
listen to the pronunciation of margin-
Englisch - Türkisch

Definition von margin- im Englisch Türkisch wörterbuch

<span class="word-self">marginspan>
{i} kenar

O yorumlarını kompozisyonun kenar boşluğuna yazdı. - He wrote his comments in the margin of the composition.

<span class="word-self">marginspan>
{i} pay

Dağıtıcılar olağanüstü bir pay istiyorlar. - The distributors are asking for an exceptional margin.

Tahminlerimizde hata payı bıraktık. - We left a margin for error in our estimates.

<span class="word-self">marginspan>
(Biyoloji) sınır

Siyasi parti ilk anketlerde yüzde beş sınırını geçti. - The political party crossed the margin of five percent in the first polls.

<span class="word-self">marginspan>
{i} tic. maliyet fiyatı ile satış fiyatı arasındaki fark
continental <span class="word-self">marginspan>
(Jeoloji) kıtasal kenar
contribution <span class="word-self">marginspan>
azami gelir
contribution <span class="word-self">marginspan>
(Ticaret) katkı payı
crown <span class="word-self">marginspan>
(Diş Hekimliği) kron kenarı
gain <span class="word-self">marginspan>
kazanç payı
gross <span class="word-self">marginspan>
(Ticaret) brüt satış karı
initial <span class="word-self">marginspan>
(Ticaret) başlangıç teminatı
left <span class="word-self">marginspan>
(Bilgisayar) sol kenar boşluğu
<span class="word-self">marginspan>
(Ticaret) brüt kar
<span class="word-self">marginspan>
<span class="word-self">marginspan>
<span class="word-self">marginspan>
(Ticaret) had
<span class="word-self">marginspan>

Bu araba bayiliğinin çok ince kar marjları var. - This car dealership has very thin profit margins.

İkisi arasında sadece marjinal bir fark var. - There is only a marginal difference between the two.

<span class="word-self">marginspan>
(Mekanik) faz
<span class="word-self">marginspan>
(Ticaret) kar

Bu araba bayiliğinin çok ince kar marjları var. - This car dealership has very thin profit margins.

Şirket kâr payını arttırmak için ucuz iş gücü kullanıyor. - This company uses cheap labor to increase its profit margins.

<span class="word-self">marginspan>
(Ticaret) ihtiyat akçesi yatırmak
<span class="word-self">marginspan>
sayfa kenarındaki boşluk
<span class="word-self">marginspan>
kar miktarı
<span class="word-self">marginspan>
(Ticaret) oran
<span class="word-self">marginspan>
(Mekanik) zırh
<span class="word-self">marginspan>
<span class="word-self">marginspan>
(Ticaret) teminat
<span class="word-self">marginspan>
<span class="word-self">marginspan>
(Ticaret) limit
<span class="word-self">marginspan>
(Askeri) harita dışı
<span class="word-self">marginspan> call
(Ticaret) teminat tamamlama çağrısı
<span class="word-self">marginspan> marker
(Bilgisayar) kenar boşluğu imi
<span class="word-self">marginspan> marker
(Bilgisayar) marj işaretleyicisi
<span class="word-self">marginspan> of stability
kararlılık sınırı
<span class="word-self">marginspan> release
(Bilgisayar) kenar boşluklarını bırak
upper <span class="word-self">marginspan>
üst boşluğu
without <span class="word-self">marginspan>
(Ticaret) marjsız
binding <span class="word-self">marginspan>
cilt payı boşluğu
bottom <span class="word-self">marginspan>
alt kenar boşluğu
<span class="word-self">marginspan>
kâr miktarı
<span class="word-self">marginspan>
ihtiyat payı
<span class="word-self">marginspan>

On dakikalık bir toleransa izin verdim. - I allowed a margin of ten minutes.

<span class="word-self">marginspan> of income
gelir sınırı
<span class="word-self">marginspan> of safety
güvenlik marjı
profit <span class="word-self">marginspan>
kâr marjı

Bu şirketin kar marjı çok büyük. - This company's profit margin is very big.

profit <span class="word-self">marginspan>
kar marjı

Bu şirketin kar marjı çok büyük. - This company's profit margin is very big.

