manus (ausgearbeitete, handschriftliche vorlage für eine rede oder ein druckwerk

listen to the pronunciation of manus (ausgearbeitete, handschriftliche vorlage für eine rede oder ein druckwerk
Englisch - Türkisch

Definition von manus (ausgearbeitete, handschriftliche vorlage für eine rede oder ein druckwerk im Englisch Türkisch wörterbuch

{i} el yazısı

Bu el yazısı okunaksız. - This manuscript is illegible.

Bu el yazısı eseri Fransızcadan İngilizceye çevirebilir misin? - Can you translate this manuscript from French to English?

{i} el yazması

Tom çabucak el yazmasına göz attı. - Tom quickly scanned the manuscript.

Cumaya kadar el yazmasını tamamlayabilir misiniz? - Can you manage to complete the manuscript by Friday?

{i} müsvedde

1935'de bir yazar, annesi tarafından sağlanan fonla bir şiir kitabı yayımlattı. İthaf yazısında, onun kitap müsveddesini kabul etmeyen tüm editörlere teşekkür etti. - In 1935 a writer published a book of poetry with funds provided by his mother. In the dedication he thanked all the editors who had rejected his manuscript.

Müsveddeme hızla göz attı. - He quickly scanned my manuscript.

el yazma

Tom el yazmamın hatalarını düzeltti. - Tom proofread my manuscript.

Tom çabucak el yazmasına göz attı. - Tom quickly scanned the manuscript.

el yazması kitap

Bu eski bir el yazması. - It is an old manuscript.

Cumaya kadar el yazmasını tamamlayabilir misiniz? - Can you manage to complete the manuscript by Friday?

el yazması doküman
{i} el yazması metin

Doctor James Mortimer cebimde bir el yazması metin var dedi. - I have a manuscript in my pocket, Doctor James Mortimer said.

Deutsch - Englisch
Which is handwritten, or by extension typewritten, as opposed to mechanical reproduction
A single, original copy of a book, article, composition etc, written by hand or even printed, submitted as original for (copy-editing and) reproductive publication
A book, article etc, written by hand or typewritten, submitted for publication
A handwritten or typed composition, rather than printed Includes groups of personal papers which have some unifying characteristic and individual documents which have some special importance
A handwritten or typed composition, rather than printed Some databases list manuscripts by the abbreviation "mss "
Written with or by the hand; not printed; as, a manuscript volume
The handwritten copy of an author's work before it is printed; also includes groups of personal papers which have some unifying characteristic and individual documents which have some special importance
An unpublished version of a text, often an author's own copy
the form of a literary work submitted for publication handwritten book or document
A written or typewritten work, which the typesetter follows as a guide in setting copy to top
Writing, as opposed to print; as, the book exists only in manuscript
A manuscript is a handwritten or typed document, especially a writer's first version of a book before it is published. He had seen a manuscript of the book I am grateful to him for letting me read his early chapters in manuscript
handwritten book or document
a writers document of a novel, non-fiction book, screenplay or article
The raw copy for a book or magazine article (either handwritten or computer-generated) before it is edited and typeset
An author's original form of work (hand written, typed or on disk) submitted for publication
The typescript of a written work It should ALWAYS be typed or printed, never handwritten
A book, or any other document, written by hand
From the Latin manu scriptus, meaning "written by hand " Both an adjective and a noun used to describe a method of production and its product: a book, letter, document, etc written by hand, usually on parchment, paper, or papyrus Use in distinction to CODEX to denote a component item making up part of a COMPOSITE MANUSCRIPT CODEX As a noun, not applied to writing as inscribed on clay, stone, etc , nor properly to items such as typescripts, mimeographs, or other mechanical or electronic means of substitution for handwriting
manus (ausgearbeitete, handschriftliche vorlage für eine rede oder ein druckwerk