
listen to the pronunciation of marine
Englisch - Türkisch
(Ticaret) denize ya da denizciliğe ait
deniz askeri
(Askeri) deniz (ile ilgili)

Eski bir Birleşik Devletler bahriyesiydi. - He was a former United States Marine.

(Askeri) deniz/denizcilikle ilgili
(Askeri) bahriye

Eski bir Birleşik Devletler bahriyesiydi. - He was a former United States Marine.

deniz/denizcilik ile ilgili

Yuriko deniz biyolojisinden mezun bir öğrenci, bir balık tankının içinde uykuya daldı ve ahtapotlar ve deniz yıldızları ile kaplı olarak uyandı. - Yuriko, a marine biology grad student, fell asleep inside a fish tank and awoke covered in octopuses and starfish.

Denizciler hızla kominist kuvvetleri mağlup etti. - The Marines quickly defeated the communist forces.

{s} deniz kuvvetlerine ait
{i} deniz kuvvetleri
denizden çıkan
deniz iş1erine veya gemilere ait denizsel
{s} denize ait
{s} denizciliğe ait
deniz kuwetleri
denizle ilgili
marine insurance deniz sigortası
marine stores gemi levazımı

Kominist güçler çabucak denizcileri yendi. - The communist forces quickly defeated the Marines.

Kuzenim denizcilerle birlikte hizmet eder. - My cousin serves with the marines.

marine vessel
Deniz aracı
marine accidents
(Askeri) deniz kazaları
marine algae
deniz yosunları
marine animals
(Denizbilim) deniz canlıları
marine biology
(Denizbilim) deniz biyolojisi

Yuriko deniz biyolojisinden mezun bir öğrenci, bir balık tankının içinde uykuya daldı ve ahtapotlar ve deniz yıldızları ile kaplı olarak uyandı. - Yuriko, a marine biology grad student, fell asleep inside a fish tank and awoke covered in octopuses and starfish.

