master race

listen to the pronunciation of master race
Englisch - Türkisch
üstün ırk
Englisch - Englisch
Any race of people who consider themselves to be superior to others; especially when applied to Nazi ideology
a race that considers itself superior to all others and fitted to rule the others
A people who consider themselves to be superior to other races and therefore suited to rule over them. a race of people who consider themselves better than other races, and who believe that they should rule over them
a master race
master race


    mas·ter race

    Türkische aussprache

    mästır reys


    /ˈmastər ˈrās/ /ˈmæstɜr ˈreɪs/


    [ 'mas-t&r ] (noun.) before 12th century. Middle English, from Old English magister & Old French maistre, both from Latin magister; akin to Latin magnus large; more at MUCH.