Definition von me. im Englisch Englisch wörterbuch
- Maine, as used in case citations
- us
Give us your fuckin' wallet!.
- uz
- mee
For it hath Cow'd my better part of man:.
- Medical examiner, or coroner
- Montreal Exchange, a futures and derivatives exchange (formerly also a stock exchange)
- Maine, a state of the United States of America
- Middle English
- Someone.
- so
- Something.
- summat
Why go all the way to find summat that ain’t there?.
- her.
- hor
- his.
- hisn
An' every feller felt ez though all Mexico wuz hisn. — Walter C. Bronson.
- it.
- i'
- me
- As the complement of the copula (“be”, “is”)
It wasn't me.
- me
- As the object of a preposition
Come with me.
- me
- As the direct object of a verb
Can you hear me?.
- me
- As the subject of a verb, used with and
Me and my friends played a game.
- me
- Preceding a noun, marking ownership
Wilfred Owen (1893–1918), The Letter - And give us back me cigarette!.
- me
- As a reflexive direct object of a verb
- me
- As the subject of a verb, used without and
- me
- As a reflexive indirect object of a verb; the ethical dative
- me
- As the indirect object of a verb
He gave me this.
- s.o.
- significant other
- somebody.
- sbd
- someone.
- s.o
- something.
- somewhat
Although this chap came into the world in a somewhat impudent fashion, before he was sent for, his mother was pretty; we had fun making him, and the illegitimate fellow must be acknowledged.
- Though this knave came something saucily into the world before he was sent for, yet was his mother fair; there was good sport at his making, and the whoreson must be acknowledged.
- something.
- s.t
- that.
- as
I don't see as I can be of any help.
- that.
- dat
- their.
- thor
- them.
- thame
- this.
- dis
That is not a discovery, everybody knows it!
- This is not a discovery, everybody knows it!
Have you discussed this with anyone?
- Have you discussed this with anybody?
- us.
- wi
Are yee commin with wi or not?.
- you.
- j00
You think you’re elite? (you think you’re awesome?).
- you.
- u
Take me with u.
- you.
- your ass
Why is your ass always so late?.
- you.
- your Honor
The numbers of the French have been greatly magnified, as your Honor may see by a copy of the enclosed journal of a person, whom I sent out to gain intelligence.
- you.
- yees
- you.
- yer
'Still, yer got nice looks,' said Ella.
- you.
- yuh
- you.
- your grace
- your.
- yr
- your.
- yer
'Make yer way down to the station,' he said.
- your.
- ur
- me
- {p} the objective case of I
- ME
- region located between the eastern Mediterranean and India
- ME
- ME is a long-lasting illness that is thought to be caused by a virus. Its symptoms include feeling tired all the time and muscle pain. ME is an abbreviation for `myalgic encephalomyelitis'. = chronic fatigue syndrome, CFS. me WEAK STRONG A speaker or writer uses me to refer to himself or herself. Me is a first person singular pronoun. Me is used as the object of a verb or a preposition. He asked me to go to Cambridge with him She looked up at me, smiling. the written abbreviation for Maine. pron. Me Nam River forget me not Messerschmitt 109 Me 109 touch me not
- ME
- form of the English language which was used from c.1100 to c.1500, language of Chaucer
- ME
- state in the eastern United States
- me
- Myalgic Encephalitis
- me
- Mercury
- me
- Rules of divine authority which the gods use to ensure the universe functions
- me
- a state in New England
- me
- mean error
- me
- According to symbolic interactionism, the image of self seen in the looking glass of other people's reactions; the self's generalized other
- me
- A piratical way to say, "my"
- me
- ari Me-nashi - one eye against no eye
- me
- The person speaking, regarded as an object; myself; a pronoun of the first person used as the objective and dative case of the pronoum I; as, he struck me; he gave me the money, or he gave the money to me; he got me a hat, or he got a hat for me
- me
- Mechanical Entities
- me
- See Men, pron
- me
- One
- me
- me is a constant that can be used to refer to the first hero in your party (hero zero) in any command that takes a hero number as an argument
- me
- pron. first person in objective case
- me
- Market Equity Market equity (size) is price times shares outstanding Price is from CRSP, shares outstanding are from Compustat (if available) or CRSP
- me
- Whatever I appear to be
- me
- Methyl
- me
- Middle-earth
- me
- Mobile Equipment Also known as Mobile Unit (MU)
- me
- Missionary Enrichment Conference (summer)
- me
- mine (first person possessive)