top <span class="word-self">marginspan>
üst kenar boşluğu
average industry <span class="word-self">marginspan>
Ortalama sanayi marj
cavosurface <span class="word-self">marginspan>
(Diş) Diş üzerinde hazırlanmış bir kavitenin duvarının diş yüzeyi ile oluşturduğu kenar
double <span class="word-self">marginspan> drill
(Mühendislik) çift zırhlı matkap
field <span class="word-self">marginspan>
Tarla ya da arazi kenarı
flush <span class="word-self">marginspan>
floş marj
gross <span class="word-self">marginspan>
Toplam kar
interest <span class="word-self">marginspan>
faiz marjı
justified <span class="word-self">marginspan>
haklı marj
left hand <span class="word-self">marginspan> indent
Sol kenar girinti
left-hand <span class="word-self">marginspan>
sol kenar
<span class="word-self">marginspan>
<span class="word-self">marginspan>
<span class="word-self">marginspan> account
marj hesabı
<span class="word-self">marginspan> exception reporting
margin istisna raporlama
<span class="word-self">marginspan> of appreciation
(Kanun) Takdir sınırı: özellikle Avrupa İnsan Hakları mahkemesindeki davalar ve bunların incelemelerinde geçen bir terimdir; sözü geçen takdir sınırı, "adlı sınırlama" ile yakın ilgilidir, ancak tam da ters tarafta duran "orantılılık prensibi", devlet otoritesinin gücünün sınırlandırılması yolunda kullanılan ve tam tersi olarak, bireysel otonomiye yol veren bir araçtır
net interest <span class="word-self">marginspan>
Net faiz marjı
operating profit <span class="word-self">marginspan>
faaliyet kar marjı
price <span class="word-self">marginspan>
fiyat marjı
trade <span class="word-self">marginspan>
ticaret marjı
trading <span class="word-self">marginspan>
ticaret marjı
active <span class="word-self">marginspan>
üretken (levha ve/veya kıta) kenar(ı)
active <span class="word-self">marginspan>
(Jeoloji) üretken levha kenarı
active <span class="word-self">marginspan>
(Jeoloji) üretken kıta kenarı
active <span class="word-self">marginspan>
(Jeoloji) üretken kenar
active <span class="word-self">marginspan>
(Jeoloji) aktif kenar
andino-type <span class="word-self">marginspan>
andino-tipi kenar
as per <span class="word-self">marginspan>
aseismic <span class="word-self">marginspan>
sismik olmayan kenar
aseismic <span class="word-self">marginspan>
asismik kenar
atlantic-type <span class="word-self">marginspan>
atlantik-tipi kenar
bottom <span class="word-self">marginspan>
alt boşluğu
buy on <span class="word-self">marginspan>
yalnız ihtiyat akçesi yatırarak satın almak
buying on <span class="word-self">marginspan>
(Ticaret) marjda alım
buying on <span class="word-self">marginspan>
(Ticaret) sınırda alım
collateral security <span class="word-self">marginspan>
(Ticaret) teminat marjı
conservative <span class="word-self">marginspan>
(Jeoloji) koruyucu kenar
conservative <span class="word-self">marginspan>
(Jeoloji) konservatif kenar
constructive <span class="word-self">marginspan>
(Jeoloji) konstraktif sınır
convergent <span class="word-self">marginspan>
(Jeoloji) konverjan kenar
convergent <span class="word-self">marginspan>
(Jeoloji) yaklaşan kenar
destructive <span class="word-self">marginspan>
(Jeoloji) destrüktif kenar
destructive <span class="word-self">marginspan>
(Jeoloji) yıkıcı kenar
extra side <span class="word-self">marginspan>
Fazladan kenar boşluğu
footer <span class="word-self">marginspan>
(Bilgisayar) altbilgi boşluğu
gain <span class="word-self">marginspan>
kazanc payi
gutter <span class="word-self">marginspan>
cilt pay boşluğu
in <span class="word-self">marginspan>
inside <span class="word-self">marginspan>
iç kenar boşluğu
internal <span class="word-self">marginspan>
(Bilgisayar) iç kenar boşluğu
investor at the <span class="word-self">marginspan>
(Ticaret) marjdaki yatırımcı
japan-type <span class="word-self">marginspan>
japon-tipi kenar
left <span class="word-self">marginspan>
sol marj
left <span class="word-self">marginspan> marker
Sol marj işaretleyicisi;Sol kenar
link <span class="word-self">marginspan>
bag siniri (marji)
<span class="word-self">marginspan>
{i} fazlalık
<span class="word-self">marginspan>
ihtiyaçtan fazla para ile yer veya zaman
<span class="word-self">marginspan>
son hadde yakın hal
<span class="word-self">marginspan>
{i} ihtiyat akçesi
<span class="word-self">marginspan>
(Tıp) Kenar, limbus
<span class="word-self">marginspan>
{i} mesafe
<span class="word-self">marginspan>
{f} kenar yapmak
<span class="word-self">marginspan>
{f} kenara yazmak
<span class="word-self">marginspan>
kenarına yazmak
<span class="word-self">marginspan>
kenar boşluğu marj
<span class="word-self">marginspan>
margin of safety emniyet payı
<span class="word-self">marginspan>
{i} ayrım
<span class="word-self">marginspan>
{i} tic. ihtiyat akçesi, marj
<span class="word-self">marginspan>
sayfa kenarı
<span class="word-self">marginspan>
maliyet fiyat ile satış fiyatı arasındaki fark
<span class="word-self">marginspan>
(Askeri) HARİTA DIŞI: Kartografide, harita veya şemanın dışında kalan bölge
<span class="word-self">marginspan>

Bu araba bayiliğinin çok ince kar marjları var. - This car dealership has very thin profit margins.

Bu şirketin kar marjı çok büyük. - This company's profit margin is very big.