marine borer
(Hayvan Bilim, Zooloji) taret
marine corps
(Askeri) deniz piyade teşkilatı
marine ecology
(Askeri) deniz ekolojisi
marine ecosystem
(Çevre) deniz ekosistemi
marine environment
(Askeri,Çevre) deniz ortamı
marine fishery
deniz ürünleri
marine geology
(Askeri) deniz jeolojisi
marine mammals
(Denizbilim) cetacea
marine plants
(Askeri) deniz bitkileri
marine pollution
(Askeri,Sigorta) deniz kirliliği
marine pollution
deniz kirlenmesi
marine radar
deniz radarı
marine resources
deniz kaynakları
marine shell
(Hayvan Bilim, Zooloji) deniz salyangozu
marine species
(Denizbilim) deniz canlıları
marine stores
(Ticaret) gemi levazımı
marine structures
(Askeri) deniz yapıları
marine terminal
(Askeri) deniz terminali
marine transport
deniz nakliyatı
marine transportation
(Ticaret) deniz taşımacılığı
marine transportation
(Askeri) deniz ulaşımı
marine accident
deniz kazası
marine bill of lading
deniz konşimentosu
marine borer
iskele kurdu
marine chronometer
deniz kronometresi
marine chronometer
gemi kronometresi
marine climate
deniz iklimi
marine court
denizcilik mahkemesi
marine engine
deniz motoru
marine engineering
gemi mühendisliği
marine erosion
deniz aşındırması
marine fauna
deniz faunası
marine fauna
deniz direyi
marine insurance
deniz sigortası
marine meteorology
deniz meteorolojisi
marine museum
denizcilik müzesi
marine screw propeller
gemi uskuru
marine trade
deniz ticareti
marine warfare
deniz savaşı
marine corp
deniz corp
marine corps
deniz kolordu
marine etmek
Etleri, pişirmezden önce yumuşatmak için baharatlı sirke, zeytinyağı, şarap vb. karışımı içerisinde belirli bir süre bekletmek
marine life
(Çevre) Su altı yaşamı
marine ply
deniz kat
marine reptile
(Hayvan Bilim, Zooloji) Deniz sürüngeni. Tam ya da yarı hayatı sualtında geçen sürüngen
marine science
deniz bilimi
marine to
için deniz
marine transgression
deniz ilerlemesi
Marine Corps Combat Development Command
(Askeri) Deniz Piyade Muharebe Geliştirme Komutanlığı
Marine Corps Doctrinal Publication
(Askeri) Deniz Piyade Teşkilatı Doktrini Yayını
Marine Corps Exchange
(Askeri) Deniz Piyade Teşkilatı Kantini
Marine Corps Forces, Atlantic
(Askeri) Atlantik Deniz Piyade Kuvvetleri
Marine Corps Forces, Europe
(Askeri) Avrupa Deniz Piyade Kuvvetleri
Marine Corps Forces, Pacific
(Askeri) Pasifik Deniz Piyade Kuvvetleri
Marine Corps Intelligence Activity
(Askeri) Deniz Piyade İstihbarat Faaliyeti
Marine Corps Materiel Command
(Askeri) Deniz Piyade Malzeme Komutanlığı
Marine Corps Mobilization Management Plan
(Askeri) Deniz Piyade Teşkilatı Seferberlik Yönetim Planı
Marine Corps Warfighting Publication
(Askeri) Deniz Piyade Teşkilatı Muharip Yayımı
Marine Corps air station
(Askeri) Deniz Piyade hava istasyonu
Marine Corps forces
(Askeri) Deniz piyade kuvvetleri
Marine Corps order
(Askeri) Deniz Piyade Teşkilatı direktifi
Marine Corps reference publication
(Askeri) Deniz Piyade Teşkilatı referans yayımı
Marine Logistics Command
(Askeri) Deniz piyade lojistik komutanlığı
Marine Security Guard; message
(Askeri) Deniz Güvenlik Muhafızı; mesaj
Marine aerial refueler and transport squadron
(Askeri) Deniz hava yakıt ve ulaştırma fibi
Marine air command and control system
(Askeri) Deniz piyade hava komuta ve kontrol sistemi
Marine air control group
(Askeri) Deniz piyade hava kontrol grubu
Marine air traffic control and landing system
(Askeri) Deniz piyade hava trafik kontrol ve iniş sistemi
Marine aircraft group
(Askeri) Deniz piyadesi hava araçları grubu
Marine aircraft wing
(Askeri) Deniz piyadesi uçuş grubu
Marine component commander; maritime component commander; master control center;
(Askeri) Deniz unsur komutanı; deniz unsur komutanı; ana kontrol merkezi; askeri işbirliği komitesi; askeri koordinasyon komitesi; görev kontrol merkezi; seferberlik kontrol merkezi; intikal kontrol merkezi
Marine division
(Askeri) Deniz piyade tümeni
Marine expeditionary brigade
(Askeri) Deniz sefer tugayı
