{i} alcoholic liquor made of fermented honey and water; any of various nonalcoholic drinks; meadow (Archaic)
A beverage made by fermenting water, honey, and yeast (or hops) with flavorings Mead dates back to Biblical times, and was a popular drink in early England Also see: Recipes and Information
Any wine whose primary energy source (sugar) and flavor are derived from honey Honey wines need added yeast nutrients to complete the fermentation process, as these are not present in suf- ficient quantities in the honey itself
A wine, common in medieval Europe, made by fermenting honey and water Recently mead has enjoyed new popularity Wine makers now make flavored mead
A wine, common in medieval Europe, made by fermenting honey and water Recently mead has enjoyed new popuularity Wine makers now makeflavored mead
[source: www dictionary com] An alcoholic beverage made from fermented honey and water [Middle English from Old English meodu; see medhu- in Indo-European Roots ]
A fermented beverage made of water, honey, and yeast An ancient drink believed to be the precursor of beer
made of fermented honey and water United States philosopher of pragmatism (1863-1931) United States anthropologist noted for her claims about adolescence and sexual behavior in Polynesian cultures (1901-1978)
mayalandırılmış bal ve sudan yapılan alkollü bir içki
ma·ya·lan·dı·rıl·mış bal ve su·dan ya·pı·lan al·kol·lü bir iç·ki