<span class="word-self">marginspan>
kenar payı
<span class="word-self">marginspan> buying
(Ticaret) borçlanarak satın alma
<span class="word-self">marginspan> calls
(Politika, Siyaset) marj tamamlama talepleri
<span class="word-self">marginspan> guides
(Bilgisayar) kenar boşluğu kılavuzları
<span class="word-self">marginspan> headings
kenar boşluğu başlıkları
<span class="word-self">marginspan> marker
marj işaretleyicisi Kenar boşluğu
<span class="word-self">marginspan> of attention
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) dikkat marjı
<span class="word-self">marginspan> of error
yanılma marjı
<span class="word-self">marginspan> of error
yanılgı payı
<span class="word-self">marginspan> of exposure
(Çevre) maruz kalış marjı
<span class="word-self">marginspan> of profit
(Ticaret) karmarjı
<span class="word-self">marginspan> of safety
hava payı
<span class="word-self">marginspan> of safety
emniyet payı, hava payı
<span class="word-self">marginspan> of security
(Dilbilim) güvenlik alanı
<span class="word-self">marginspan> of stability
kararlilik siniri
<span class="word-self">marginspan> requirement
(Ticaret) zorunlu peşin ödeme oranı
<span class="word-self">marginspan> requirement
(Ticaret) kredili işlem koşulları
<span class="word-self">marginspan> requirement
(Ticaret) marj gereksinimi
<span class="word-self">marginspan> security
(Ticaret) menkul değer teminat marjı
<span class="word-self">marginspan> setting
Kenar boşluğu ayarı
<span class="word-self">marginspan> strip
(İnşaat) ahşap döşeme bordürü
<span class="word-self">marginspan> trading
(Ticaret) kredili borsa oyunu
<span class="word-self">marginspan> verge
çim şeridi
<span class="word-self">marginspan> width
(Bilgisayar) yazılabilir alan
<span class="word-self">marginspan> width
(Bilgisayar) kenar boşluğu genişliği
outside <span class="word-self">marginspan>
Kenar Dışı Boşluk
page boundary <span class="word-self">marginspan>
Sayfa sınır boşluğu
phase <span class="word-self">marginspan>
evre  payi
posterior <span class="word-self">marginspan>
(Denizbilim) arka sınır
retail <span class="word-self">marginspan>
(Ticaret) bayi kar haddi
right <span class="word-self">marginspan>
sağ marj
seam <span class="word-self">marginspan>
(Tekstil) kenar dikişi
shutdown <span class="word-self">marginspan>
(Çevre) durdurma payı
text <span class="word-self">marginspan>
metin sınırı
top <span class="word-self">marginspan>
Üst Boşluk
top <span class="word-self">marginspan>
üst marj Üst Kenar Boşluğu
trading <span class="word-self">marginspan>
(Ticaret) brüt satış karı oranı
trading <span class="word-self">marginspan>
(Ticaret) satış fiyatına yapılan zam
upper <span class="word-self">marginspan>
ust boslugu
Englisch - Englisch
The amount (expressed as a percentage) added to the index for an ARM to establish the interest rate on each adjustment date
a strip near the boundary of an object; "he jotted a note on the margin of the page"
The percentage difference between the index for a particular loan and the interest rate charged This is a number predetermined by the lender
an amount the lender adds to an index to determine the interest rate on an adjustable rate mortgage
The white spaces around text blocks Margins typically need to be created on the edges of a page, since most printers can't print to the very edge White space also makes a document look better and easier to read
Imprinted space around edge of page
Allows investors to buy securities by borrowing money from a broker The margin is the difference between the market value of a stock and the loan a broker makes Related: Security deposit (initial) In the context of hedging and futures contracts, the cash collateral deposited with a trader or exchanged as insurance against default
The amount of money or collateral deposited by a customer with his broker, by a broker with a clearing member, or by a clearing member with the clearinghouse, for the purpose of insuring the broker or clearinghouse against loss on open futures contracts The margin is not partial payment on a purchase (1) Initial margin is the total amount of margin per contract required by the broker when a futures position is opened; (2) Maintenance margin is a sum which must be maintained on deposit at all times If the equity in a customer's account drops to, or under, the level because of adverse price movement, the broker must issue a margin call to restore the customer's equity See Variation Margin
Used with ARM's (see Adjustable Rate Mortgage) The margin is the amount the lender adds to the index (see Index) value to determine the new interest rate at the time of adjustment for your loan Margins do not normally change over the life of the loan The margin reflects the lender's cost of doing business and an allowance for profit
The amount a lender adds to the index of an adjustable rate mortgage to establish an adjusted interest rate For example, a margin of 1 50 added to a 7 percent index establishes an adjusted interest rate of 8 50 percent
The amount a lender adds to the quoted index rate for an adjustable rate loan to determine the new interest rate
the boundary line or the area immediately inside the boundary
margin For an adjustable-rate mortgage (ARM), the amount that is added to the index to establish the interest rate on each adjustment date, subject to any limitations on the interest rate change
a permissible difference; allowing some freedom to move within limits
the amount of collateral a customer deposits with a broker when borrowing from the broker to buy securities
Used with ARMâs (see Adjustable Rate Mortgage) The margin is the amount the lender adds to the index (see Index) value to determine the new interest rate at the time of adjustment for your loan Margins do not normally change over the life of the loan The margin reflects the lenderâs cost of doing business and an allowance for profit
For an adjustable-rate mortgage (ARM), the amount that is added to the index to establish the interest rate on each adjustment date, subject to any limitations on the interest rate change
The number of percentage points the lender adds to the index rate to calculate the ARM interest rate at each adjustment
(finance) the net sales minus the cost of goods and services sold
A term used with ARM loans The number of percentage points the lender adds to the index rate to calculate the ARM interest rate at each adjustment
the blank space that surrounds the text on a page
The set percentage the lender adds to the index rate to determine the interest rate of an ARM
The amount a lender adds to the index of an adjustable rate mortgage to establish an interest rate For example, a margin of 1 50 added to a 7 percent index establishes an interest rate of 8 50 percent The margin remains the same throughout the loan
The set percentage a lender adds to the index rate to determine the interest rate of an ARM
The number of percentage points a lender adds to the index value to calculate the ARM interest rate at each adjustment period A representative margin would be 2 75%
The difference or the added amount In mortgages, the difference between the index interest rate and the interest rate charged on the variable or adjustable rate mortgage Expressed in the contract as a percentage (i e "prime plus three per cent")
The amount added to the interest rate index, ranging generally from 2 to 3 percentage points, to obtain the fully indexed interest rate on an ARM
An amount, usually a percentage, which is added to the index to determine the interest rate for adjustable rate mortgages
>> A constant number, set in the terms of the note, added to an rate index to compute the interest rate on an adjustable-rate mortgage This fixed number is added to an index to determine the new interest rate when a new change period begins
The amount a lender adds to the index on an adjustable rate mortgage to establish the adjusted interest rate
in the HECM program, the amount added to the one-year Treasury rate to determine the initial and current interest rates, and to the 10-year Treasury rate to determine the expected interest rate
<span class="word-self">marginspan>
The yield or profit; the selling price minus the cost of production
<span class="word-self">marginspan>
A permissible difference; allowing some freedom to move within limits, as a margin of error
<span class="word-self">marginspan>
To add a margin to
<span class="word-self">marginspan>
The edge of any flat surface

The lobule margins, furthermore, are arched away from the lobe, with the consequence that (when fully inflated) the abaxial leaf surface forms the interior lining of the lobule.