Marine expeditionary force
(Askeri) Deniz seferi kuvveti
Marine expeditionary force (MEF) weather support team; mission support team
(Askeri) Deniz seferi kuvveti (MEF) meteoroloji destek timi; görev destek timi
Marine expeditionary unit
(Askeri) Deniz seferi birliği
Marine expeditionary unit (MEU) service support group
(Askeri) Deniz seferi birliği (meu) hizmet destek grubu
Marine heavy helicopter squadron
(Askeri) deniz ağır helikopter filosu
Marine liaison officer
(Askeri) Deniz irtibat subayı
Marine light/attack helicopter squadron
(Askeri) deniz hafif/taarruz helikopter filosu
Marine medium helicopter squadron
(Askeri) deniz orta helikopter filosu
Marine remote area approach and landing system
(Askeri) Deniz piyade uzak bölge erişim ve çıkartma sistemi
Marine safety information system
(Askeri) Deniz piyade teşkilatı emniyet bilgi sistemi
Marine tactical electronic warfare squadron
(Askeri) Deniz taktik elektronik harp fibi
Marine wing support group
(Askeri) Deniz filosu destek grubu
Marine wing support squadron
(Askeri) Deniz filosu destek fibi N
marine abrasion
(Jeoloji) dalga aşındırması
marine abrasion
(Jeoloji) deniz aşındırması
marine abrasion
denizel dalga aşındırması
marine air control squadron
(Askeri) DENİZ PİYADESİ HAVA KONTROL FİLOSU: Düşman uçakların tespiti ve durdurulması ve destek görevlerinin yürütülmesinde dost uçakların seyir yönlendirmesinde yer tesislerinde çalışan ve bu işi temin eden Deniz piyadesi hava kontrol grubunun bir unsuru. MARINE AIR-GROUND TASK FORCE: DENİZ PİYADESİ HAVA VE KARA GÖREV KUVVETİ: Tek bir komuta altında olan ve belirli bir görevi gerçekleştirmek üzere oluşturulmuş bir deniz piyadesi hava ve kara görev kuvveti (Divizyon, Ving ve hizmet destek grupları). Deniz piyadesi hava ve kara görev kuvvetinin unsurları normal olarak komuta, kara-muharebe, hava-muharebe ve muharebe hizmet destek unsurlarından (deniz destek unsurları dahil olmak üzere) oluşur. Deniz piyadesi hava ve kara görev kuvveti üç şekilde teşkil edilebilir; a. Deniz piyadesi amfibik birliği, b. Deniz piyadesi amfibik tugayı, c. Deniz piyadesi amfibik kuvveti. Aynı zamanda MAGTF da denir
marine air support squadron
(Askeri) DENİZ PİYADESİ HAVA DESTEK FİLOSU: Kara Kuvvetlerinin direkt desteğinde çalışan destek uçuşlarının kontrolünü kolaylaştıran ve temin eden Deniz piyadesi hava kontrol grubunun bir unsuru
marine algivores
(Denizbilim) alg yiyiciler
marine amphibious brigade
(Askeri) DENİZ PİYADE AMFİBİ TUGAYI: Bir deniz piyadesi amfibi tugayı normal alay tipinde bir çıkarma timi, geçici bir deniz piyadesi uçak grubu, ve bir lojistik destek grubunun etrafında teşkil edilen bir görev teşkilatıdır. Sınırlı bir kapsamda amfibik taarruz harekatları yapmaya muktedirdir. Muhtemel buhran durumlarında, bir deniz piyadesi amfibi tugayı, çabuk şekilde muharebeye girmek amacıyla uzatılmış bir dönem için önceden denize intikal ettirilebilir. Ayrıca MAB da denir
marine amphibious force
(Askeri) DENİZ AMFİBİ KUVVETİ: Deniz piyadesi hava-kara görev kuvvetlerinin en büyüğü olan Deniz Piyadesi amfibi kuvveti, normal olarak bir divizyon/ving etrafında teşkil edilen, ancak uygun bir muharebe hizmet destek teşkilatı ile birlikte bir kaç divizyon ve uygun uçak vinglerini de içerebilen bir amfibik kuvvet. Deniz piyadesi amfibi kuvveti, kıyıda çok çeşitli amfibik taarruz harekatları yapmaya muktedirdir. Herhangi bir ortamda çok çeşitli muharebe görevlerini yerine getirmek için düzenlenebilir. Ayrıca MAF da denir
marine amphibious unit
(Askeri) DENİZ PİYADESİ AMFİBİ BİRLİĞİ: Deniz piyadesi amfibi birliği, normal olarak bir tabur çıkarma timinin, karma filonun ve lojistik destek birliğinin etrafında teşkil edilen, bir görev teşkilatıdır. Olağan ileri deniz intikali ihtiyaçlarını tam olarak yerine getirir, buhran durumlarında hemen tepki verme imkan ve kabiliyetine sahiptir, ve nispeten sınırlı harekatları gerçekleştirmeye muktedirdir. Ayrıca MAU da denir
marine amphibious unit
