account will be eliminated on the consolidating working papers at the end of the year when consolidated financial statements are prepared
experimental method
the use of controlled observations and measurements to test hypotheses
gram's method
a staining technique used to classify bacteria; bacteria are stained with gentian violet and then treated with Gram's solution; after being decolorized with alcohol and treated with safranine and washed in water, those that retain the gentian violet aregram-positive and those that do not retain it are gram-negative
heuristic method
method of discovery, method of learning in which the student discovers knowledge for himself rather than through direct instruction from a teacher
induction method
philosophical method of drawing conclusions about a general situation from details on a single situation
least squares method
Statistical method for finding a line or curve the line of best fit that best represents a correspondence between two measured quantities (e.g., height and weight of a group of college students). When the measurements are plotted as points on a graph and seem to fall near the same line, the least squares method may be used to determine the best-fitting line. The method uses calculus techniques to find the minimum of the sum of the squares of the vertical distances of each data point from the proposed line. More generally, the process is called regression or, when the fitted curve is a line, linear regression
leboyer method of childbirth
a method of childbirth that tries to minimize the trauma for the newborn; delivery occurs in a quiet dimly lit room and the infant's head is not pulled and immediate mother-child bonding is encouraged
Arranged with regard to method; disposed in a suitable manner, or in a manner to illustrate a subject, or to facilitate practical observation; as, the methodical arrangement of arguments; a methodical treatise
characterized by method and orderliness; "a methodical scholar"
If you describe someone as methodical, you mean that they do things carefully, thoroughly, and in order. Da Vinci was methodical in his research, carefully recording his observations and theories + methodically me·thodi·cal·ly She methodically put the things into her suitcase
Of or pertaining to the ancient school of physicians called methodists
in an organized manner
characterized by method and orderliness; "a methodical scholar
Proceeding with regard to method; systematic
{s} performed in a systematic way; orderly; conducted according to a set procedure or plan of action; thorough, fundamental
In a methodical manner; with order
in a methodical manner; "she worked methodically
in a methodical manner; systematically; orderly; according to procedure
in a methodical manner; "she worked methodically"
NUMBER Number of locally declared methods that this Java class contains
plural of method
(Also referred to as Calculation Methods ) An additional tool that can be used in the analysis of Relex Reliability Prediction calculations Calculation Methods can be used to take into account burn-in, laboratory, and test data when calculating failure rate and MTBF for a system The Calculation Methods used by Relex are based on those outlined in the "Bellcore Reliability Prediction Procedure for Electronic Equipment", but in Relex they can be used for both Bellcore and MIL-HDBK-217 calculations
Methods are elements of a strategy They are a combination of various instruments/tools applied by various stakeholders in order to achieve defined objectives and set targets Methods are based on defined procedures (basic pattern, step-by-step) Methods can be classified according to areas of application (i e capacity-building, institutional development, cooperation management)
Specialized functions within the object that call upon the servies of the object A method is invoked after you enter the name of the object, followed by a period
NUMBER Number of methods (if any) in the type
A specific approach to accomplish organization management goals or actions
the comparisons, default calculations and override methodologies, which are used to determine ratings or values for factors or parameters
The organisation or structuring of a learning event
Mina and Henrik read the school policy on working with animals and Henrik got permission from the University Ethics Committee Throughout the study, we took great care to treat the animals humanely (even though many of the parents and neighbours wanted them killed!) Henrik did a pilot study by setting just five traps in the four days before the class started work
states the ways that you will collect data to answer your research questions
How to apply an object's method: Firstly - of course - you need an instance of the type (ie class) required (for details see "constructor" or "instancing") To use one of the object's method, use C++ dot notation (try a help question like <help object> Help1("<objecttype>"); to obtain a list of available methods if help is available on this type): <object instance> <method name> ( <parameters> ); eg : SSMLayer ssml = new SSMLayer(sneuron, 2, 4, 1); ssml HebbLearning(); ATTENTION: - The NAS is case sensitive, ie "hebblearning()" is NOT equal to "HebbLearning()", for instance ! - Most method names begin with capital letters !
user callable functions or sub-routines The user can select which of them will be generated and which not Selected methods will be generated during Code Design process into the bean driver
montessori method
Most of the chief features of the method are borrowed from current methods used in many institutions for training feeble-minded children, and dating back especially to the work of the French-American physician Edouard O
montessori method
which is declared to be "auto-regulative
montessori method
(schools in the poorest tenement districts of Rome, Italy), and first fully described by her in 1909
payment method
Indicates the procedure or form, by which payments are made
payment method
manner in which something is paid (cash, check, etc.)
payment method
A specific instance (or brand) of a payment mechanism
rhythm method
The rhythm method is a practice in which a couple try to prevent pregnancy by having sex only at times when the woman is not likely to become pregnant. A birth-control method dependent on abstinence during the period of ovulation. a method of birth control which depends on having sex only at a time when the woman is not likely to become pregnant
simplex method
Standard technique in linear programming for solving an optimization problem, typically one involving a function and several constraints expressed as inequalities. The inequalities define a polygonal region (see polygon), and the solution is typically at one of the vertices. The simplex method is a systematic procedure for testing the vertices as possible solutions
socratic method
a method of teaching by question and answer; used by Socrates to elicit truths from his students
straight-line method
(accounting) a method of calculating depreciation by taking an equal amount of the asset's cost as an expense for each year of the asset's useful life
teaching method
the principles and methods of instruction
the stick and the carrot method
system of giving a prize for good behavior and a punishment for misbehavior (Psychology)
trial and error method
method of learning by making attempts and learning from the results
whole-word method
teaching reading by training beginners to associate printed words with spoken words
word method
A method of teaching reading in which words are first taken as single ideograms and later analyzed into their phonetic and alphabetic elements; contrasted with the alphabet and sentence methods