<span class="word-self">marginspan>
The edge of the paper that remains blank
<span class="word-self">marginspan> call
Request by a stockbroker or similar for the client to deposit more money in order to cover losses that have built up in open positions held on margin (rather than having been paid for in full)

2005: If we do issue a margin call, we may give you a limited time to satisfy the call. — TIAA-CREF Brokerage Services.

<span class="word-self">marginspan> calls
plural form of margin call
<span class="word-self">marginspan> of error
An amount, beyond the calculated minimum, added for safety
<span class="word-self">marginspan> of error
An expression of the lack of precision in the results obtained from a sample
profit <span class="word-self">marginspan>
The ratio of net income to net sales of a company expressed as a percentage

For example, if a company has $10,000 net income and $100,000 net sales, then profit margin equals ($10,000 : $100,000) .10, or 10%.

<span class="word-self">marginspan>
{v} to form a border, to border, brim, side
<span class="word-self">marginspan>
{v} to form a border, to border
<span class="word-self">marginspan>
{n} an edge, border, brim, side
alveolar <span class="word-self">marginspan>
An alveolar ridge (also known as the alveolar margin) is one of the two jaw ridges either on the roof of the mouth between the upper teeth and the hard palate or on the bottom of the mouth behind the lower teeth
<span class="word-self">marginspan> account
(Kanun) A client's account with a brokerage firm through which the client may buy securities on the firm's credit
<span class="word-self">marginspan> balance
(Finans) Margin balance is the total balance in a margin account. If the balance is negative, then the amount is owed to the brokerage firm. If the balance is positive, then the balance is available to earn interest
<span class="word-self">marginspan> of appreciation
Margin of Appreciation is a concept the European Court of Human Rights has developed when considering whether a signatory of the European Convention on Human Rights has breached the declaration. The Margin of appreciation doctrine allows the court to take into effect the fact that the Convention will be interpreted differently in different signatory states. Judges are obliged to take into account the cultural, historic and philosophical differences between Strasbourg and the nation in question.[1] Margin of Appreciation is similar in concept to, but should not be confused with Subsidiarity
net interest <span class="word-self">marginspan>
(Ekonomi) Net Interest Margin (NIM) is a measure of the difference between interest income generated by banks or other financial institutions by their lending and interest paid on borrowings (for example, deposits). It is considered analogous to the gross margin of non-financial companies
net interest <span class="word-self">marginspan>
noise <span class="word-self">marginspan>
(Elektrik, Elektronik) In communications system engineering, noise margin is the ratio by which the signal exceeds the minimum acceptable amount. It is normally measured in decibels
noise <span class="word-self">marginspan>
(Elektrik, Elektronik) 2 volts, with anything below 0.2 volts considered a '0', and anything above 1.0 volts considered a '1'
noise <span class="word-self">marginspan>
(Elektrik, Elektronik) In a digital circuit, the noise margin is the amount by which the signal exceeds the threshold for a proper '0' or '1'
noise <span class="word-self">marginspan>
(Elektrik, Elektronik) In electrical engineering, noise margin is the amount by which a signal exceeds the minimum amount for proper operation. It is commonly used in at least two contexts:
noise <span class="word-self">marginspan>
(Elektrik, Elektronik) volts, and the noise margin for a '1' would be the amount by which a signal exceeds 1.0 volt. In this case noise margins are measured as an absolute voltage, not a ratio
buy on <span class="word-self">marginspan>
buy stocks on credit with the intention to repay the loan in the future as the stock value rises (common practice during the 1920s, lead to major financial crises after the stock market crash)
divergent <span class="word-self">marginspan>
area where two or more plates are moving away from one another (Plate Tectonics)
gross <span class="word-self">marginspan>
Current operating profit + operational depreciation
gross <span class="word-self">marginspan>
the difference between cost and selling price for a particular product
gross <span class="word-self">marginspan>
A percentage of how much of each dollar of sales is left over after the costs to make the product are subtracted It is calculated by dividing gross profits (sales minus cost of goods sold) for a period by the revenues for the same period
gross <span class="word-self">marginspan>
The difference between net sales and cost of goods sold
gross <span class="word-self">marginspan>
A measure of company profitability The previous 12-month total revenue less cost of goods sold divided by the total revenue A decrease in gross margins could indicate troubled times ahead
gross <span class="word-self">marginspan>
Gross profit expressed as a percent of sales
gross <span class="word-self">marginspan>
the difference between net sales and the cost of goods sold; also called gross profit (p 223)
gross <span class="word-self">marginspan>
The difference between cost and sell Same as gross margin percentage, margin, gross percentage of profit
gross <span class="word-self">marginspan>
The excess of net sales revenue over the cost of goods sold
gross <span class="word-self">marginspan>
Sales minus cost of goods sold
gross <span class="word-self">marginspan>
(See gross profit ) (See (p 162))
gross <span class="word-self">marginspan>
the ratio gross profits divided by net sales
gross <span class="word-self">marginspan>
The difference between the interest rate chargeable on a variable or adjustable rate mortgage and the rate set by the index rate upon which the mortgage rate is based
gross <span class="word-self">marginspan>
With regard to an adjustable rate mortgage, an amount expressed as percentage points, stated in the note which is added to the current index value on the rate adjustment date to establish a new note rate
gross <span class="word-self">marginspan>
Gross margin is the difference between the direct input costs and the selling price of the final product
gross <span class="word-self">marginspan>
In accounting: the difference between revenue from sales and the cost of goods sold; also called gross margin from sales In publishing: the amount of total sales revenue less plant and running (also called unit) costs, expressed as a percentage In retail bookselling, the difference between the retailer's cost of product, with discounts, and the retail sales price
gross <span class="word-self">marginspan>
Net sales minus goods sold; the difference between sales revenues and manufacturing costs as an intermediate step in the computation of operating profits or net income
gross <span class="word-self">marginspan>
(Ticaret) Sales revenue minus cost of goods sold. (syn: gross profit)
gross <span class="word-self">marginspan>
A company's profitability after the costs of production have been paid Gross margin is calculated by dividing gross income (revenue after production costs are subtracted) by revenue and then multiplying by 100 The result is expressed as a percentage Gross margin shows you how profitable the basic business of a company is before administrative costs, taxes and depreciation have been taken out Operating margins may paint a truer picture of a company's profitability See "Margins " BACK TO TOP