(Askeri) deniz piyadesi amfibi birliği
marine animal
deniz hayvanı
marine annelid
(Hayvan Bilim, Zooloji) kum kurdu
marine annelid
(Hayvan Bilim, Zooloji) deniz kurdu
marine bacteria
(Askeri) denizde yaşayan bakteriler
marine barometer
(Meteoroloji) deniz barometresi
marine base
(Askeri) deniz piyadesi üssü
marine base
(Askeri) DENİZ PİYADESİ ÜSSÜ: Deniz Piyadesi Kara Kuvvetlerinin desteği için kurulmuş bir üs. Bu üs; Deniz Piyade sınıfının işletme sorumluluğuna sahip bulunduğu faaliyet merkezleri ve kolaylık tesislerinden ibarettir ve iç ulaştırma hatları ile mahalli emniyet bakımından lüzumlu asgari çevreyi normal olarak, 20 mil den daha geniş olmayan sahayı kapsar. Ayrıca bakınız: "base complex"
marine boiler
gemi kazanı
marine chief engineer
baş makinist
marine chief engineer
gemi baş mühendisi
marine clay
deniz kili
marine concrete
(Askeri) denizde dökülen beton
marine contract
(Ticaret) deniz sözleşmesi
marine corps
(Askeri) DENİZ PİYADE SINIFI, DENİZ PİYADE TEŞKİLATI: Bak. "United States Marine Corps"
marine culture
(Askeri) deniz kültürü
marine department
denizcilik dairesi
marine deposit
deniz tortusu
marine distress
(Askeri) deniz tehlikesi
marine division/wing team
(Askeri) DENİZ PİYADESİ TÜMEN VİNG TİMİ: Deniz piyade sınıfının, normal takviye kıtaları ile birlikte, bir tümen ve bir hava vinginden/ (grup) ibaret bir hava bir. hava-kara timi
marine ecosystem
denizel ekosistem
marine ecotourism
deniz ekoturizmi
marine engineer
gemi mühendisi
marine environment
(Askeri) DENİZ ORTAMI: Atmosfer ve denizin karaya doğru ortalama yüksek su seviyesi ile ortak yüzeyi ve teması dahil olmak üzere, okyanuslar, denizler, körfezler, deltalar ve diğer büyük benzer sular
marine erosion
(Coğrafya) dalga aşındırması
marine excursion
(Askeri) deniz gezintisi
marine expeditionary brigade
(Askeri) DENİZ PİYADESİ SEFERİ TUGAYI: Bir alay çıkarma timi ile bir deniz piyadesi uçak grubu çekirdek alınarak teşkil edilmiş bir deniz Piyadesi Hava-Kara özel görev kuvveti. Deniz Piyadesi seferi tugayı; normal olarak, bir Deniz Piyadesi tümen/ving timi muharip kaynaklarının, ortalama, üçte birini kullanır
marine expeditionary corps
(Askeri) DENİZ PİYADESİ SEFERİ KOLORDUSU: İki deniz piyade tümeni ve iki deniz piyadesi uçak vingi çekirdek alınarak teşkil edilmiş bir deniz piyadesi hava-kara özel görev kuvveti. Deniz piyadesi seferi kolordusu; normal olarak, iki deniz piyade tümen/ving timi muharip kaynaklarının tamamını kullanır
marine expeditionary force
(Askeri) DENİZ PİYADESİ SEFERİ KUVVETİ: Bir deniz piyade tümeni ile bir deniz piyade uçak vingi çekirdek alınarak teşkil edilmiş bir deniz piyadesi hava-kara özel görev kuvveti. Deniz piyadesi özel görev kuvveti; normal olarak, bir deniz piyadesi tümen/ving timinin bütün muharip kaynaklarını kullanır
marine expeditionary unit
(Askeri) DENİZ PİYADESİ SEFERİ BİRLİĞİ: Bir tabur çıkarma timi ile, kaide olarak, bir taarruz filosu ve bir helikopter filosundan oluşan, geçici bir deniz piyadesi uçak grubu çekirdek alınarak teşkil edilmiş bir deniz piyadesi hava-kara özel görev kuvveti. Deniz piyadesi seferi birliği; normal olarak; bir deniz piyade tümen/ving timi muharip kaynaklarının dokuzda birini kullanır
marine express
(Askeri) deniz sürat postası
marine express
(Askeri) DENİZ SÜRAT POSTASI: Havadan sevkiyat yerine en süratli deniz vasıtasına istiflenip sevk edilmiş yük
marine facies
(Coğrafya) denizel kayaç fasiyesi
marine facilities
(Askeri) deniz tesisleri
marine gas turbines
(Askeri) gemi gaz türbinleri
marine gear
(İnşaat) deniz motoru şanzumanı
marine gear
deniz motoru şanzımanı
marine glue
(Askeri) gemi tutkalı
marine growth
(Askeri) denizle ilgili gelişim
marine hull insurance
(Sigorta) nakliyat tekne sigortası
marine insurance
(Sigorta) deniz nakliyat sigortası
marine inversion
(Meteoroloji) deniz enverziyonu
marine invertebrates
deniz omurgasızları
marine life
deniz hayatı
marine loan
(Ticaret) deniz ikrazı
marine loss
