every man for himself.
Man the machine guns!.
Geordie Giv'is a bottle of dog man!.
Stories of “men-in-black,” who confront those who have witnessed a UFO with the intention of persuading them to keep their knowledge of space creatures a secret, are also amenable to folkloristic analysis.
We know how easy it is for Ministers to find Affidavit Men, and no Court in England could give the Gentleman any Redress, because the Search was every Night made according to the express Directions of an Act of Parliament. no Man could say, the Affidavit Man had taken a false Oath, when he swore he had Reason to suspect, that Seamen would be that night concealed in such a House;.
In general, men are taller than women.
- Generally, men are taller than women.
It is agonizing for the united States to lose our young men and women.
- It is agonizing for America to lose our young men and women.
Onunla karşılaşmadan önce, Pizzaro adamlarının ve silahlarının çoğunu kasaba yakınında sakladı.
- Before meeting him, Pizzaro hid many of his men and guns near the town.
İki adam rekabet kazasından sonra Taiwan'da kollarını koparttılar.
- Two men had their arms severed in Taiwan after a tug-of-war accident.
Bu yapı erkekleri ve kadınları konaklayan kapsül bir oteldir.
- This building is a capsule hotel lodging men and women.
Biz, erkekler kadınları beklemeye alışığız.
- We men are used to waiting for the women.
Morrismen started dancing around the maypole.