gross <span class="word-self">marginspan>
Gross income divided by net sales, expressed as a percentage
gross <span class="word-self">marginspan>
Net Sales minus Cost of Goods Sold
gross <span class="word-self">marginspan>
Percentage produced when gross profits are divided by total income
gross <span class="word-self">marginspan>
The points added to the current index value of an adjustable rate mortgage when it is adjusted to its new rate
gross <span class="word-self">marginspan>
The difference between total sales revenue and total cost of goods sold (also called total cost of sales) This can also be expressed on a per unit basis, as the difference between unit selling price and unit cost of goods sold Gross margin can be expressed in dollar or percentage terms
gross <span class="word-self">marginspan>
An intermediate income calculation that is derived by subtracting the Cost of Goods Sold from the Revenue generated for a specific period of time
gross <span class="word-self">marginspan>
Gross Profit/Total Sales The percentage of every dollar earned that can be used to pay general and administrative expenses
gross <span class="word-self">marginspan>
the difference between what something costs to produce and what it is sold for
gross <span class="word-self">marginspan>
Selling price - product cost
<span class="word-self">marginspan>
the boundary line or the area immediately inside the boundary
<span class="word-self">marginspan>
The number of percentage points the lender adds to the index rate to calculate the ARM interest rate at each adjustment
<span class="word-self">marginspan>
Used with ARMâs (see Adjustable Rate Mortgage) The margin is the amount the lender adds to the index (see Index) value to determine the new interest rate at the time of adjustment for your loan Margins do not normally change over the life of the loan The margin reflects the lenderâs cost of doing business and an allowance for profit
<span class="word-self">marginspan>
The amount a lender adds to the index of an adjustable rate mortgage to establish an adjusted interest rate For example, a margin of 1 50 added to a 7 percent index establishes an adjusted interest rate of 8 50 percent
<span class="word-self">marginspan>
a permissible difference; allowing some freedom to move within limits
<span class="word-self">marginspan>
If there is a margin for something in a situation, there is some freedom to choose what to do or decide how to do it. The money is collected in a straightforward way with little margin for error
<span class="word-self">marginspan>
The amount a lender adds to the index of an adjustable rate mortgage to establish an interest rate For example, a margin of 1 50 added to a 7 percent index establishes an interest rate of 8 50 percent The margin remains the same throughout the loan
<span class="word-self">marginspan>
a strip near the boundary of an object; "he jotted a note on the margin of the page"
<span class="word-self">marginspan>
To be on the margins of a society, group, or activity means to be among the least typical or least important parts of it. Students have played an important role in the past, but for the moment, they're on the margins. see also profit margin. In finance, the amount by which the value of collateral pledged as security for a loan exceeds the amount of the loan. This excess provides the lender a "margin" of safety over and above the collateral offered and thus makes extending a loan a more attractive proposition. The size of the margin varies with the type of collateral, the stability of its market price, and the credit standing of the borrower. The term margin is also used in reference to securities transactions. When securities are purchased "on margin," the buyer supplies a percentage of the purchase price in cash, pledges the security as collateral, and borrows the remainder from the broker. The U.S. Federal Reserve Board (see Federal Reserve System) sets minimum margin requirements on loans made for the purpose of buying securities, so as to prevent excessive use of credit for speculation in stocks, as happened before the stock-market crash of 1929
<span class="word-self">marginspan>
A term used with ARM loans The number of percentage points the lender adds to the index rate to calculate the ARM interest rate at each adjustment
<span class="word-self">marginspan>
The set percentage the lender adds to the index rate to determine the interest rate of an ARM
<span class="word-self">marginspan>
the blank space that surrounds the text on a page the amount of collateral a customer deposits with a broker when borrowing from the broker to buy securities the boundary line or the area immediately inside the boundary
<span class="word-self">marginspan>
An amount, usually a percentage, which is added to the index to determine the interest rate for adjustable rate mortgages
<span class="word-self">marginspan>
an amount the lender adds to an index to determine the interest rate on an adjustable rate mortgage
<span class="word-self">marginspan>
The number of percentage points a lender adds to the index value to calculate the ARM interest rate at each adjustment period A representative margin would be 2 75%
<span class="word-self">marginspan>
Imprinted space around edge of page
<span class="word-self">marginspan>
The difference or the added amount In mortgages, the difference between the index interest rate and the interest rate charged on the variable or adjustable rate mortgage Expressed in the contract as a percentage (i e "prime plus three per cent")
<span class="word-self">marginspan>
Specifically: The part of a page at the edge left uncovered in writing or printing
<span class="word-self">marginspan>
For an adjustable-rate mortgage (ARM), the amount that is added to the index to establish the interest rate on each adjustment date, subject to any limitations on the interest rate change
<span class="word-self">marginspan>
The amount a lender adds to the index on an adjustable rate mortgage to establish the adjusted interest rate
<span class="word-self">marginspan>
Collateral security deposited with a broker to secure him from loss on contracts entered into by him on behalf of his principial, as in the speculative buying and selling of stocks, wheat, etc
<span class="word-self">marginspan>
(finance) the net sales minus the cost of goods and services sold
<span class="word-self">marginspan>
The amount (expressed as a percentage) added to the index for an ARM to establish the interest rate on each adjustment date
<span class="word-self">marginspan>
margin For an adjustable-rate mortgage (ARM), the amount that is added to the index to establish the interest rate on each adjustment date, subject to any limitations on the interest rate change
<span class="word-self">marginspan>
{f} set margins on typewriter or page; make comments in the margin; to set apart a particular area; set apart an additional amount of space or money for security
<span class="word-self">marginspan>
the yield or profit; the selling price minus the cost
<span class="word-self">marginspan>
{i} area between the edge of a page and the written or printed text; border, edge; boundary, limit; profit from the difference between costs and net sales