(Ticaret) deniz kaybı
marine loss
(Ticaret) deniz zararı
marine mammal
(Hayvan Bilim, Zooloji) deniz memelisi
marine microbiology
(Askeri) deniz mikrobiyolojisi
marine natural hazards
(Askeri) doğal deniz afeti
marine observatory
(Askeri) deniz gözlemi
marine operators
(Askeri) deniz piyadesi teşkilatı operatörleri
marine optics
(Askeri) deniz optiği
marine organisms
(Askeri) deniz organizmaları
marine paint
(Askeri) deniz boyası
marine peril
(Ticaret) deniz tehlikesi
marine petrology
(Askeri) deniz petrolojisi
marine platform
deniz düzlüğü
marine platform
deniz platformu
marine pollutants
(Çevre) denizel kirleticiler
marine protected area
(Denizbilim) deniz koruma alanı
marine radar
deniz radari
marine railway
(Askeri) raylı kızak
marine railway
(Askeri) ÇEKEK YERİ, KIZAK MAHALLİ: Deniz araçlarını derin sudan sığ suya veya karaya çekmeye ve tekrar suya indirmeye yarayan, mekanik sistem. Bu sistem; kıyıdan suya doğru uzanan raylar ve bu raylar üzerinde hareket eden bir beşik (kızak) ile bir sabit vinç ve beşiği raylar üzerinde çekmeye yarayan diğer bir tertibattan ibarettir. Sistem çalışırken, beşik raylar üzerinden derin suya doğru hareket ettirilir, kıyıya çekilecek deniz aracı beşiğin içine sokulur ve beşik ile araç, vinç vasıtasıyla çekilerek kıyıya getirilir
marine railway
(Askeri) raylı çekek yeri
marine rainbow
(Meteoroloji) deniz gökkuşağı
marine recreation site
deniz kenarı dinlenme alanı
marine refuge
(Denizbilim) denizel korunak
marine refuge
(Denizbilim) denizel refüj
marine registry
(Ticaret) deniz sicili
marine resort
(Askeri) deniz kenarı tatil sitesi
marine resort land
(Askeri) deniz kenarı tatil alanı
marine risk
(Ticaret) deniz rizikosu
marine sanctuary
(Askeri) deniz sığınağı
marine sediments
(Askeri) deniz sedimanı
marine shelf
deniz sahanlığı
marine sight
(Askeri) deniz gezintisi
marine snow
(Denizbilim) deniz karı
marine space
(Askeri) deniz alanı
marine steam engines
(Askeri) gemi stim makineleri
marine steam engines
(Askeri) gemi buhar makineleri
marine steam turbines
(Askeri) gemi buhar türbinleri
marine superintendent
(Askeri) liman idare memuru
marine superintendent
(Askeri) LİMAN İDARE MEMURU: Nakliye gemilerinin, limanda iken, rıhtıma yanaşma, yüklenme, harekat ve bakımlarından sorumlu olan sivil memur
marine telephone
deniz telefonu
marine terraces
(Coğrafya) denizel taraçalar
marine tourism
(Turizm) denizaltı turizmi
marine towing
marine toxin
(Biyoloji) deniz toksini
marine troop
(Askeri) deniz piyadesi
marine underwriter
(Ticaret) deniz sigorta simsarı
marine varnish
(Askeri) deniz verniği
marine works
(Askeri) deniz işleri
marine works
(Askeri) deniz çalışmaları
marine worm
(Askeri) karina kurdu
map support office; marine safety office(r); military satellite communications (
(Askeri) harita destek dairesi; deniz emniyet subayı/dairesi; askeri uydu muhaberesi (MILSATCOM) sistemler dairesi; seferberlik karargah subayı
Türkisch - Türkisch
Salamuraya yatırılmış yiyecekler için kullanılan sözcük
(Osmanlı Dönemi) Burun ucunda olan yumuşak kemiksiz yer
Englisch - Englisch
Of, or pertaining to, a marine corps
A member of a marine corps, which is commonly designated by the plural
Of, or pertaining to, the sea (marine biology, marine insurance.)
of or pertaining to the sea or matters connected with the sea
{n} a sea-soldier, body of a fleet, state of the navy
{a} relating to the sea
(adj ) - from the or relating to the sea
Living in or pertaining to the sea
a member of the United States Marine Corps native to or inhabiting the sea; "marine plants and animals such as seaweed and whales"
Marine Corps; "marine barracks
relating to the seas and oceans Marine biology: the scientific study of ocean life Microhabitat: A smaller part of a habitat that has some internal interactions allowing it to function self-sufficiently within a generally larger habitat, such as a patch reef in a lagoon Millennia: A thousand years
