man pages

listen to the pronunciation of man pages
Englisch - Englisch
plural form of man page
man page
A helpfile in the Unix operating system
MAN page
manual file, file in UNIX which accompanies a program and explains its operation (Computers)
man page
Reference information about UNIX commands You can view man pages by choosing “Man Pages” from the Help toolchest
man page
manual page Standard Unix manual page (usually available on the computer system in nroff format, called with the command `man`)
man page
Online reference documentation on UNIX systems
man page
A short file of information about a Unix command The man command displays manual pages about all Unix commands and a few other topics, although they usually are written in a hopelessly technold style
man page
A document that describes a Unix command or file, readable by using the man command
man page
Things I would like to see in the man of my dreams
man page
A form of on-line and printed documentation standard on UNIX systems, consisting of formatted ASCII text files and displayed by the man program
man page
Online manual pages
man page
A manual page from the UNIX help system The man pages contain extended information on command syntax, application usage and configuration of the frontend To get the man page for a particular command or topic, enter
man pages