<span class="word-self">marginspan>
The amount of money or collateral deposited by a customer with his broker, by a broker with a clearing member, or by a clearing member with the clearinghouse, for the purpose of insuring the broker or clearinghouse against loss on open futures contracts The margin is not partial payment on a purchase (1) Initial margin is the total amount of margin per contract required by the broker when a futures position is opened; (2) Maintenance margin is a sum which must be maintained on deposit at all times If the equity in a customer's account drops to, or under, the level because of adverse price movement, the broker must issue a margin call to restore the customer's equity See Variation Margin
<span class="word-self">marginspan>
The white spaces around text blocks Margins typically need to be created on the edges of a page, since most printers can't print to the very edge White space also makes a document look better and easier to read
<span class="word-self">marginspan>
Something allowed, or reserved, for that which can not be foreseen or known with certainty
<span class="word-self">marginspan>
>> A constant number, set in the terms of the note, added to an rate index to compute the interest rate on an adjustable-rate mortgage This fixed number is added to an index to determine the new interest rate when a new change period begins
<span class="word-self">marginspan>
The set percentage a lender adds to the index rate to determine the interest rate of an ARM
<span class="word-self">marginspan>
The percentage difference between the index for a particular loan and the interest rate charged This is a number predetermined by the lender
<span class="word-self">marginspan>
To enter in the margin of a page
<span class="word-self">marginspan>
The margin of a written or printed page is the empty space at the side of the page. She added her comments in the margin
<span class="word-self">marginspan>
The amount a lender adds to the quoted index rate for an adjustable rate loan to determine the new interest rate
<span class="word-self">marginspan>
A border; edge; brink; verge; as, the margin of a river or lake
<span class="word-self">marginspan>
To furnish with a margin
<span class="word-self">marginspan>
A margin is the difference between two amounts, especially the difference in the number of votes or points between the winner and the loser in an election or other contest. They could end up with a 50-point winning margin The Sunday Times remains the brand leader by a huge margin
<span class="word-self">marginspan>
The margin of a place or area is the extreme edge of it. the low coastal plain along the western margin = edge, periphery
<span class="word-self">marginspan>
the blank space that surrounds the text on a page
<span class="word-self">marginspan>
Used with ARM's (see Adjustable Rate Mortgage) The margin is the amount the lender adds to the index (see Index) value to determine the new interest rate at the time of adjustment for your loan Margins do not normally change over the life of the loan The margin reflects the lender's cost of doing business and an allowance for profit
<span class="word-self">marginspan>
the amount of collateral a customer deposits with a broker when borrowing from the broker to buy securities
<span class="word-self">marginspan>
in the HECM program, the amount added to the one-year Treasury rate to determine the initial and current interest rates, and to the 10-year Treasury rate to determine the expected interest rate
<span class="word-self">marginspan>
The amount added to the interest rate index, ranging generally from 2 to 3 percentage points, to obtain the fully indexed interest rate on an ARM
<span class="word-self">marginspan>
Allows investors to buy securities by borrowing money from a broker The margin is the difference between the market value of a stock and the loan a broker makes Related: Security deposit (initial) In the context of hedging and futures contracts, the cash collateral deposited with a trader or exchanged as insurance against default
<span class="word-self">marginspan>
The difference between the cost and the selling price of an article
<span class="word-self">marginspan> account
an account with a securities brokerage in which the broker extends credit
<span class="word-self">marginspan> call
when one whose stock(s) that had been bought on margin decline below a required level in relation to the investor's own equity interest in the stocks, the investor must provide additional funds to meet the margin requirements
<span class="word-self">marginspan> call
When required to sell securities or deposit funds to meet margin requirement
<span class="word-self">marginspan> call
Demand that a customer deposit enough money or securities to bring a margin account up to the initial margin or minimum maintenance requirements A margin call occurs when the price of a stock pledged as collateral declines If a customer fails to respond, securities in the account may be liquidated
<span class="word-self">marginspan> call
The demand that a customer deposit cash in a margin account
<span class="word-self">marginspan> call
A call for additional capital to bolster the equity in an investor's margin account Occurs when equity in the account is in danger of going below the required margin percentage threshold
<span class="word-self">marginspan> call
A requirement by a clearinghouse that a clearing member increases margin deposits to cover for an adverse shift in prices on futures contracts held on its books
<span class="word-self">marginspan> call
A call from a clearing house to a clearing member or from a broker or firm to a customer, to bring margin deposits up to a required minimum level
<span class="word-self">marginspan> call
A demand upon a customer by a broker to deposit cash or marginable securities that occurs when the purchase is made and when the margin account's equity falls below minimum maintenance requirements If the margin call is not satisfied, the broker will have to liquidate a part of the position
<span class="word-self">marginspan> call
A demand upon a customer to put up money or securities with the broker The call is made when a purchase is made; also if a customer's account declines below a minimum standard set by the exchange or by the firm
<span class="word-self">marginspan> call
A requirement from a broker or dealer for additional funds or other collateral to bring the margin up to a required level to guarantee performance on a position that has moved against the customer
<span class="word-self">marginspan> call
The requirement that the owner of a margined position add funds to the margin account This can result from a loss on the position or an increase in the margin requirement
<span class="word-self">marginspan> call
A request from a brokerage firm to a customer or from the clearing house to a clearing member to bring account equity up to minimum levels
<span class="word-self">marginspan> call
This generic term refers to both maintenance calls and "Regulation T" calls (also called Reg T or Fed calls) An investor who receives a margin call is required to deposit additional funds or securities in a margin account either because the equity in the account does not meet Schwab's established minimum equity requirement (maintenance call) or because additional securities have been purchased or sold short