Of or pertaining to the sea; having to do with the ocean, or with navigation or naval affairs; nautical; as, marine productions or bodies; marine shells; a marine engine
Related Topics: [wetlands] Marine wetlands are nourished only by ocean water and the minerals and nutrients contained therein Typical examples of marine wetlands include reefs, ocean beaches, and marine aquatic beds
A picture representing some marine subject
Of/or relating to the sea
relating to or involving ships or shipping or navigation or seamen; "nautical charts"; "maritime law"; "marine insurance"
a member of the United States Marine Corps
Marine is used to describe things relating to ships and their movement at sea. a solicitor specialising in marine (Hukuk) marine insurance claims. = maritime. a soldier who serves on a ship, especially a member of the Royal Marines or the US Marine Corps. Member of a military force trained for service at sea and in land operations related to naval campaigns. They existed as far back as the 5th century BC, when the Greek fleets were manned by epibatai, or heavily armed sea soldiers. In the Middle Ages ordinary soldiers were often assigned to shipboard duty; not until the naval wars of the 17th century was the distinct role of marines rediscovered almost simultaneously by the British and the Dutch, who raised the first two modern marine corps, the Royal Marine (1664) and the Koninklijke Nederlandse Corps Mariniers (1665). See also U.S. Marine Corps. marine biology marine geology marine geophysics marine sediment merchant marine United States Marine Corps
Solids Stripes 60"_Fabrics
Of or native to the sea Whales and sharks are marine animals
Refers to the ocean
{s} of the sea, of the ocean; of shipping; of naval matters
A solider serving on shipboard; a sea soldier; one of a body of troops trained to do duty in the navy
having to do with the oceans
of or relating to military personnel who serve both on land and at sea specifically the U
of or relating to the sea; "marine explorations"
Marine is used to describe things relating to the sea or to the animals and plants that live in the sea. breeding grounds for marine life. research in marine biology
relating to, found in, or living in the sea
Of the sea
Living in or found in the sea
– Of the sea or ocean
A marine is a member of an armed force, for example the US Marine Corps or the Royal Marines, who is specially trained for military duties at sea as well as on land
The sum of naval affairs; naval economy; the department of navigation and sea forces; the collective shipping of a country; as, the mercantile marine
in or of the ocean; oceanic
a member of the United States Marine Corps native to or inhabiting the sea; "marine plants and animals such as seaweed and whales" of or relating to the sea; "marine explorations" of or relating to military personnel who serve both on land and at sea specifically the U
of or relating to military personnel who serve both on land and at sea (specifically the U S Marine Corps); "marine barracks"
native to or inhabiting the sea; "marine plants and animals such as seaweed and whales"
A member of a marine corps
{i} member of the American Marine Corps; member of a military troop trained to serve on land or sea; shipping fleet; navy
Formed by the action of the currents or waves of the sea; as, marine deposits
Marine Corps
The United States Marine Corps; one of the major divisions of the US military, abbreviated USMC
marine biologist
Someone who studies marine biology
marine biologists
plural form of marine biologist
marine biology
The branch of biology dealing with organisms that live in the sea
marine climate
a relatively mild climate moderated by the presence of a large body of water
marine corps
A military organization of Marines who are trained and equipped to fight on or from ships
marine infantry
An infantry corps which is trained/assigned to fight on or after transport by navy ships