<span class="word-self">marginspan> call
A demand from a broker for additional cash or securities to bring a margin account back within minimum maintenance limits The NASD requires that a margin be maintained equal to 25% of the market value of securities in established margin accounts Brokerage firm requirements are typically a more conservative 30% If an investor fails to meet the minimum, securities in the account may be liquidated BACK TO TOP
<span class="word-self">marginspan> call
Demand to deposit additional cash and securities into a client’s account to satisfy minimum margin requirements set by Federal regulation
<span class="word-self">marginspan> call
A demand for additional funds because of adverse price movement Maintenance margin requirement, security deposit maintenance
<span class="word-self">marginspan> call
a demand by a broker that a customer deposit enough to bring his margin up to the minimum requirement
<span class="word-self">marginspan> call
A demand for additional funds because of adverse price movement
<span class="word-self">marginspan> call
A demand for additional funds to be deposited in a margin account to meet margin requirements because of adverse future price movements
<span class="word-self">marginspan> call
A call from the clearinghouse to a clearing member (variation margin call), or from a broker to a customer (maintenance margin call), to add funds to their margin account to cover an adverse price movement The added margin assures the brokerage firm and the clearinghouse that the customer can purchase or deliver the entire contract or security, if necessary
<span class="word-self">marginspan> call
A brokerage house's request for a customer to put up more cash or securities because existing collateral has fallen below the agreed upon minimum maintenance requirements
<span class="word-self">marginspan> call
Demand for additional funds or equivalent because of adverse price movements or some other contingency
<span class="word-self">marginspan> call
A call from a clearinghouse to a clearing member, or from a brokerage firm to a customer, to bring margin deposits up to a required minimum level
<span class="word-self">marginspan> call
(1) A request from a brokerage firm to a customer to bring margin deposits up to initial levels; (2) a request by the clearinghouse to a clearing member to make a deposit of original margin, or a daily or intra-day variation payment, because of adverse price movement, based on positions carried by the clearing member
<span class="word-self">marginspan> call
A demand by a broker/dealer that a customer deposit enough money or securities to bring a margin account up to the initial margin or maintenance margin requirements If a customer fails to respond, securities in the account may be sold Most margin agreements do not require broker/dealers to issue a margin call before liquidating securities
<span class="word-self">marginspan> exception reporting
(Ticaret) Features in order entry systems that compare line item prices to standard costs and flag instances that violate a predefined margin percentage
<span class="word-self">marginspan> for error
(Ticaret) An allowance built into a system or process that provides for continued operation or a successful outcome even with less-than-perfect results
<span class="word-self">marginspan> of error
In sampling, the margin of error (usually expressed in percentage points) indicates how far the sample's results can stray from the true value in the entire population For example, if a poll reports that 78% of Americans eat peanut butter and the margin of error is stated to be 3%, we can expect that the true value of peanut butter eaters is somewhere between 75% and 81% The sample is not guaranteed to be within that range, but likely to be (See confidence level)
<span class="word-self">marginspan> of error
range of uncertainty Public opinion polls generally use margin of error to indicate a 95% confidence interval, corresponding to an uncertainty range of x ± 2s [Taylor, 14]
<span class="word-self">marginspan> of error
A measure of the uncertainty in an estimate of a parameter; unfortunately, not everyone agrees what it should mean The margin of error of an estimate is typically one or two times the estimated standard error of the estimate
<span class="word-self">marginspan> of error
an index indicating the amount beyond the minimum necessary; "in engineering the margin of safety is the strength of the material minus the anticipated stress"
<span class="word-self">marginspan> of error
A range of numbers used to determine the confidence interval, usually expressed as "plus or minus and x %" Note that the margin of error is computed on sample size and is only valid if the poll was well designed and executed on a true random sample A poll with misleading questions will produce misleading results
<span class="word-self">marginspan> of error
the degree of similarity between sample results and the results from a 100 percent count obtained in an identical manner
<span class="word-self">marginspan> of error
The ± value added to and subtracted from a point estimate in order to develop a confidence interval
<span class="word-self">marginspan> of error
A measurement of the accuracy of the results of a survey Example: A margin of error of plus or minus 3 5% means that there is a 95% chance that the responses of the target population as a whole would fall somewhere between 3 5% more or 3 5% less than the responses of the sample (a 7% spread)
<span class="word-self">marginspan> of error
The sampling error of the estimated statistic The margin of error is usually expressed as half the the width of a confidence interval Examples: p' plus or minus ME Xbar plus or minus ME where ME=Margin of ErrorAudit Sample Planner develops sampling plans based on the margin of error
<span class="word-self">marginspan> of error
amount of extra time or space that is allowed for potential mistakes
<span class="word-self">marginspan> of profit
the ratio gross profits divided by net sales
<span class="word-self">marginspan> of safety
span of time which allows room to maneuver or make changes
<span class="word-self">marginspan> of safety
an index indicating the amount beyond the minimum necessary; "in engineering the margin of safety is the strength of the material minus the anticipated stress
operating <span class="word-self">marginspan>
operating profit before the payment of interest and taxes divided by sales
operating <span class="word-self">marginspan>
Revenues from sales minus current cost of goods sold A measure of operating efficiency that is independent of the cost flow assumption for inventory Sometimes called "current (gross) margin "
operating <span class="word-self">marginspan>
A company's profitability after all operating costs have been paid Operating margin is calculated by dividing cash flow by revenue and then multiplying by 100 The result is expressed as a percentage Operating margin shows you how profitable a company is before interest expenses on debt and depreciation costs have been deducted Since accountants often manipulate depreciation and amortization costs on income statements, many analysts feel operating profit paints a truer picture of a company's profitability See Margins BACK TO TOP
operating <span class="word-self">marginspan>
Surplus from a company´s operations available for investment, interest and tax payments and depreciation