The UK and US marine corps were originally their marine infantry.

marine reptile
(Hayvan Bilim, Zooloji) Marine reptiles are reptiles which have become secondarily adapted for an aquatic or semi-aquatic life in a marine environment
marine wave
Tsunami, a great sea wave produced especially by submarine earth movement or volcanic eruption
Marine Accidents Inquiry Agency
(in Japan) administrative arm of the national government that is in charge of the administration of inquiries and clarifies the causes of marine accidents and contributes to the prevention of the occurrence of such marine accidents
Marine Corps
A branch of the U.S. armed forces composed chiefly of amphibious troops under the authority of the Secretary of the Navy. the Marine Corps one of the main parts of the US armed forces, consisting of soldiers who serve on ships
Marine Corps member
member of the United States Marines (branch of the navy)
marine animal
fishes and molluscs and many mammals
marine animal
any of numerous animals inhabiting the sea including e
marine animal
any of numerous animals inhabiting the sea including e g fishes and molluscs and many mammals
marine animals
animals that live in the sea
marine archeology
the archeology of underwater sites
marine biology
study of plants and animals that live in the sea
marine biology
Science that deals with the animals and plants of the sea and estuaries and with airborne and terrestrial organisms that depend directly on bodies of saltwater for food and other necessities. Marine biologists study the relations between ocean phenomena and the distribution and adaptations of organisms. Of particular interest are adaptations to the chemical and physical properties of seawater, the movements and currents of the ocean, the availability of light at various depths, and the composition of the sea floor. Other important areas of study are marine food chains, the distribution of economically important fish and crustaceans, and the effects of pollution. In the later 19th century, the emphasis was on collecting and cataloging marine organisms, for which special nets, dredges, and trawls were developed. In the 20th century, improved diving equipment, submersible craft, and underwater cameras and television have made direct observation possible
marine corps
branch of the armed forces that is trained for combat on land sea and air
marine corps intelligence activity
an agency of the United States Marine Corps that provides responsive and broad intelligence support for the worldwide Marine Corps organization
marine ecology
study of the interaction of plants and animals in the sea
marine engineer
a naval officer responsible for the operation and maintenance of the ship's engines
marine geology
or geologic oceanography Scientific discipline concerned with all geologic aspects of the continental shelves and slopes and the ocean basins. Marine geology originally focused on marine sedimentation and the interpretation of bottom samples. The advent of the concept of seafloor spreading, however, broadened its scope. Many investigations of the oceanic ridge system, the magnetism of rocks on the seafloor, geochemical analyses of deep brine pools, and seafloor spreading and continental drift may be considered within the general realm of marine geology
marine geophysics
Subdiscipline of geophysics that is concerned with ocean phenomena. The main techniques and areas of study include heat-flow data, seismic reflection and refraction techniques, geomagnetics, and gravity studies. The principal concepts in marine geophysics are seafloor spreading, continental drift, and plate tectonics
marine glue
glue that is not water soluble
marine hardware
equipment for use on a ship, sea equipment
marine iguana
shore-dwelling seaweed-eating lizard of the Galapagos Islands
marine insurance
A form of insurance primarily concerned with means of transportation and goods in transit Marine used alone refers to ocean transportation, and inland marine refers to transportation and goods in transit by land See also Inland Marine Insurance and Ocean Marine Insurance
marine insurance
– Insurance specifically to cover your belongings whilst in transit over long distances and/or across water by vehicle, ship or aircraft The policy will cover specific marine risks
marine insurance
Coverage for goods in transit, and for the vehicles that transport them, over waterways, over land and in air
marine insurance
Specialised insurance of ships and/or cargo against risks incidental to a marine adventure Usually covered by a marine insurance policy with extra clauses to deal with specific risks
marine insurance
Coverage for goods in transit and the vehicles of transportation on waterways, land, and air
marine insurance
Compensates owners of goods transported overseas in the event such losses cannot be legally recovered from the carrier Also covers air shipments
marine insurance
Insurance that compensates the owner of goods transported overseas in the event of loss that cannot be legally recovered from the carrier Also covers air shipments
marine insurance
An insurance which will compensate the owner of goods transported overseas in the event of loss which cannot be legally recovered from the carrier
marine insurance
Insurance primarily concerned with transportation exposures and property that is commonly moved around from place to place In America, the field is divided between Inland marine and Ocean marine
marine insurance
- Insurance specifically to cover your belongings whilst in transit over long distances and/or across water by vehicle, ship or aircraft The policy will cover specific marine risks
marine insurance
A form of transportation insurance covering both the act of transportation (by water, land, or air) the transported goods
marine insurance
Broadly, insurance covering loss or damage of goods at sea Marine insurance typically compensates the owner of merchandise for losses sustained from fire, shipwreck, piracy and various other causes but excludes losses that can be legally recovered
marine insurance
Insurance coverage for the hull and cargo of a boat in addition to the liability imposed onto others from the operation of the boat
marine insurance
protects ships and their cargoes against loss or damage
marine insurance
Insurance that compensates the owners of goods transported overseas in the event of loss that cannot be legally recovered from the carrier Also covers air shipments Compare Credit risk insurance
marine insurance
Insurance that compensaes the owner of goods transported at sea in the event of loss that cannot be legally recovered from the carrier
marine insurance
A form of insurance primarily concerned with means of transportation and communication, and with goods in transit (see "Inland Marine Insurance" and "Ocean Marine Insurance")
marine insurance
Generally, this is insurance covering loss or damage of goods at sea Typically, marine insurance will compensate the merchandise owners for losses sustained from fire, shipwreck, piracy and various other causes However, this excludes losses that can be legally recovered from the carrier
marine insurance
Insurance covering loss or damage of goods at sea Marine insurance typically will compensate the owner of merchandise for losses sustained from fire, shipwreck, piracy, and various other causes but will exclude losses that legally can be recovered from the carrier
marine insurance
insurance that compensates the owners of goods transported overseas when there's a loss that cannot be legally recovered from the carrier
marine insurance
insurance on good transported overseas by ships
marine insurance
Specialized insurance of ships and/or cargo against risks incidental to a marine adventure Usually covered by a marine insurance policy with extra clauses to deal with specific risks
marine life
sea plants and creatures, plants and animals that live in the sea
marine mussel
marine bivalve mollusk having a dark elongated shell; live attached to solid objects especially in intertidal zones
marine sediment
Any deposit of insoluble material, primarily rock and soil particles, transported from land areas to the ocean by wind, ice, and rivers, as well as the remains of marine organisms, products of submarine volcanic activity, and chemical precipitates from seawater that accumulate on the seafloor
The place name of a county and city in Northern California
The United States Marine Corps
United States Marine Corps
The branch of the United States armed forces established to conduct amphibious (ship to shore) combat and protect diplomatic missions of the United States government. Abbreviated as US Marine Corps, US Marines, or USMC
dead marine
an empty beer bottle
merchant marine
A seaman employed there, i.e. for commercial, rather than military, purposes
merchant marine
Ships dedicated to commercial, rather than military, purposes, with their crew