operating <span class="word-self">marginspan>
Operating profit before net investment income / net borrowing costs divided by turnover
operating <span class="word-self">marginspan>
Operating income divided by revenues
operating <span class="word-self">marginspan>
this ratio indicates the percentage of net patient service revenue that remains as income after operating expenses, except interest expense have been deducted Calculation: Operating income (loss)/ (total operating revenue and non-operating margin)
operating <span class="word-self">marginspan>
Operating income expressed as a percentage of turnover
operating <span class="word-self">marginspan>
Operating income expressed as a percentage of net sales
operating <span class="word-self">marginspan>
The key measure of profitability and performance is a company's operating margin The operating margin is determined by subtracting the operating expenses from the total revenues and then dividing that result by the total revenue One time gains and losses, interest expenses, interest income, other income, and taxes are excluded from the operating margin
operating <span class="word-self">marginspan>
Operating earnings as a percentage of sales
operating <span class="word-self">marginspan>
Calculated by adding total sales and other operating revenue, then subtracting cost of sales, amortization & depreciation, research & development, operation taxes (taxes other than income taxes), and other operating expenses (operating expenses not included in the other expense accounts, includes selling/general/administrative costs), then dividing by the sum of total sales and other operating revenue Expressed as a percentage The data will be quarterly or, if not available, the latest fiscal year data will be displayed
operating <span class="word-self">marginspan>
The operating margin of a company is a key measure of profitability and performance The operating margin is determined by deducting operating expenses (e g cost of goods and services, sales and marketing, general and administrative, and depreciation and amortization) from total revenues and then dividing the result by total revenues Note that operating margin excludes interest expense, interest income, other income, one-time gains or losses and taxes
operating <span class="word-self">marginspan>
Operating income divided by revenues, expressed as a percentage
operating profit <span class="word-self">marginspan>
The ratio of operating profit to net sales
operating profit <span class="word-self">marginspan>
Ratio, used by fundamental analysts, that relates operating income to net sales Operating profit margin equals operating income divided by net sales
operating profit <span class="word-self">marginspan>
(Returns to farm assets/gross cash farm income)Measures profits earned per dollar of gross cash income
operating profit <span class="word-self">marginspan>
The ratio of operating margin to net sales
profit <span class="word-self">marginspan>
The profit margin is the profit as a percentage of turnover (or sales) It shows how profitable the firm is The higher the margin the better
profit <span class="word-self">marginspan>
Net profit after taxes divided by sales for a given 12-month period, expressed as a percentage
profit <span class="word-self">marginspan>
Gross profit margin equals sales revenue minus cost of goods sold See also gross profit
profit <span class="word-self">marginspan>
An indicator of profitability Determined by dividing net income by revenue for the same 12-month period Result is shown as a percentage
profit <span class="word-self">marginspan>
Ratio of a company's net income to its net sales; the percent of income in each dollar of revenue (See (p 126))
profit <span class="word-self">marginspan>
A measure of a company's efficiency, determined by dividing net income by net sales during the past 12 months
profit <span class="word-self">marginspan>
In business, the percentage of profit (revenue minus expenses divided by revenue) In investing, the ratio of net income available to stockholders to net sales Simply divide net income by revenue for the same 12-month period (the result will be a percentage)
profit <span class="word-self">marginspan>
-net income divided by sales, indicates efficiency and competitiveness
profit <span class="word-self">marginspan>
Net Operating Profit After Tax divided by Sales This is different from EBIT Margin which is EBIT (Earnings Before Interest and Taxes) divided by Sales
profit <span class="word-self">marginspan>
The return received on an investment after all operating expenses have been met A dealership's profit margin is the difference between what they paid for the car (including business expenses), and what you pay them
profit <span class="word-self">marginspan>
sales revenue minus all operating expenses divided by the number of sales
profit <span class="word-self">marginspan>
the ratio gross profits divided by net sales
profit <span class="word-self">marginspan>
Indicator of profitability The ratio of earnings available to stockholders to net sales Determined by dividing net income by revenue for the same 12-month period Result is shown as a percentage Also known as net profit margin
profit <span class="word-self">marginspan>
Indicator of profitability
profit <span class="word-self">marginspan>
Positive difference that results from the selling products or services for more than the cost of producing these products or services
profit <span class="word-self">marginspan>
The difference between the price received by a company for its products or services and the cost of producing them
profit <span class="word-self">marginspan>
The difference between your selling price and all of your costs
profit <span class="word-self">marginspan>
Calculated by dividing annual net earnings after taxes by revenues, displayed as a percentage Useful to compare stocks within industries; a higher profit margin indicates a more profitable company Can also be calculated by dividing a company's pre-tax earnings by its revenues, known as the Pre-Tax Profit Margin Since taxes can vary from year to year and from company to company, this may give a truer picture of a company's underlying profitability
profit <span class="word-self">marginspan>
A profit margin is the difference between the selling price of a product and the cost of producing and marketing it. The group had a net profit margin of 30% last year. the difference between the cost of producing something and the price at which you sell it
profit <span class="word-self">marginspan>
percentage of net profit compared to total income
profit <span class="word-self">marginspan>
A measure of a company's profitability, cost structure and efficiency, calculated by dividing earnings or cash flow by revenue There are four basic types of profit margin: gross, operating, pre-tax and net Net margin is the one investors pay the most attention to It shows a company's profitability after all costs, expenses and taxes have been paid The net margin is calculated by dividing earnings by revenue and then multiplying by 100 Margins are particularly helpful since they can be used both to compare profitability among many companies and to look for financial trouble at a single outfit See "Margins " BACK TO TOP
safety <span class="word-self">marginspan>
extra space for maneuvers



    ... The majority of people by a significant margin think that ...
    ... those in editor margin as well. ...