Captain Robert Dollar of San Francisco, dean of American ship owners, . . . is still, although nearly 80, the eager champion of an American privately owned merchant marine.

International Marine Mammal Association
international non-profit society devoted to the protection of sea mammals (such as seals, whales, manatees, etc.), IMMA
United States Marine Corps
Separate military service within the U.S. Department of the Navy (see U.S. Navy), charged with providing marine troops for seizure and defense of advanced bases and with conducting operations on land and in the air in connection with naval campaigns. It is also responsible for providing detachments for service aboard certain types of naval vessels, as well as security forces for naval shore installations and U.S. diplomatic missions in foreign countries. The corps specializes in amphibious landings, such as those on Japanese-held islands in World War II. Marines have served in every major U.S. naval action since 1775, usually being the first or among the first to fight. In 2000 there were some 175,000 Marines on active duty
United States Marine Corps
branch of the United States armed forces that is trained for combat on land and on the sea and in the air and works in cooperation with the United States Navy
dead marine
(Slang) bottle which had comprised alcoholic drink (such as whisky, beer and other) and is now empty
plural of marine
mercantile marine
country's trading ships; crew that mans these ships
merchant marine
country's trading ships; crew that mans these ships
merchant marine
the crew of a merchant vessel
merchant marine
Commercial ships of a nation, whether privately or publicly owned, and the personnel who operate such ships, as distinct from the personnel of naval vessels. Merchant ships are used to transport people, raw materials, and manufactured goods. Merchant fleets can be important economic assets for nations with limited natural resources or a small industrial base. By carrying the commerce of other nations on the seas, a merchant fleet contributes to its home nation's foreign-exchange earnings, promotes trade, and provides employment. The U.S. Merchant Marine Academy (founded 1943) is in Kings Point, N.Y
united states marine corps
an amphibious division of the United States Navy
Türkisch - Englisch

Definition von marine im Türkisch Englisch wörterbuch

marine etmek
(Gıda) marinate